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Calculation and design of cylindrical hopper


As a result of the course project, a cylindrical bunker was calculated and designed. In turn, in the course project, the selection of structural materials was carried out, the selection of the bottom and cover, the determination of the design length of the shell, the shell was calculated under the influence of internal or external pressure, the bottoms and covers were calculated under the influence of internal or external pressure, the shell-cover flange joints were selected and calculated, the supports and nozzles were selected and calculated; and so on.

Project's Content

icon 10_Podbor_i_raschyot_lap.docx
icon 11_Podbor_i_raschet_opornoy_ramy_bunkera.docx
icon 12_Raschet_opornykh_stoek_pod_bunker.docx
icon 13_Proverka_opornykh_stoek_na_gibkost_zhyostkos.docx
icon 14_Podbor_i_raschyot_opornykh_baz.docx
icon 1_Vybor_konstruktsionnykh_materialov.docx
icon 2_Raschyot_geometricheskikh_parametrov_bunkera.docx
icon 3_lista.cdw
icon 3_Raschyot_nagruzok_deystvuyuschikh_na_vertikalnuyu.docx
icon 4_Raschyot_tolschiny_vertikalnykh_i_naklonnykh_sten.docx
icon 5_Podbor_i_raschet_na_prochnost_dnischa.docx
icon 6_Podbor_i_raschet_na_prochnost_kryshki.docx
icon 7_Raschyot_sopryazhenia_tsilindr_-_konus_po_kraev.docx
icon 8_Podbor_i_raschet_flantsevogo_soedinenia_kryshk.docx
icon 9_Podbor_shtutserov.docx
icon A1.cdw
icon Бункер.bak
icon Бункер.cdw
icon Косынка.bak
icon Косынка.cdw
icon Крышка.bak
icon Крышка.cdw
icon Накладная опора.bak
icon Накладная опора.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Фланец.cdw
icon Реферат, введение, заключение.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon Список использованной лит-ры.docx
icon Список используемых ГОСТов.docx
icon Степень унификации и стандартизации.docx
icon Титульник.docx
icon Чертежи раб..bak
icon Чертежи раб..cdw

Additional information




1 Selection of structural materials

2 Calculation of geometric parameters of the hopper

3 Calculation of loads acting on vertical and inclined walls

4 Calculation of thickness of vertical and inclined walls of the hopper

5 Selection and calculation of bottom strength

6 Selection and calculation of cover strength

7 Calculation of cylinder-cone coupling by edge stresses

8 Selection and calculation of flange connection "cover-cylinder"

9 Selection of connectors

9.1 Selection of manhole

10 Selecting and growing paws

11 Selection and calculation of the hopper support frame

12 Calculation of support posts for hopper

13 Check support posts for flexibility, rigidity and stability

14 Selection and calculation of support bases

Degree of unification and standardization

List of used GOST


List of literature used


The course project on the topic "Vertical vessel with stirrer" consists of 45 sheets of typewritten text and 2 sheets of graphic material in the format A1. Also, this project includes 3 sources of used literature.

The course design contains selection of structural materials of all elements of the apparatus, selection of bottoms and covers, determination of the design length of the shell, calculation of the shell under the influence of internal or external pressure, calculation of bottoms and covers under the influence of internal or external pressure, selection and calculation of flange joints of the shell, selection and calculation of supports, selection and calculation of connectors.


Chemical devices are designed to carry out chemical, physical or physicochemical processes in them, as well as to store and mix and store various chemicals in them.

Depending on the purpose, most often in the process, chemical devices are called a reactor, heat exchanger, evaporator, condenser, hopper, etc.

Contained and recyclable substances in the apparatus are in different aggregate state, different chemical activity, from inert to very aggressive for maintenance personnel from harmless and toxic and in operation from safe to explosive.


As a result of the course project, a cylindrical bunker was calculated and designed. The knowledge and skills gained in studying the discipline at lecture and practical classes were also enshrined.

In turn, in the course project, the selection of structural materials was carried out, the selection of the bottom and cover, the determination of the design length of the shell, the shell was calculated under the influence of internal or external pressure, the bottoms and covers were calculated under the influence of internal or external pressure, the flange joints of the "shell were selected and calculated, the supports and nozzles were selected and calculated; calculated and studied methods of strengthening the technological openings of the vessel.

List of literature used

Zenkov R. L., Grinevich G.P., Isaev V. S. Bunker devices - M.: Engineering, 1997222s.

Calculation and design of machines and units: teaching manual on the discipline of the same name for students of specialty 1360701/compiler Novoselskaya L.V., Garabazhiu A. A.-Mn.- BSTU, 2005.88 s.

Basis of chemical equipment design and calculation. Lashchinsky A.A., Tolchinsky A.R. - L.: Engineering, 1970.752 p.

Metal structures/Edited by Belen E.I.-M.: Stroyizdat, 1986560s.

List of GOST used

1 Bolt GOST 7796-70

2 Nut GOST 15521-70

3 Bottom GOST12619-78

4 Cover GOST 12836-78

5 Washer GOST 6402-70

6 Connector OST 26-1404-76

7 Hatch OST 26-2002-77

8 I-beam GOST 8239-85

9 Flange OST 26-426-79

10 Support OST 2666579

Drawings content

icon 3_lista.cdw


icon A1.cdw


icon Бункер.cdw


icon Косынка.cdw


icon Крышка.cdw


icon Накладная опора.cdw

Накладная опора.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw


icon Фланец.cdw


icon Чертежи раб..cdw

Чертежи раб..cdw