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Bulldozer based on the T-330 tractor


Diploma project, 10 drawings, full explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Активный рабочий орган.cdw
icon Бульдозер-рыхлитель.cdw
icon Винтовой рабочий орган.cdw
icon гидросхема.cdw
icon Ведомая звездочка.cdw
icon Крышка подшипника.cdw
icon Крышка.cdw
icon Палец.cdw
icon Полуось шнека.cdw
icon упорная крышка.cdw
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon Вертикальное усилие выглубления.cdw
icon Вертикальное усилие заглубления.cdw
icon Импульсный водомёт.cdw
icon Компановка цепной передачи.cdw
icon Маршрут. карта(Заготовка).frw
icon Маршрут. карта.frw
icon Маршрут. карта.jpg
icon операц.карта Сверление.frw
icon операц.карта Сверление.jpg
icon операц.карта Токарная 2.frw
icon операц.карта Токарная 2.jpg
icon операц.карта Фрезерная.frw
icon операц.карта Фрезерная.jpg
icon операц.карта Фрезерно-центровальн..frw
icon операц.карта Фрезерно-центровальн..jpg
icon операц.карта Шлифовальная.frw
icon операц.карта Шлифовальная.jpg
icon операц.карта(Заготовка).frw
icon операц.картаТокарная.frw
icon операц.картаТокарная.jpg
icon Определение копания грунта.cdw
icon Пневматический метод.cdw
icon Сопротивление грунта резанию.cdw
icon Схема нагревательного прибора.frw
icon Схема нагревательного прибора.jpg
icon Схема сил, действующих на бульдозер.cdw
icon Схема сил, действующих на РО.cdw
icon Схема толкающей рамы.cdw
icon Схемы кабины для расчёта 2.frw
icon Схемы кабины для расчёта 2.jpg
icon Схемы кабины для расчёта.frw
icon Схемы кабины для расчёта.jpg
icon Трактор Т-330 (Эскиз).cdw
icon Участок кабины в разрезе.frw
icon Участок кабины в разрезе.jpg
icon Эпюра Q.cdw
icon Эпюра М.cdw
icon Общий видТ-330.cdw
icon Отвал поворотный.cdw
icon раскос и гидрораскос.cdw
icon Заг.cdw
icon Оп1.cdw
icon Оп2.cdw
icon Оп3.cdw
icon Оп4.cdw
icon Оп5.cdw
icon полуось шнека.cdw
icon Толкающая рама бульдозера.cdw

Additional information



1. Main part

1.1 Overview of soil development methods and methods

1.2 Overview of similar designs of domestic and foreign

1.3 Selection of main geometrical parameters of operating equipment

1.4 Traction calculation

1.5 Power Plant Power Selection

1.6 Determination of forces in the control system

1.7 Selection of hydraulic cylinders

1.8 Statistical calculation

1.9 Measuring Performance

1.10 Calculation of modernization angle

2. Process Part

2.1 Development of semi-axle manufacturing process

2.2 Calculation of machining allowances

2.3 Calculation of turning allowance

2.4 Process Operation Design

2.5 Calculation of time norms for turning operation

3. Occupational safety

3.1 Microclimate

3.2 Noise

4. Economic part

4.1 Determination of economic effect of machine modernization

4.2 Determining the payback period of modernized equipment

5. Ecology

5.1 Land reclamation

List of sources used


The basis of the fleet of earth-moving machines in the construction and mining industries is bulldozers. They account for more than 40% of all earthworks in the country and up to 90% of overburden mining.

Bulldozers layer by layer develop and move not abysmal groups,, and partially groups (according to the classification of the Gosstroy ENiR) without preliminary loosening,,, groups and abysmal groups of the m group - with preliminary loosening. Installation on the bulldozer of rear ripping equipment allows you to effectively develop strong disassembling groups, characterized by a sound wave speed of up to 3 km/h and freezing low-temperature groups (up to 15... 25 C), including in cold climate zones of Russia. The economic range of the group by bulldozer is 15... 70 m depending on the tractor power, reaching 180 m when operating the heaviest machines in the mining industry.

Bulldozers and bulldozers with rippers occupy a dominant position in the construction of earthen structures, the arrangement of excavations, the construction of embankments, the layout of sites, the development and backfilling of trenches and pits, the clearing of sites from vegetation and roads from snow, used when loading scrapers and ripping works. Their wide distribution is facilitated by high productivity, versatility, maneuverability, mobility, autonomy, simplicity of construction of working equipment, reliability in operation. Bulldozers and bulldozers with rippers are usually classified according to the nominal traction force and running systems of basic tractors, purpose, structural features of mounted equipment.

The main classification parameter associated with the mass of the tractor and directly determining the remaining technical and economic indicators of bulldozers with rippers is the nominal traction force, according to which they distinguish: bulldozers are very light (small) - the nominal traction force up to 25 kN, lightweight - 25... 135 kN, average - 135... 200 kN, heavy - 200 kN and over 350kN...

Hydrogenation of lifting, skewing, tilting, turning in terms of bulldozers dumps ensures maximum adaptation of working elements to the conditions of work performed, which significantly increases the efficiency of machines. This is also facilitated by improving the parameters of working bodies and equipment, as well as automation of machine control.

Recently, in order to facilitate operation and reduce the cost of production, common, structurally similar solutions of hinged equipment in all standard rows of bulldozers have been widely used.

Processability, repairability, reduction of maintenance time losses are the main factors of creation of new structures.

5. ecology

5.1 Land reclamation

The functional features of land use have determined its important place among natural resources. It is the initial material basis for the well-being of members of society, the spatial basis for the placement of productive forces and the resettlement of people, the basis for the normal flow of reproductive resources of all factors, economic growth - labor, material, technical and natural. History showed the fidelity of the formula of V. Petty, according to which labor is the experience of material wealth, and land is his mother.

As a means of production, the earth has its own specific features, especially compared to artificially created means of production can be reproduced as they physically wear. Soil cover is also a renewed natural resource, but it takes hundreds of years to recover naturally, which means the actual exclusion from intensive economic activity of massifs with a destroyed soil layer in the foreseeable future. To restore the soil layer 2.5 cm thick, it takes 3001000 years, and for an arable layer 18 cm thick - 2-7 thousand years. This makes the planning approaches for land and non-renewable resources known to be comparable. However, land has only its peculiar characteristics of reproduction as a means of production and natural resource. The correct approach to the use of the earth, its world ecology and protection allows not only to maintain its biological potential and productivity at the same level, but also to significantly multiply them.

Land reclamation is the most effective way to return land to the use of territory emerging from other uses, primarily after open mining.

In a number of developed capitalist countries, such as the United States, by virtue of the laws of production, the territories of former quarries are usually abandoned and form barren industrial deserts. The socialist mode of production, despite the best land security in our country, cannot allow such wasteful treatment of those. Therefore, the restoration of soil fertility in the finished development of territories, which are the goal of reclamation land, is being carried out in us and in a number of socialist countries more and more intensively.

Land reclamation refers to a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and national economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving the environment according to GOST

Reclamation can be technical and biological, although in essence both of these stages are single, since biological reclamation inevitably precedes technical reclamation. The first stage of reclamation is the deoxidation of dumps, that is, the neutralization by liming of harmful chemicals (mainly acids) resulting from the connection of oxides with sedimentary waters. It also has its own negative aspects of the use of chemical products in the land economy. In many regions of the world, over-chemization of land production is the main cause of environmental imbalances. In this regard, the development of environmentally friendly fertilizers should be the most important area for the development of the chemical industry. Reduce the amount of chemical releases into the environment and landfill. In Russia, the fight against chemical pollution is carried out through the control of the environment and food. The next stage consists in rough surface layout, i.e. cutting of dumps, filling of the deepest depressions. Part of the quarries can be filled with water, and grasses and tree species are sown along the banks of the resulting reservoirs (pine and birch are the most promising). The landscaping of the territory is preceded by the so-called clay layout, that is, the formation of the final relief of the devoid of inconvenient areas. As a result, recreation areas are formed at the site of quarries, and the quarries themselves cease to be a negative factor in influencing adjacent agricultural lands. Actually, the biological stage of reclamation, i.e. restoration of soil fertility, begins virtually simultaneously with the beginning of the creation of a quarry and is based on the selective principle of overburden work. At the same time, the humus layer of soil removed first is not stored under dumps after blowing horizons, but is bulldozed into shafts and burrows, and stored there until the end of development. After that, following the deoxidation of the rough and rigid layout, the next stage of reclamation is carried out - the return of the fertile layer to its place of initial localization. Over the past 10 years, the use of the biological method has increased from 12.4 to 32 million hectares. In the future, the improvement of agricultural technology in combination with the biological method allows to minimize the use of chemical products. Dissemination to the biological method to create an industry for the production of microbiological means of land protection. The negative environmental and economic consequences of the use of many agricultural and industrial equipment require a fundamental change in the policy of scientific and technological progress in industrial and agricultural engineering, its restructuring in the direction of environmental friendliness and economy. In relation to land resources, this means the need for the widespread introduction of machines and mechanisms with extremely low specific pressure on the soil. In the USSR in the 80s, land reclamation reached huge proportions. If in 19711975 the area of the restored land was on average about 36 thousand hectares in one year, then in 19861989 the national economy was returned an average of 157 thousand hectares or 4.3 times more. In the future, the full volume of land restoration is reduced. Land restoration methods have now been developed to accelerate the process of returning fertility to disturbed soils. First of all, this is the creation of a productive vegetation cover due to land use and the use of agricultural - and mineral fertilizers, the regulation of the water regime, and the improvement of the physical properties of the land during technical reclamation. Soviet and foreign experience shows that with constructive technology, the restoration of land and its return to economic activity can be carried out within a period not exceeding ten years. Reclamation is an expensive activity. A 20 cm thick layer of humus horizon, which must be displaced during opening, weighs about 3000 tons/ha. Reclamation of 1 hectare costs 2.02.5 thousand rubles.Nevertheless, this path is economically justified .

Drawings content

icon Активный рабочий орган.cdw

Активный рабочий орган.cdw

icon Бульдозер-рыхлитель.cdw


icon Винтовой рабочий орган.cdw

Винтовой рабочий орган.cdw

icon гидросхема.cdw


icon Ведомая звездочка.cdw

Ведомая звездочка.cdw

icon Крышка подшипника.cdw

Крышка подшипника.cdw

icon Крышка.cdw


icon Палец.cdw


icon Полуось шнека.cdw

Полуось шнека.cdw

icon упорная крышка.cdw

упорная крышка.cdw

icon Вертикальное усилие выглубления.cdw

Вертикальное усилие выглубления.cdw

icon Вертикальное усилие заглубления.cdw

Вертикальное усилие заглубления.cdw

icon Импульсный водомёт.cdw

Импульсный водомёт.cdw

icon Компановка цепной передачи.cdw

Компановка цепной передачи.cdw

icon Маршрут. карта(Заготовка).frw

Маршрут. карта(Заготовка).frw

icon Маршрут. карта.frw

Маршрут. карта.frw

icon операц.карта Сверление.frw

операц.карта Сверление.frw

icon операц.карта Токарная 2.frw

операц.карта Токарная 2.frw

icon операц.карта Фрезерная.frw

операц.карта Фрезерная.frw

icon операц.карта Фрезерно-центровальн..frw

операц.карта Фрезерно-центровальн..frw

icon операц.карта Шлифовальная.frw

операц.карта Шлифовальная.frw

icon операц.карта(Заготовка).frw


icon операц.картаТокарная.frw


icon Определение копания грунта.cdw

Определение копания грунта.cdw

icon Пневматический метод.cdw

Пневматический метод.cdw

icon Сопротивление грунта резанию.cdw

Сопротивление грунта резанию.cdw

icon Схема нагревательного прибора.frw

Схема нагревательного прибора.frw

icon Схема сил, действующих на бульдозер.cdw

Схема сил, действующих на бульдозер.cdw

icon Схема сил, действующих на РО.cdw

Схема сил, действующих на РО.cdw

icon Схема толкающей рамы.cdw

Схема толкающей рамы.cdw

icon Схемы кабины для расчёта 2.frw

Схемы кабины для расчёта 2.frw

icon Схемы кабины для расчёта.frw

Схемы кабины для расчёта.frw

icon Трактор Т-330 (Эскиз).cdw

Трактор Т-330 (Эскиз).cdw

icon Участок кабины в разрезе.frw

Участок кабины в разрезе.frw

icon Эпюра Q.cdw

Эпюра Q.cdw

icon Эпюра М.cdw

Эпюра М.cdw

icon Общий видТ-330.cdw

Общий видТ-330.cdw

icon Отвал поворотный.cdw

Отвал поворотный.cdw

icon раскос и гидрораскос.cdw

раскос и гидрораскос.cdw

icon Заг.cdw


icon Оп1.cdw


icon Оп2.cdw


icon Оп3.cdw


icon Оп4.cdw


icon Оп5.cdw


icon полуось шнека.cdw

полуось шнека.cdw

icon Толкающая рама бульдозера.cdw

Толкающая рама бульдозера.cdw