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3 Course Belt Conveyor Drive Drawings

  • Added: 09.07.2014
  • Size: 585 KB
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Gearbox motor (internal device and housing) 2 of sheet A1, drive shaft, coupling, detailing is calculated and drawn. The full note (there is no task form-he surrendered during protection) The project was completed at the 3rd year of MSTU named after E.N. Bauman

Project's Content

icon корпус А1 часть3.cdw
icon общий видcdw.cdw
icon приввал.cdw
icon вал А3.cdw
icon колесо А3.cdw
icon Муфта А2.CDW
icon редуктор А1.cdw
icon содержание.doc
icon записка.doc
icon Спецификация1.spw
icon Спецификация2.spw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Спецификация1.spw

Additional information


Project Task

2. Preparation of initial data for calculation

reduction gear on computer and selection of electric motor

3. Calculation of cylindrical two-stage reduction gear box

4. Defining Shaft Diameters

5. Calculation of connections

5.1. Key connections

5.2. Interference connections

6. Shaft calculation

6.1. Define reaction forces in shaft supports and create curves and torques

6.1.1. Low-speed gear box shaft

6.1.2. Gearbox intermediate shaft

6.2. Calculation of shafts for strength

6.3. Bearing calculation

7. Calculation of drive shaft

7.1.Define Reactions

7.2.Preset bearing

7.3. Calculation of drive shaft for static

strength and fatigue resistance

7.3.1.Recalculation for static strength

7.3.2 Calculation of shaft for fatigue resistance

8. Calculation of elastic coupling

9. Calculation of elastic elements of the wheel

10. Lubricant Selection

11.Construction of housing parts and covers

12. Literature used

Drawings content

icon корпус А1 часть3.cdw

корпус А1 часть3.cdw

icon общий видcdw.cdw

общий видcdw.cdw

icon приввал.cdw


icon вал А3.cdw

вал А3.cdw

icon колесо А3.cdw

колесо А3.cdw

icon Муфта А2.CDW

Муфта А2.CDW

icon редуктор А1.cdw

редуктор А1.cdw

icon Спецификация1.spw


icon Спецификация2.spw


icon Спецификация.spw


icon Спецификация1.spw


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