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Brake drum GAZ 3102


Course project. Technological calculation of the TO-2 complex of the automotive repair enterprise with the development of the process of repair of the Gaz-3102 brake system

Project's Content

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1. General part

1.1. Introduction

2. Analytical section

2.1. Characteristics of road transport enterprise

2.2. Characteristics of maintenance post -

3. Calculation and processing section

3.1. Selection of initial maintenance and repair mode standards

3.1.1. Correction of TO-1 periodicity; TO-2 and mileage to overhaul

3.1.2. Correction of labour intensity of technical impacts

3.2. Determination of the vehicle availability factor

3.3. Determination of vehicle utilization

3.4. Definition of the annual car maintenance program in ATP

3.5. Definition of the annual car maintenance programme

3.6. Calculation of the replacement program

3.7. Determination of total annual labour intensity of maintenance and maintenance works of ATP rolling stock

3.8. Determination of the number of repair workers in ATP and at the design site in the maintenance area

3.8.1. For ATP

3.8.2. Determination of number of jobs and repair workers for TO- area

4. Organizational section

4.1. Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization at ATP

4.2. Selection of process organization method in TO- zone

4.3 Process diagram in maintenance area -

4.4. Selection of operation mode of production departments of the auto-transport enterprise

4.5. Calculation of number of posts in TO- zone

4.6. Selection of process equipment

4.7. Calculation of production area of object TO-

4.8. Occupational safety, industrial sanitation

5. Process Section

5.1 List of possible failures of the braking system

5.2 Technology of disassembly, assembly and repair

5.2.1 Replacement of front wheel brake pads

5.2.2 Replacement of brake pads of rear wheels

5.2.3 Replacement of front wheel brake cylinders

5.2.4 Replacement of rear wheel brake cylinder

5.2.5 Removal of front wheel brake caliper

5.2.6 Replacement of brake fluid and pumping of brake system

5.2.7 Tightening moments

6. Conclusion

7. List of literature

8. Graphic part

1.1 Introduction

Depending on the nature of the work performed, repairs are divided into 2 main types: capital and current. In some cases, when operating rolling stock in heavy road conditions, the average repair of the car and its main units is allowed as an exception.

Maintenance consists in replacement or repair of the separate worn-out or damaged details, knots, units and mechanisms. The need for the current repair is determined during the operation of the car, as well as during control and diagnostic work before maintenance.

The current repair of the car is carried out in two ways: individual and aggregate.

The individual method of routine repair is that the units removed from the car are not depersonalized, after repair they are installed on the same car. The main drawback of this method is that the car, waiting for from-repaired units, is at the repair post for a long time.

The modular method of maintenance is in what for reduction of idle time of the car under repair faulty knots, units, mechanisms replace new or in advance repaired taken from revolving fund. Removed faulty units are sent to the repair plant or to production workshops.

The aggregate method of routine repair can be applied at both universal and specialized repair posts. At the universal post, the current repair of the car is carried out by one team from beginning to end, at a specialized one. On a specialized basis, only a certain type of activity is performed.

2. Analytical section

2.1. Characteristics of road transport enterprise

Road transport enterprise is intended for transportation of goods. In addition, the road transport company carries out storage, maintenance and repair of cars. The company was also engaged in replenishing the fleet with new cars, technological equipment, spare parts and materials. The structure of the enterprise is based on three production subsystems: main, auxiliary, servicing.

The main production performs work on the EO; TO1; TO-2; TR.

The auxiliary unit ensures the work of the main production. The Technical Service manages the main production. The following services and departments are part of the motor transport enterprise: technical service, operation service, no-danger traffic, logistics department, as well as planning department and accounting.

The motor transport company is headed by the general director, and the technical management is entrusted to the chief engineer.

There are 175 Gaz-3102 vehicles on the balance sheet of the motor transport enterprise. The average daily mileage of cars is 260km, and the mileage in fractions from the mileage rate to overhaul is 0.25 shares.

The motor transport enterprise is located in the Kaluga region. Cars are operated on the roads of the second category of operating conditions. Cars work 305 days a year, one shift. The duration of cars on the line is eight hours.

2.2. Characteristics of maintenance post - 2

THEY are 2 is intended for maintenance of cars in technically working order, identifications and preventions of refusals and malfunctions and also decrease in intensity of wear of details, knots and mechanisms by carrying out the established complex of works:

►kontrolno-smotrovykh and diagnostic;



►armaturnykh and other types of work.

- 2 has the same appointment, as - 1, but it is carried out bigger volume, with conducting profound check of parameters of operability of the car (and not only for the purpose of identifying various faults, but also for determining the possible mileage without carrying out routine repairs during the further operation of the car)and troubleshooting detected faults by replacing faulty, easily accessible parts and even assemblies. To carry out such a volume of work, cars, on the day of maintenance - 2, are removed according to the Regulation from operation on the line for a period of up to one day. During this time, the car must be prepared according to technical standing so that its reliable, trouble-free operation on the line is guaranteed, if possible without setting for ongoing repair until the next maintenance - 2.

4.3 Process diagram in maintenance zone -2.

TO-2 begins with control and diagnostic works that allow to determine the technical condition of the car and the list of necessary adjustment works. Evaluation parameters: engine power and fuel consumption, efficiency of transmission units and undercarriage, car braking path and noise level in mechanisms.

If performance and safety indicators are within acceptable limits, then diagnosis is limited to this. If the efficiency of the mechanism (unit) or braking system by any parameter is below the permissible level, then the diagnosis continues until the state parameters are detected, which led to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Mandatory include fastening work. When assessing the condition of the fastener connection, its restoration and determining the frequency of service, the purpose and conditions of work are taken into account:

The first group is threaded joints, on which the without danger of driving the car depends (brake connections, steering, etc.). The connections of this group should be served most frequently and qualitatively.

The second group is fasteners that ensure the strength of structures. These connections usually carry a power load, and the reliability and durability of the car as a whole depends on them (engine attachment, springs, transmissions, etc.).

The third group is fasteners that provide tightness of systems (not included in the first group) that prevent leakage of liquid, gases (fuel, air, water, oil pipelines, etc.).

Adjustment works are carried out according to the need in the diagnostic process or in a specialized area.

Electrical works. During operation, faults occur in the electrical equipment system, the elimination of which accounts for from 11 to 17% of the total volume of maintenance work on cars. The main number of malfunctions falls on the ignition system, battery and generator with relay - regulator.

Tyre maintenance consists in control of air pressure, in external inspection to establish the nature and degree of tread wear, removal of sharp objects stuck in it, and check the clearance between twin tyres, rearrangement of tyres, their assembly and dismantling.

Lubricating work during maintenance of cars reaches 30% of labor costs for maintenance. The main process document determining the content of lubrication works is the lubrication map, which indicates the place of lubrication, the number of lubrication points, the name and amount of lubrication, the periodicity corresponding to the type of maintenance.

5.2. Disassembly, assembly and repair technology

5.2.1 Replacement of front wheel brake pads

The blocks shall be replaced if the thickness of the friction linings as a result of wear has decreased to 1, 5 mm.

a) Lift the front of the car, set sub-rates and remove the wheel.

b) By passatiges we remove cotter pins from guide pins of blocks attachment.

c) With a thin puncture, knock the fingers out of the ears, before wetting them with the liquid WD40.

d) We take out our fingers, making sure that, having released, the pressure springs of the blocks are not lost.

e) With ticks through the block, the pistons are sunk into the cylinders.

e) Remove old brake pads.

Install the new brake pads in the order opposite to removal, before lubricating the guide fingers with a thin layer of Litol24 lubricant. Pressing the brake pedal several times, "reduce" the co-boats.

5.2.2 Replacement of brake pads of rear wheels

We replace the rear brake pads when the friction linings wear to a thickness of 1, 5 mm.

1) Lift the car on the lift and remove the wheel.

2) Remove the brake drum:

- With the key "on 12" we turn away two guide pins,..

-... we insert them into the technological holes and, turning, shift the drum from the mounting belt of the half-axle flange.

- If the drum is strongly "touched" to the seat, carefully knock it down with a hammer through a wooden bar, before wetting the seat with kerosene or WD40 liquid.

"Take off the brake drum.

3) Press the support plate and turn by 900, remove it and the spring.

1. Similarly, remove the cup of another block.

5) Using a large screwdriver, remove the lower parts of both brake pads from the support.

6) Remove the lower tightening spring.

Pull the block aside, releasing the spacer bar, and remove the bar.

8) Remove the upper tightening spring.

Disconnect the parking cable drive lever from the cable tip.

10) We take the cotter pin out of the finger with passatiges.

11) Remove lever, washer and finger from the block.

We install new blocks in the order opposite to removal. Before installation of shoes with new linings, we loosen the tension of the parking brake cable. We shift inside the pistons of the wheel cylinder with sliding passages. After mounting the brake drum, press the brake pedal sharply and strongly so that the thrust rings in the wheel cylinder take their places. Adjust the parking brake.

5.2.3 Replacement of front wheel brake cylinders

1) Remove the front brake caliper from the car and fix it in the clutches.

2) Remove the connecting tube of operating cylinders.

3) By pressing the screwdriver on the spring-loaded retainer,...

4)... knock out the wheel cylinder from the caliper with a puncture from soft metal.

If the new cylinder does not have a retainer, we reposition it from the old one.

Install the cylinder in the order opposite to removal. After the caliper is installed, the car is pumped through the brake system.

5.2.4 Replacement of rear wheel brake cylinder

1) Remove the brake drum:

- With the key "on 12" we turn away two guide pins,..

-... we insert them into the technological holes and, turning, shift the drum from the mounting belt of the half-axle flange.

- If the drum is strongly "touched" to the seat, carefully knock it down with a hammer through a wooden bar, before wetting the seat with kerosene or WD40 liquid.

"Take off the brake drum.

2) With a screwdriver, remove from the support first one, then the other lower parts of the brake pads and lower the pads down.

3) Use wrench "for 10" (or special "brake" wrench) to turn the connector of the brake tube. To avoid loss of braking fluid, put a protective cap on the end of the pipe from the pumping connector.

4) With "10" head we turn off two bolts of cylinder attachment to the airbrake...

5)... and remove the cylinder.

Install the cylinder in reverse order. After assembly (including installation of the brake drum), pump the brake system from the side of the replaced cylinder.

5.2.5 Removal of front wheel brake caliper

1) Remove the front brake pads.

2) Disconnect the brake hose from the caliper.

3) Bend the locking plates of two bolts of the caliper attachment with a tooth.

4) With head "on 17" turn both bolts of caliper attachment.

5) Remove the caliper.

You can remove the caliper and assembled with brake pads. To do this, disconnect the brake hose from the caliper and remove the caliper attachment bolts.

We install the caliper in the order opposite to the removal. After changing the caliper, pump the brake system

5.2.6 Replacement of brake fluid and pumping of brake system

Pumping of brakes is necessary after replacement of brake fluid, as well as for removal of air that got into hydraulic drive during repair or replacement of individual units of brake system.

We do the work together.

Air is removed first from one circuit, then from another, starting each time from the wheel most distant from the main cylinder.

To pump the front contour, hang the front of the car and remove the wheels.

1) Remove the rubber protective cap from the tightening connector of the RH cylinder wheel.

6. We put a hose on it (better transparent), lowering its free end into a suitable container.

The assistant presses the brake pedal three to four times with an interval of one to two seconds and keeps the pedal pressed.

3) With wrench on "8," turn the pumping connector to 1/2-3/4 turn

At that part of braking fluid and air are displaced into container, and pedal is lowered to floor. Air bubbles are clearly visible in the transparent hose or liquid. Wrap the threaded connector, after which the assistant can release the pedal.

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