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Billet shifter with lifting capacity of 10t


Course project: explanatory note, general view, rack lifting mechanism, detail

Project's Content

icon Вал опорный к9.bak
icon Вал опорный к9.cdw
icon Вал шестерня к9.bak
icon Вал шестерня к9.cdw
icon Перекладчик заготовок.bak
icon Перекладчик заготовок.cdw
icon Механизм подъёма реек .cdw
icon Механизм подъёма реек-к9.spw
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon ОБЩАЯ ЧАСТЬ.doc

Additional information


In 1720. The construction of the largest metallurgical metal production plant in Russia has begun. NTMK provides high-quality rental to all of Russia and even Abroad. The theme of my course project is "Planning and carrying out the ongoing repair of the billet shifter, which is operated by the RCC MNLZ2." I chose this topic because I consider it relevant at this time. I believe that competent planning of the maintenance system is one of the methods to increase the performance of the equipment, we can also increase the durability of the equipment, ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment, reduce the number and duration of outages. Currently, Russia has a difficult economic situation, so it is extremely important for each enterprise to correctly and rationally use labor, time and financial resources.

In my opinion, at present the repair system is not rational, so there are prospects for its development and improvement.

1. general part.

The NTMK oxygen converter workshop was commissioned on July 5, 1963. It was the first specially designed and built oxygen-converter workshop in the USSR with 130ton heavy-duty converters at that time. The construction of the workshop was one of the stages of the implementation of the new technological scheme in solving the problem of providing NTMK iron ore raw materials, based on the involvement in the production of Kachkanar vanadium-containing titanium magnetite ores. Due to the low iron content (1617%), the efficiency of using Kachkanar ores at all stages of their processing, enrichment, sintering, smelting of cast iron, redistribution of cast iron into steel, was based on the integrated use of conversion products and, first of all, vanadium. The development of the technology for converting cast iron into steel with the extraction of vanadium by a duplex process in acidic converters was the basis for the decision to build an NTMK converter workshop .

In 1965, the workshop was transferred to the redistribution of vanadium cast iron smelted from Tagilo Kushvinsky and Kachkanarsky deposits containing vanadium and titanium. This is the only and unique workshop in the world metallurgy, since it operates on a pure primary charge, processed vanadium iron by a duplex process with the production of conditioned vanadium slag at the first stage and steel from a carbonaceous product at the second stage - pure naturally alloyed vanadium and titanium. Since vanadium is a necessary alloying element in the production of high-strength cold-resistant pipe steels, this technology eliminates the need to use scarce and expensive ferrovanadium for alloying. The effectiveness of the beneficial effect of vanadium is enhanced by the presence of titanium.

Over the decades of its existence, the NTMK oxygen converter complex has been repeatedly reconstructed. In 1967, converter No. 3 with a garden capacity of 130 tons, the 2nd mixer, the stripper compartment and the composition preparation department were installed. In 1979, converter No. 4 with a garden of 160 tons was launched. In 19901995, all four converters that had completed a double regulatory period were replaced.

The advantage of the oxygen-converter method of steel production is high productivity, environmental cleanliness, ease of control, low specific investments, great flexibility, coca in terms of implementing technological options, as well as in choosing a raw material base, the ability to produce high-quality steel of a wide range of cast iron of various chemical composition, scrap metal ensured its rapid distribution in mi-ra

1.1.Performance of the workshop

The high technical and economic efficiency of continuous metal casting puts it into a number of main areas of technical re-equipment of the steel industry.

The introduction of continuous casting in steelmaking has changed the technology and organization of metal casting, reduced the production cycle, created wide opportunities for complete mechanization and automation of one of the labor-intensive operations of metallurgical production, and improved working conditions. This led to a reduction in investment and operating costs, more rational use of the factory territory, simplification of the metal current, a significant reduction in metal waste, improvement in the quality of blanks, and a decrease in energy consumption.

In 1992, a program of priority measures for technical re-equipment was developed, supported by the Government of R.F. In accordance with this program, projects were implemented to transfer the converter workshop to continuous steel casting with the construction of bucket metallurgy units and three MNLES.

In 1993, the construction of the continuous steel casting department began, and in 1995 the first machine of the continuous steel casting department - MNLES No. 1 - was inaugurated.

The first 4-stream MNLES casts round-section blanks with a diameter of 430 mm. For rolling wheels and bands, as well as a rectangular section of 300 x 360 mm. for rolling of rails. Its design capacity is 700 thousand tons of one hundred and a half per year.

In November 1996, MNLES No. 2 of the combined type was launched, designed for casting slabs with a section of 240 x 1500 mm. In addition, MNLES No. 2 is built in four stream versions with casting of rectangular blanks to provide the mill's grade mills. Slab casting at MNLES No. 2 is produced according to export orders. Capacity of MNLES No. 2 1.1 million. Tons of steel per year.

In 2001, a continuous casting machine No. 3 was put into operation. MNLES No. 3-4 of a combined type for casting shaped section blanks in order to ensure the rental of large beams on a universal beam mill. In addition, MNLES No. 3 can be rebuilt on a 2 or 4 stream version for casting rectangular billets. The capacity of MNLES No. 3 is 720 thousand tons of blanks per year.

In 2004, the grand launch of MNLES No. 4 took place. The new machine is equipped with all basic means for preventing emergency situations, automatic systems for monitoring work and diagnostics; all electrical equipment is equipped with frequency converters. Machine control is fully computerized. Due to the production of well-defined parameters, the total amount of emissions is reduced during the operation of the MNLES. The capacity of the machine is 1.5 million tons of slabs per year, the thickness of the slab is from 200 to 300 mm, the width is up to 2700 mm, the casting speed is up to 1.3 m per minute. The technical feature of the 4th machine is small-sized secondary cooling chambers, as well as computerized quality assurance of slabs and a breakthrough prevention system.

Simultaneously with the commissioning of MNLES in the continuous casting department, three steel finishing units were built for the furnace - ladle (in 2004 the third furnace - ladle unit was put into operation), two vacuumizers of the RH type for degassing, in the main rail and wheelbase steel.

1.3. Characteristics of process equipment

1.3.1.Technical characteristic of MNLES No. 2


• type of machine - curvilinear with vertical mold with bending and extension of ingot;

• number of streams - combined 2/4;

• dimensions of cast slab blanks - 240x1250mm to 1515mm, length from 3700mm to 9000mm;

• pouring speed - 0.2÷1.4m/mines;

• metallurgical length - 31.3 m;

• mold height - 1000 mm;

• length of the vertical section of the secondary cooling zone (CVO) - 1580mm;

• length of bend section of CVO - 1920mm;

• length of TVO radial section - 8080mm;

• length of curvilinear section of CVO - 6630mm;

• length of horizontal section of TVO - 12090mm;

• base radius of TVO radial section - 8000mm;

• distance between streams - 5 m;

• capacity of steelmaking ladle - 160t;

• intermediate ladle capacity - 35t;

• working level of metal in the ladle - 1100mm;

• height of steel bucket lifting - 850mm;

• lifting height of the ladle - 550mm;

• elevation of casting area - + 12600mm;

• roller roller barrel top elevation - + 1050mm;

• The oscillation frequency of the crystallizer is 20-180 lifts per minute;

• oscillation amplitude of the mold - 4 mm;

• the course of the car of gas cutting (CGC) on a platform - 6.0 m;

• speed of MHR movement on the rack:

during cutting - 0.2 eta 1, 4 m/min;

at return - 30 m/min;

• maximum cutting stroke during slab cutting - 1005mm;

• cutter speed:

when cutting - 30÷600mm/mines;

at return -3900mm/min;

• seed type - inflatable (supply from above);

The main technological equipment of MNLES - 2 includes: a steelmaking bench, a device for heating intermediate ladles, an intermediate ladle, trolleys of intermediate ladles, crystallizers, removable blocks, roller sections, seed installation devices, seed separation mechanisms, a gas cutting machine (MGR), a line of transport rollers, a device for pelletizing sludge, seed, a billet marker, a turnbuckle handle (adhesive).

Auxiliary process equipment MNLES-2 includes: shotcret machine, transfer trolleys (Q = 50tN), crossarms, manipulators.

1.3.2.Blanks jumper with lifting capacity of 10 tf.

Shifter is intended for transportation of both round and straight-coal billet. The main components of the shifter: metal structure of the shifter, movement mechanism, lifting mechanism, crossbeam with paw grips, pipe and metal sleeve routing system, lubrication system. Technical specifications: speed of movement (630 m/min), accuracy of shifter stop in working positions (+/30 mm), speed of lifting (lowering) (10 m/min), speed of movement (636 m/min), billet temperature (600900C), height of lifting (900 mm), mode of shifter operation - heavy, weight of shifter with electrical equipment (39700 kg).

1.3.3. Live rolls.

The transport line roller table is designed for transportation of seeds and blanks coming from four MNLES-1 streams from pulling stands, behind-grass is transported to the seed receiving mechanism, and ingots to the shipping zone. Technical characteristic: number of streams (4), diameter of rollers (300 mm), width of roller barrel (400 mm), diameter of roller trunnions (100 mm), section length (6420 mm), width (1710 mm), height (825 mm), roller pitch (1300 mm), section weight (5470 km), transportation speed (0.5 m/sec), roller gear speed (4118 m/sec)

1.3.4. Marking machine (branding device).

It is intended for application of registration number on end part, cast and cut into measuring length, of blank. Technical data: font size (20 mm), marking depth (1.5 mm), cutter pressure (60 bar), filling pressure in hydraulic accumulator (about 0.8 bar), total cutter length (not less than 255 mm)

1.3.5.Gas cutting machine.

Machine travel path (3100mm), burner travel path (about 640mm), machine travel fast (1200mm/min), machine travel slow (4000 mm/min), burner travel fast (9000 mm/min), notching (177mm/min)

2.1 Maintenance system

Maintenance is a set of operations or an operation to maintain the operability or serviceability of the product when used as intended, expected, stored and transported. To maintain the equipment operable, the following types of repair works are provided by the technical operation rules (PTE):

1) Preventive inspection (SW) - duration from 3040 minutes in intervals between smelting treatments or MNLES stops, but not less than 1 times per shift.

2) Preventive repair (RR) - duration from 2 to 8 hours during MNLES stop for prevention or RRP.

3) Scheduled preventive repairs (PPR) - duration of 816 hours, are carried out together with long-term shutdown of MNLES. The PWP is performed in accordance with the punch list and repair schedule approved by the Chief Engineer - First Deputy Chief Director of NTMK.

4) Overhaul (CR) - duration from 1 to 5 days with shutdown of MNLES for overhaul. Works are performed according to schedule and punch list.

Equipment maintenance and repair planning includes two components:

- planning of objects and quantities of work (natural indicators);

- Maintenance and repair cost planning.

Two approaches to planning objects and scope of maintenance and repair of equipment are classically applied:

- scheduled preventive repair system;

- repair by technical condition.

The fundamental difference of these approaches is that it is the basis for determining the object, terms and quantities of work. In the planned preventive repair system, this basis is the operating time of the equipment, and during repair according to the technical condition - the actual state of the equipment (with the exception of maintenance work). In any case, maintenance work is planned in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

Problems: First, with such a level of organization of the planning system, the management of maintenance is reduced to an operational response to certain situations. The decision horizon is at most a week. In fact, this means work

equipment for failure. In the future, this will lead to an increase in accidents, increased wear and tear on equipment, disruption of the production program and, ultimately, an avalanche-like increase in the repair fund. Secondly, the absence of correct information on objects and scope of work does not make it possible to determine the real need for equipment maintenance and repair funds. Naturally, this causes significant difficulties in coordinating the size of the repair fund between engineering, technical and financial and economic services. In the end, the decision is made not on the basis of objective criteria, but subjectively, based on the existing "alignment of forces" in the enterprise.

The planning system based on the PDP has practically outlived itself, because the structure of the repair cycle, as well as the composition and scope of work, were mainly developed by specialized institutions 2030 years ago. The basis for such developments was statistical data, according to which the need to put equipment for repair was determined by the failure of 5% of the tested equipment.

This approach initially had two fundamental drawbacks:

- First, actual conditions (quality of raw materials, process modes) of equipment operation were not taken into account.

- Secondly, a significant "safety margin" was laid in the system.

In addition, much has changed over the past 1015 years. So many enterprises have introduced modern technologies and materials used in the maintenance and repair of equipment. This made it possible to significantly increase the reliability of individual units and assemblies and, accordingly, increase the inter-repair mileage of the equipment. For example, the introduction of new end seals made it possible to increase the overhaul mileage of pump units by 30%.

Correctness of equipment maintenance and repair work planning is primarily determined by the availability of information on the real technical condition of the equipment, respectively, the future is the planning of equipment maintenance and repair work based on its technical condition.

Drawings content

icon Вал шестерня к9.cdw

Вал шестерня к9.cdw

icon Перекладчик заготовок.cdw

Перекладчик заготовок.cdw

icon Механизм подъёма реек .cdw

Механизм подъёма реек .cdw

icon Механизм подъёма реек-к9.spw

Механизм подъёма реек-к9.spw