Bowl Bumper Drive

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
3.1 Analysis of types and causes of downtime
3.2 Preparation of the list of defects or repair list
3.3 Development of overhaul process
4 Economic part
4.1 Determination of labor intensity of works and number of workers
4.2 Determining the cost of materials and spare parts
4.3 Determination of salary fund for repair
4.4 Determination of indirect costs for overhaul
4.5 Determination of Capital Cost
5 Occupational and environmental protection
5.1 Safety precautions during operation and repair of cup shackle -
5.2 Hazardous and harmful production factors, their effect on the site
5.3 Industrial Waste Water Treatment Methods
List of sources used
Appendix A - Computer Calculation Results
Appendix B - Monthly Schedule of the PPM
Appendix B - Annual Schedule of the PDP
Appendix D - List of Defects
Appendix D - Pay Regulation
Appendix E - Specifications
In the process of formation, a mechanical technician plays a special role in the ability of a student to conduct research in order to accumulate information about the object of study, to independently analyze the currently useful selected information. Develop skills and skills in the performance of work, develop measures related to the technical operation of equipment.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the topic was composed of the following works :
1. Kasatkin, N. L.
2. Tselikov, A.I.
The purpose of the study is to design the drive of the cup pelletizer from unified (standard) units and parts of domestic production, to develop measures for the maintenance and repair of the cup pelletizer.
The objective of the study was to:
1. Collect the necessary material about the cup shroud
2. Perform selection of drive elements and make check calculations
3. Design Equipment Drive
4. Develop equipment installation process
5. Draw up the annual schedule and monthly schedules of the WDP, the list of defects.
6. Consider safe working methods during repair
The object of the study is the joint-stock company Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant, a clumping factory.
The significance of the work is the practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge of the content of disciplines studied in college, as well as the acquisition of the ability to independently research .
1 Descriptive part
1.1 Brief description of Lebedinsky joint-stock company
Mining and Processing Plant, "firing shops and equipment in the workshop
Lebedinsky mining and processing plant was built on the basis of the Lebedinsky deposit of ferrous quartzites in order to increase the raw material base of ferrous metallurgy on the mineral resources of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA).
The project for the construction of the plant was carried out by the institutes Mekhanobrchermet, Promstroyproekt, Elektrotyazhkhimproekt, Metallurgavtomatics, etc.
Mining capital work for the extraction of ferruginous quartzites began in 1967 at the current Lebedinsky quarry for the extraction of rich iron ores, the construction of the plant's facilities began in 1968, and in December 1972 the first stage of the plant for the extraction and enrichment of ferruginous quartzites was commissioned.
The production capacity of the mill is:
crude ore production 45.5 million tons per year;
concentrate production 18.5 million tons per year;
pellet production 8.9 million tons per year.
The raw material base of the plant is iron quartzites of the Lebedinsky, South Lebedinsky, Stoylo-Lebedinsky deposits. According to the scale of reserves, concentration, quality and technological peculiarities of open and iron ore rocks, the raw material base of the plant is unique and allows to ensure the long-term operation of the enterprise, its expansion or construction of a new mining and processing plant, both for processing iron ores and for the production of construction materials.
Ore mining is carried out in open pit. Delivery is carried out in railway dumpcars.
LGOK has three enrichment factories and one clumping factory, the Hot Briquetting Plant (GBZH1 and GBZH2), which produces briquettes.
The processing complex of the plant includes two large crushing hulls, each with two KKD 1500/200 crushers, an enrichment hull and a recycled water supply system. Ferruginous quartzites with a size of up to 1200 mm enter the coarse crushing housing, where they are crushed to a size of 300 mm, then conveyors are fed into the enrichment housing to self-grinding mills.
The technology of ferrous quartzite enrichment consists of three stages of grinding in self-grinding mills, classification and five stages of enrichment in drum magnetic separators.
The final size of the crushed product is 44 microns.
The composition of the enrichment complex includes separation before concentration of concentrate to 70% by weight of iron for subsequent use in house-free metallurgy and separation of high-quality concentrate with more than 71% by weight of iron.
For the first time in the country's iron ore industry, domestic water circulation was carried out in order to reduce water consumption at concentration plants.
The process cycle of processing ferruginous quartzites at the plant ends with the production of pellets, which includes processes of charge preparation, clumping, control screening of raw pellets, before the third kilning machine of type OK306 and sorting of burnt pellets.
Lebedinsky GOK produces and ships iron ore products to metallurgists: iron ore concentrate with a mass fraction of iron of 67.5· 68.7%; pre-enriched concentrate with 70% weight fraction of iron and silica up to 3% for house-free metallurgy; iron ore pellets with weight fraction of iron up to 66% and with high iron content up to 80%.
The factory for the production of iron ore pellets of the Lebedinsky GOK consists of charge preparation, clumping, roasting and screening departments. Transport communication between machines and compartment units is carried out by belt conveyors.
The schematic diagram of the rolling process at the iron ore pellet factory is as follows.
Concentrate and return are supplied to hoppers with capacity of 200 m3. Concentrate with the help of a belt conveyor with capacity of 603.4 t/h located on the rack is supplied from the charge warehouse located between the ore concentration housing and the charge preparation housing, and return through the belt conveyor with capacity of 100 t/h is supplied to the hoppers after dissipation on electric vibration screens with capacity of 30 t/h.
From hoppers with the help of poppet feeders with a capacity of 8 m3/h, concentrate and return in certain ratios are delivered to the belt conveyor with a capacity of 900 t/h. This conveyor directs the charge materials into a mixing drum with a capacity of 850 t/h, at the outlet of which the charge is transported by a belt conveyor with a capacity of 1300 t/h to a cup pelletizer with a capacity of 3040 t/h. Before the cup pelletizer, bentonite is added to the charge, which is mixed with the charge in the drum mixer, supplied from a hopper with a capacity of 142.5 m3 by a disk feeder with a capacity of 80 m3/h. Bentonite, like the concentrate, goes through the crushing stages at the dressing factory, where it is crushed to a fraction of 15 mm, dried, passes the crushing stage to a size of 50 μm and then supplied to the hopper.
Pellets are formed in the pellets, which is greatly facilitated by the water supplied to the pellet through the spray nozzle. Raw pellets coming out of the pelletizer are transported
a system of belt conveyors with a capacity of 880 t/h, to a pendulum stacker with a capacity of 609 t/h, which provides the laying of pellets along the entire width of the roller stacker with a capacity of 603 t/h. The roller stacker loads raw pellets onto the bottom bed of the hardening type kiln with a capacity of 264 t/h. After cooling, the finished pellets are screened on electric vibration screens with a capacity of 30 t/h before being sent to the warehouse.
The conveyor kiln is similar to an agglomeration machine in its device, but in contrast it has a lower vacuum under the grid, due to the high gas permeability of the pellet layer and a belt divided in length into process zones; the first difference of the machine allows you to use high-temperature fans instead of extractors. Due to the higher heating of the grate of trolleys, it is divided in height into two parts: for grate beams and grate bars.
Conveyor roasting machine is equipped with upper shelters - chambers corresponding to process zones: drying and heating zones, first and second roasting zones and cooling zone.
Pellets are fired by combustion products of gas burned by means of gas burners installed in shelters - chambers of firing zones. Exhaust gases from the second burning zone enter the drying zone, and hot gases from the cooling zone enter the heating zone. The exhaust gases exit into the chimney. In the drying zone, cold air is sucked out of the atmosphere.
The main objects of the lumping factory of the Lebedinsky GOK are the main buildings. The main building includes firing and shrouding workshops, which are a multi-storey building. For repair purposes, the firing shop has bridge cranes at an elevation of + 22 m with a lifting capacity of 50/20 tons and a span of 26,000 mm, as well as two cranes at an elevation of + 32 m with a lifting capacity of 20/5 tons and a span of 20,000 mm. And in the lumping shop there are two lifting cranes located at the elevation of + 17 m with a lifting capacity of 100/10 t.
The charge preparation workshop is a multi-storey building, it is an auxiliary workshop with available cranes for repair purposes, one crane at an elevation of + 17 m with a lifting capacity of 80/20 tons and a span of 16000 mm and an electric telfer with a lifting capacity of 5 tons at an elevation of + 45 m and a span of 6000 mm.
On the territory of the factory there is a one-story building for the gas service. In addition, a 16 m high housing, inside of which there is a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 20 tons with a span of 15 m for the repair of such critical units as roasting trolleys (pallets).
1.2 Organization of mechanical service in the area
Due to the presence of a large number of equipment, proper control is required during its technological operation, which is provided by the repair service of the enterprise.
The mechanical service of the roasting shop is engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment located in the shop. For this purpose, mechanical service employees perform the following types of equipment maintenance and repairs:
- interchange interchange maintenance (care and supervision);
- periodic inspections and audits;
- periodic ongoing repairs;
- major repairs.
Intermittent operation mode, single-shift, five-day working week with duration of shift of 8 hours is performed in the area of mechanical service of roasting shop for repair personnel.
This mode of work allows you to exclude work on night shifts and holidays, will reduce the cost of wages, and therefore reduce the cost of production.
1.4 Deficiencies in the design and operation of the cup shackle and proposed measures but their elimination
Design disadvantages include rapid wear on conical gear. To overcome this drawback, two methods can be proposed. The first method is to eliminate the conical pair and then the torque will be transmitted from the motor to the shaft, then to the satellites. The second method - it is necessary to perform chemical-thermal strengthening of the gear and wheel, that is, to nitrogen them or to manufacture these parts from stronger steel.
1.5 Installation of cup bumper
To install the cup bumper, perform the following steps:
1) prepare documentation;
2) perform preparatory works;
3) perform the actual installation;
4) perform commissioning works;
5) make a test for operation at maximum speed and for shutdown;
6) put the pelletizer into operation.
1.5.1 Documentation preparation includes:
Picking and study of drawings:
plans and sections of the workshop;
equipment installation drawings;
node, work drawings, and general views.
Collection and examination of technical documentation:
passports, installation instructions;
estimates for construction and installation works;
Equipment Summary Lists and Drawing Lists.
Development of own documentation:
Workforce staffing;
Preparation of the demand and delivery schedule for GPM;
development of a scheme of geodetic justification of installation;
development of work execution design, etc.
1.5.2 Preparatory works include pre-installation revision, foundation acceptance, fabrication of steel structures not supplied by the manufacturer. In this case, there are no steel structures for the loading conveyor, and steel structures for installing the cleaner drive.
Pre-installation revision includes:
acceptance of equipment for installation ;
picking according to the picking list;
removal of preservation lubricant from external and internal treated surfaces of articles;
disassembly, inspection, cleaning from dirt, foreign particles and corrosion;
washing and wiping of equipment;
an enlarged assembly.
Equipment acceptance for installation is executed between the representative of OJSC "LGOK") and the installation organization. The detected defects and insufficiency are recorded by an act of the installation organization in the presence of a representative of OJSC LGOK).
In case of significant defects and unserviceability of the equipment, a representative of the manufacturer is involved in its inspection.
1.5.3 Installation of cup bumper shall be started with installation of the frame and performed in the following sequence:
1) - Check the axes and dimensions of the frame intended for the mounted pelletizer, refer to SNiP:
- misalignment of bores d 180 mm on the bed not more than 1.0 mm;
- deviation from horizontal axis of bores d 180 mm of bed within 0.1 mm per 1 m.
2) - Mount the cup bumper in the suggested sequence:
- install the rods on the frame, refer to assembly drawing;
- install tilting mechanism on the bed according to the general view drawing on the pelletizer;
- install the frame on the bed and attach it with rods;
- install the drive gearbox on the bumper frame and attach it as per drawing and operating manual on the bowl drive
- collect the bowl on a separate site of the shop, observing the marking;
- install the bowl with bore on the conical drive shaft and attach it, refer to the above operation manual, to the bowl rotation drive;
- press the bushing-flange clutch on the electric motor shaft and install the electric motor on the gear box housing (strut);
- fill the drive reduction gear box with oil, refer to guidelines. Check oil level through test plug;
- attach the racks of the cleaning device on the frame ends. Install the beam on the strut flanges and attach the beam with bolts;
- install four prism bolts in the beam flanges. Fix the lower flanges of racks on frame flanges an emphasis, having welded their seams T 10;
- weld the brackets to the beam and install the bottom and side knives as per drawings on the cleaning device. Notice the increase in clearances between the cutting edges of the knives and the bowls;
- install the unloading tray available at the customer;
- blow the pipes and install the charge humidification system;
- connect the tilting mechanism to the bowl drive reducer housing;
- disconnect the rods from the bumper frame;
- manually set the cup by the tilting mechanism using the handle to the angle recommended by the design organization for this factory;
- install tilt angle indicator;
- remove the handle from the worm shaft of its drive before actuation of the tilting mechanism motor-reducer;
- check operation of tilt angle mechanism together with annunciator;
- when the bowl is tilted in its extreme positions, the drive of the tilting mechanism must be switched off by pulses of the tilting angle indicator.
1.5.4 Commissioning shall be carried out in the following order:
1) The pellet bowl is scrolled until it is completely turned.
2) Short-term starting of the electric motor is performed, it is necessary to monitor the rotation pattern of the bowl
3) Check the operation of the tilting mechanism.
4) Long-term start-up at
idling, rotation, and no beating.
5) check correct installation of knives.
6) Material is gradually loaded to nominal capacity.
1.5.5 Check operation of the cleaning device.
1.5.6 Check the operation of the lubrication system, irrigation and perform inspection of all the units of the cup pelletizer by the commission, sign the act of putting the pelletizer into operation.
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