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Automated Gas Boiler House


Automated gas boiler with installed capacity of 1.075 Gcal/h. This project uses boilers ZiOSab-500 and ZiOSab-750. Weishaupt burners.

Project's Content

icon 718.doc
icon gazova_kotelna.dwg

Additional information

1. General data.

The gas supply of the boiler house was developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002 "Gas Distribution Systems," SNiP II.3576 "Boiler Plants," PB 1252903 "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

Fuel - natural gas with specific combustion heat q = 8000 kcal/m3 under normal conditions.

The project adopted the following gas supply scheme: a low-pressure gas pipeline (108 4 3.5 kPa) is introduced into the boiler room. Further, through the metering unit, through the distribution manifold (108 4 3.5 kPa), gas is supplied to consumers - gas burners of boilers.

Ventilation. Security automation.

In the boiler room, a minimum of 3 times natural air exchange is provided in the boiler room (excluding combustion air flow). Natural ventilation of the room is provided by two plenum ventilation grids in the wall of the room measuring 0.78x0.57m (live section 0.27m2) and two baffles of type No. 20 with a diameter of a connection pipe of 400 mm located on the boiler room roof

Stipulated parameters of emergency termination of gas supply in the boiler room

- gas content of the boiler room is more than 10% of the lower limit of the concentration of flammability of natural gas (methane);

- gas content of the boiler room with carbon monoxide (CO) with concentration up to 100 mg/m3;

- "Fire" signal was received from the fire alarm panel;

- termination of power supply to the boiler house.

Safety automation stops the gas supply to the burners at:

- increase and decrease of gas pressure before burners;

- reduction of air pressure upstream the burner;

- burner flare failure;

- failure of safety automation circuits;

- increase of water temperature at boiler outlet.

Common Gas Path Outputs:

To ensure gas pressure upstream of the burner valves in the burner operating range, the boiler room inlet gas pressure shall be in the range of 3.35.0 kPa.

General chimney conclusions.

Range of required passport vacuum downstream the boiler for flue gas outlet ZIOSAB500 and ZIOSAB750 - 1080 Pa. The design vacuum downstream of the boilers is within the required range at any boiler room operating mode.

The chimneys adopted by the project are able to ensure the operation of boiler burners and the boiler room as a whole.

Drawings content

icon gazova_kotelna.dwg


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