Building and Power Supply Lighting Plan
- Added: 03.07.2014
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Project's Content
Часть 1.doc
Часть 2.doc
План вентиляции здания.cdw
План водопровода и канализации.cdw
План освещения и енергоснаб..cdw
План разводки отопления.cdw
Расположение оборудования.cdw
Спец часть1.cdw
Спец часть2.cdw
Тех Проц.cdw
Additional information
1. Technical and economic justification and calculation
car service payback
1.1.Selection and justification of plant location
1.2.General Plan
1.3.Select the main service area
1.4.Planning of posts
1.5.Selection and justification of equipment
1.6. Calculation of annual scope of work
1.7.Determination of personnel
1.8.Economic justification of the enterprise
2. Calculation of communications
2.1.Projection of heating system
2.2.Venting system design
2.3. Design of water supply and sewerage systems
2.4. Lighting system design
2.5. Power supply system design
3. Process Part
3.1. Factors causing increased tire wear. Types of tyre wear and tear
3.1.1. Failure to comply with internal tyre air pressure standards
and their congestion
3.1.2. Inept Driving
3.1.3. Irregular maintenance and repair of tyres
3.1.4. Violation of tyre removal and installation rules
3.1.5. Wheel imbalance
3.1.6. Undercarriage and steering failures
3.2. Condition of tyres and their installation
3.2.1. Tyre mileage rate and accounting for their operation
3.2.2. Installation and removal of tyres
3.3. Maintenance
3.4. Front wheel mounting angles
3.5. Repair
3.5.1. Procedure for replacement and maintenance of front axle
3.5.2. Front Axle Collection Order
4.Potent Search
5. Special part
5.1. Automotive suspension device
5.2. Calculation of the front suspension of the GAZ-53A car
5.2.1. Purpose, design requirements, classification
5.2.2. Elastic characteristic of suspension Main parameters of suspension characteristic with two elastic elements
5.2.3. Loads on elastic element and deflection
5.2.4. Elastic suspension elements and their calculation. Leaf springs
5.3. Shock absorber arrangement
5.3.1. Calculation of shock absorbers Calculation of shock absorbers and speed of vibration attenuation Characteristics of shock absorber and its definition
geometric parameters Shock absorber strength calculation
5.4. Wheel arrangement
5.5. Automobile tires
6.Safety of life activities
Bibliographic list
The Avtoservice system currently has a fairly powerful production potential. Further strengthening of this system should include not only the commissioning of new facilities, but also the reconstruction of old facilities, increasing labor productivity, improving the quality of services. During the entire service life, this system must ensure, within the requirements of the customer and technical requirements of the car, its serviceability, reliability and maximum technical readiness factor, as well as the minimum time spent by the client to support and restore the operation of his car.
The service sector as a branch of economic activity is a set of organizations, the purpose of which is to provide a variety of paid services for individual orders of the population. Thus, the services sector solves the most important socio-economic tasks and its importance in the life of society is steadily increasing. One type of such services is car service.
The role of the car service, as a segment of the secondary market, has recently been steadily growing, the reason for this is the current trends in the production of cars by world automakers, which, satisfying the demand of car owners, and fighting for the market, increase the speed of the car; increasing the engine cubature, aerodynamics, car design. Introducing new technologies, they equip the car with an on-board computer with highly sensitive sensors. New systems and devices are being invented to improve safety and environmental friendliness. Trying to emphasize the individuality of each car owner, automakers increased the range of colors of cars, replaced traditional materials with new ones, i.e. black tin, steel heavy alloys with galvanized steel sheets, light metals, plastics and combined materials. All of the above complicates the production of the car, maintenance, disaster repair, and this leads to an increase in the cost of the car, maintenance and repair.
As a result of increased demand for cars and higher sales costs, the car repair business moves from normal maintenance to after emergency repair of cars, thereby becoming more profitable, becoming a significant economic factor in modern industrial countries. As a result, you can put forward the main development trends and requirements for car service:
- Professional development;
- shift of emphasis from maintenance to after emergency repair;
- Increased investment in equipment and appliances;
- application of new technologies and chemical-technological
All of the above results in:
- to reduce the duration of the car stay in
workshop for repair;
- Reduction of production costs;
- Reducing the need for materials and spare parts;
- Increasing the cost of work and wages.
The owner of the car now does not find it difficult to find a maintenance station in case of a serious breakdown (although stations where they work at a high professional level can be counted on the fingers of one hand). Therefore, most motorists prefer to eliminate small breakdowns that do not require a special tool by hand.
The car service is now undergoing a certain stage of evolution, trying to adapt to the current situation in the service sector. By itself, being a myth about small investments, huge and easy profits, it attracts many entrepreneurs, for whom quick profits are in the first place. Having exhausted all the reserves of the "one-time" car service, these entrepreneurs are likely to engage in another business, that is, the problem of firmodnodnevki is great, undermining not only their own, but also the reputation of other car service enterprises.
In many ways, everything depends on the situation in our country. When entrepreneurs cannot take such a big risk as investing in a car service, since payback periods can reach up to 1012 years.
In my opinion, in the current situation on the market, the most reasonable would be the opening of a network of small or medium-sized maintenance stations (hereinafter referred to as STO) for various types of provided car service services. This, in my opinion, will reduce the risk. It is also necessary to master promising areas close to the car service, such as auto examination and the provision of qualified legal assistance in the accident court.
I also believe that the car service should provide services for the repair of the car, regardless of the brand and manufacturer's factory, the country where it was produced, this is the inheritance of branded STO.
As an entrepreneur must set the mission of his enterprise, the employee must contribute to social development, be able to cooperate and have a team spirit, make tireless efforts to improve, and be able to adapt to various situations.
Over time, the car service will go through all stages of evolution and will turn into small workshops that can repair any car, regardless of its brand and origin, it will be independent private enterprises with their inherent flexibility and mobility. They will have a constant circle of customers whose cars they will serve from the moment of purchase to pre-sale preparation .
Despite the fact that it is the possibility of maintenance that is often one of the main factors in choosing a car, the concept of "car service" cannot be compared only with car repair, since car service is an industry of activity directly related to meeting any needs of motorists.
Unfortunately, during its development, the Soviet car service was focused only on the car, and not on the person with the car, in connection with which its structure, organization, production processes differed significantly from demand. And this situation was characteristic not only of the car service, but of the entire service sector, that is, the secondary market. But it should be noted that now the Russian service sector, having overcome the barriers of the old system, is now developing every year, is following the right path of competition, inseparability from the manufacturer and most importantly
1. feasibility study and calculation of car service payback
1.1. Site selection and justification
The building construction area is the city of Kazan, the car service is located along Gavrilov Street at the intersection with Chuikova Street.
The choice of this construction site is based on the following:
1. In the immediate vicinity of the car service is a transport interchange.
2. Another important factor in the location of the car service building is the low competition due to the fact that these types of work do not turn out to be in nearby car service enterprises.
3. The car service is located at the entrance to the city, this fact will also positively affect the number of customers.
1.2. Master Plan
The car service building is located on Gavrilov Street. Since repair work is less in demand and takes more time than washing, for greater convenience of access and departure of customers, a washing post and a short-term repair post for cars are located closer to the roadway.
The building is one-story (the height of the building is 5.2 m.), The external dimensions are 22 m wide and 24 m long, the total useful area of the building is 390 m ² .
Floors on the wash posts - ceramic tiles, walls 2m from the floor are also decorated with ceramic tiles for waterproofing walls. In the room of the painting posts - ground concrete. In the shower, toilets coating - ceramic tiles. On the territory of the car service there is a parking lot for two trucks and five cars. The entire territory of the car service enterprise is fenced with a fence 2 m high. When entering the car service territory, there are gates that are closed if necessary.
1.3. Selection of the main service area
The main type of work in this diploma project is the repair of the undercarriage of trucks.
Also at this enterprise there is a washing post and a short-term repair post for cars. The following types of works will be performed at the wash:
- rinsing;
- body wash;
- cleaning of the cabin with a vacuum cleaner;
- engine washing;
- cleaning of the cabin;
- polishing.
Short-term repair post:
- replacement and adjustment of LPG belt;
- replacement and adjustment of generator;
- replacement of vehicle undercarriage parts;
- replacement of exhaust system.
Truck undercarriage repair post:
- setting of wheel angles;
- replacement of vehicle undercarriage parts;
- replacement of springs:
- replacement of bushings and pivots of turning knuckles;
- replacement of steering rods hinges, etc.
1.4. Layout of posts
This building fully meets all the requirements (location, area, layout) that have been presented. Therefore, all further calculations will be carried out for this building.
Workshop room shall comply with aesthetic standards. The appearance is important for the car owner to choose a service place for the car. The most important thing inside the room is a convenient, rational placement of equipment.
Based on the scheme of the building, we determine:
- 3 car washing and cabin cleaning station;
- 2 truck undercarriage repair posts;
- 1 short-term repair post for passenger cars;
- Pantry;
- Electrical panel;
- Corridor;
- Pantry;
- Shower;
- Bathroom;
- Locker room;
- Master's office;
- Accountant's office;
- Office of the Secretary;
"The director's office.
The required areas will be calculated relative to the dimensions of cars and the dimensions of the equipment purchased.
It is no secret that the most common cars in Russia are VAZ cars, but KAMAZ trucks, so the required areas for posts will be calculated relative to the size of VAZ and KAMAZ cars.
1.8. Economic justification of the car service enterprise
The maintenance station considered in this project is located on the street. Gavrilova.
Stages of production development
Stage I (4 months).
During this period, the building is being reconstructed in order to improve working conditions. Personnel selection is also carried out, the necessary technological equipment is purchased. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out a thorough market study in order to identify the most promising directions in the development of the maintenance station.
During this time, the STO does not provide any services, therefore, funds are spent from the development fund, which is provided through investments.
Phase II (4 months).
The second stage is the beginning of commercial activity. At this stage, special attention should be paid to advertising, since it is during this period of time that the formation of a new station begins and its entry into the service market.
Stages III and IV (4 months each).
During these periods, there is a further formation of the workshop, a gradual increase in the recognition of the new car service and an increase in demand for services provided.
Phase V (all subsequent years).
Steady-state operation mode with constant loading of posts.
План вентиляции здания.cdw
План водопровода и канализации.cdw
План освещения и енергоснаб..cdw
План разводки отопления.cdw
Расположение оборудования.cdw
Спец часть1.cdw
Спец часть2.cdw
Тех Проц.cdw
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