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Bicycle crane

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course project on GPM design

Project's Content

icon моя записка.docx
icon Моя спецификация 3.cdw
icon Спецификация 1-2.spw
icon Спецификация 1-2.2.spw
icon спецификация 4.spw
icon 1 лист вывод.cdw
icon Лист2.cdw
icon лист 3,2.cdw
icon Лист 4.2.cdw
icon Лист 55.cdw

Additional information


1. Purpose, scope and technical characteristics of the crane

2. Terms of Reference

3. Calculation of lifting mechanism

3.1. Definition of polysuppast efficiency

3.2. Definition of carrying capacity

3.3. Calculation of maximum tension of rope branch

3.4. Rupture force of rope as a whole

3.5. Select rope type

3.6. Minimum drum diameter

3.7. Drum length

3.8. Check drum dimensions

3.9. Determining the angular speed of the drum

3.10. Electric motor selection. Static Motor Power

3.11. Determination of engine angular speed

3.12. Gearbox selection

3.13. Gear ratio of reduction gear box

3.14. Gearbox calculation by radial cantilever load

3.15. Load moment on the drum

3.16. Check of gearbox by load torque

3.17. Brake selection

3.18. Metal capacity of lifting mechanism

3.19. Engine and drum proximity condition

3.20. Engine and brake proximity condition


4. Calculation of movement mechanism

4.1. Determination of trolley weight

4.2. Selection of running wheels

4.3. Calculation of movement resistance

4.4. Electric motor selection

4.5. Gearbox selection

4.6. Check of engine by starting moment. Dynamic torque of motor rotation resistance during start-up

4.7. Determination of safety factor of drive wheels engagement with rail at start-up

5. Calculation of crane turning mechanism

5.1. Column calculation. Weight of load and lifting mechanism

5.2. Bending moment

6. Calculation of bearings of support-rotary device

6.1. Thrust Bearing Reaction

6.2. Selecting Bearings


Purpose, scope and technical characteristics of the crane

The crane - including the crane-manipulator - is a gripping machine, lifting and moving along the vertical or horizontal line of loads, both piece and mass, for a short distance, for example, within the warehouse or workshop. Such machines are a separate group of cargo manipulator hoists, mainly characterized by repeatedly repeated short-term work. Lifting cranes and automatic manipulators are classified according to the field of use, the type of drive of the mechanisms, according to design features, the type of load-gripping element, the mode and nature of use and other features.

The crane must have certain elements:

A tower or arrow acting as the main load-bearing structure;

Lifting mechanism, winch with levers for control and drive;

Braces, clamps, hooks (hooks) - that is, what the crane must hang and grab weights -;

Chain and cable units.

The winch, which is equipped with a crane, depending on the purpose for which it is intended, is controlled from one to several drums driven by one engine.

Depending on the field of application, operational requirements and design features, lifting cranes may have: a mobile mechanism of the lifting crane as a whole or its cargo trolley; mechanisms for auxiliary cargo lifting; buffers, emergency brakes, stops.

In the field of use, lifting cranes are divided, as a rule, into workshop, transport, construction, deck, automobile

Shop lifting cranes are installed in warehouses or production shops. They are intended for loading and unloading. The main types of shop cranes are cantilever, bridge and bicycle.

Bicycle lifting cranes are installed by running wheels on rail located on floor, and by supporting rollers on ceiling rail located on top. They are intended for maintenance of equipment located in the workshop in the field of coverage. Freight trolley moves along boom of bicycle crane, and lifting winch is located on counterweight cantilever.

A bicycle crane is an original lifting machine for lifting and horizontal movement of goods, moving along a single-rail ground track. On the 2axial or 4axial trolley of the cantilever bicycle crane there is a column carrying a rotating bite (cantilever). Stability of the bicycle cantilever crane in the transverse direction is ensured by the flanges of the running wheels and the upper rollers located on vertical (upper) axles rolling between two supporting ceiling beams. Such a cantilever crane, when bitten, turned in the direction of movement, takes up little space; serves along the entire width of the crane platform, equal to the departure of the crane on both sides of the path. The lifting capacity of this electrically driven crane reaches up to 10 tons when the cantilever boom leaves 3-7 m. The cantilever bicycle crane is intended for mechanization of lifting and loading and unloading operations in production shops and closed warehouses.

Gearbox selection

To reduce the size of the lifting mechanism and track of the trolley, reduction gears equipped with a toothed rim on the output shaft of types: 1C2U; 1TS2N; 1TS3U; 1TS3N; Ts2; Ts3NK[5, page 9, 39, 45]). From the catalog we select a reduction gear with the nearest large value of permissible cantilever load and torque on the output shaft. The gear ratio shall not differ from the set ratio by more than 10% in the lower or higher direction.

Drawings content

icon Моя спецификация 3.cdw

Моя спецификация 3.cdw

icon Спецификация 1-2.spw

Спецификация 1-2.spw

icon Спецификация 1-2.2.spw

Спецификация 1-2.2.spw

icon спецификация 4.spw

спецификация 4.spw

icon 1 лист вывод.cdw

1 лист вывод.cdw

icon Лист2.cdw


icon лист 3,2.cdw

лист 3,2.cdw

icon Лист 4.2.cdw

Лист 4.2.cdw

icon Лист 55.cdw

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