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Assembly shop of machine tool plant in Kazan

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Course design - explanatory note, two drawings

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In 2005, Kazan celebrated its millennium. For the anniversary, the townspeople were presented with a gorgeous gift - the first three stations of the Kazan Metro were opened. To date, there are already six stations and work is well underway to further expand the branch. The situation is overshadowed by only one small nuance - all work is produced by foreign equipment, in Russia such products are not produced.

In 2007, domestic scientists conducted research on the Arctic Ocean shelf. As a result of the work carried out, you revealed the huge energy potential of these territories. However, further work in this direction has so far been suspended: despite the fact that there were the necessary sketches and models of equipment with which it was planned to develop these territories, there was nowhere to produce it.

In 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation developed measures for the development of the machine tool industry. This includes both the reconstruction and re-equipment of old plants, and the construction of new plants, [1].

Based on the government program, I designed the assembly workshop of the machine tool plant, at which the production of drilling equipment for various purposes will be established.

Classification of production building:

By purpose - a production building with an administrative building;

According to the structural scheme - planar (frame);

By fire-fighting signs [2]:

For explosion and fire hazard - category B;

By fire resistance - I [2];

For structural fire hazard - C0;

For functional fire hazard - F5.1 [2];

By capital - Grade I;

In terms of durability - II;

In the presence of lifting and transportation equipment - crane;

By storey - one-storey;

By volume-planning solution - with mutually perpendicular location of the building (four-span);

By material - reinforced concrete;

According to the structural scheme of the coating - frame plane;

According to the heating system - heated;

According to the ventilation system - with natural ventilation;

According to the lighting system - combined lighting;

According to the drainage system - an internal organized watershed.

1 Master Plan

1.1 Justification of location in the area of the designed building

The company is located in an industrial area and is connected with areas of the country by roads, with the city by highways.

Sanitary protection zone is provided between industrial and residential territories, [3]. In accordance with class III, [4] we accept the size of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise equal to 500 m, [4].

The layout of the site of the enterprise provides the most favorable conditions for the production process and labor at the enterprise, rational and economical use of the land plot, [3].

The principles of the general plan of the industrial territory should correspond to production and functional zoning.

Pre-plant zone: includes passing and parking vehicles of workers, located on the front side of the industrial site, on the way of the main flow of people from the residential area to the enterprise.

Production zone: occupies the largest territory and includes a mechanical workshop, a foundry, a building of procurement workshops, a woodworking building.

Auxiliary production area: includes auxiliary structures, which are located directly next to the production area.

Warehouse area: warehouse buildings are located along the rear side of the industrial site, which allows more efficient use of trans-tailors.

Human and cargo flows in the enterprise are isolated and do not intersect.

1.2 Entrances and approaches to the building

For access to the territory of the enterprise, a road with two lanes, 3.5m wide, [5] is designed.

Plant-wide buildings, the main entrance (entrance), as well as the parking lot of personal transport of workers are located on the front side of the industrial site, on the way of the main flow of people from the residential area to the enterprise. The size of the pre-plant zone of the enterprise is 0.8ha, [3].

The capacity of car parking lots is taken from the calculation of 10 cars per 100 working in two adjacent shifts, parking lots for bicycles and motorcycles - 100 cars per 1000 working. The parking area is accepted at the rate of 25 m2 for 1 car seat, parking for bicycles - 0.9 m2, motorcycles - 8 m2 for 1 place .

Storage area objects are located along the side of the industrial site, which allows more efficient use of transport routes.

Buildings with the largest number of employees are located closer to the entrance to the territory of the enterprise, on the front side.

Buildings with large cargo turnover are located in close proximity to freight transport routes, on the rear side of the industrial site.

Buildings and premises for sanitary purposes are placed on the way of movement of workers, from the passage to work places, and are as close as possible to the main flow of people.

Buildings and structures based on the specifics of production and natural conditions are located taking into account the following requirements, [6]:

Longitudinal walls of buildings with openings used for aeration of premises are oriented in plan perpendicular or at an angle of at least 45 ° to the prevailing direction of winds of the summer period of the year;

The clarity and orderliness of the planning structure creates a system of longitudinal and transverse passages that divide the territory of the enterprise into a number of rectangular quarters. The dimensions of the quarters are determined by the dimensions of the main production buildings and structures, their mutual arrangement.

Communication between heated production buildings and separately standing household buildings is provided through heated passages.

The building line is maintained within adjacent quarters along the horizontal and vertical axes of the general plan.

The distance from the main entrance to the enterprise to the main workshops does not exceed 800 m, [5].

In front of access points and entrances to sanitary facilities, canteens and control buildings, sites are provided at a rate of 0.15m2 per person of the largest shift.

The site of the enterprise, located along the highway has two entrances. The distance between entrances does not exceed 1500 m.

The width of the gate of car entrances to the site is 4.5 m.

The possibility of access of fire engines along the entire length of buildings from all sides is provided. The distance from the edge of the roadway to the walls of buildings up to 12m - 25m high, with the height of buildings from 12 to 28m - 8m.

Driveways for road transport on the territory of an industrial enterprise are designed according to the ring system. The width of the main driveways is taken as a multiple of 2.75m (but not less than 5.5m), secondary 3.5m.

The radius of curves along the edge of the driveways at the points of their mutual intersection and paved areas is taken to be 8 m. Minimum permissible distances from the edge of passage to buildings (m):

to the outer face of the building wall up to 20 m long

- if there are no entrances to the building - 1.5;

- the same if the length of the building is more than 20 m - 3.0;

- if there are entrances to the building -8 -12.

1.3 Landscaping and improvement of the site

The improvement complex includes: sidewalks, recreation areas and gymnastics exercises for workers, wood and bush plantings, lawns.

The size of the platforms is taken from the calculation of not more than 1m2 per one working in the most numerous shift.

The area of ​ ​ plots intended for landscaping within the fence of the enterprise is determined on the basis of at least 3 m2 per worker in the largest shift. The maximum size of plots intended for landscaping does not exceed 15% of the enterprise area.

The main element of landscaping of the sites is a lawn.

On the territory of the enterprise are landscaped: pre-factory square near the main passage, strip along the fence of the enterprise, territory near administrative buildings and premises, between workshops, places of rest.

Sidewalks for pedestrian traffic are arranged along passages and entrances with heavy pedestrian traffic (more than 100 people per shift). The minimum width of the sidewalk is taken to be 1.5 m. Sidewalks along the buildings are located at a distance of 0.5 m from the building line. The sidewalk is separated from the roadway by a strip, 0.8 m wide, [5].

4 Architectural and artistic solution

High architectural quality of space-spatial solution of all production buildings, carefully performed improvement of pre-plant area, factory recreation areas, service areas and driveways create favorable production environment, [17].

Industrial architecture is formed using art categories and means common to all types of architecture - the principles of space organization, ensemble and silhouette, tectonics, ratios and proportions, scale, rhythm and meter, symmetry and asymmetry, nuance and contrast, light, texture and color of materials, etc.

A characteristic feature of industrial architecture is also the presence of engineering and technical structures and elements of technology, often having a significant height and an unusual silhouette and shape for other types of architecture.

The architectural composition is made in two volumes (industrial building and ABK)

The type of architectural composition is frontal. The style characteristic of the building is Art Nouveau, which is expressed in the choice of the color solution of the facet and the materials used in the finish.

In the organization of the architectural ensemble of the industrial complex, the following means of architectural composition are used:

rhythmic divisions of volumes and large planes;

contrasting combinations of space-planning and structural solutions;

application of proportions of whole and individual parts;

contrast of facade solutions;

inclusion of architectural accents in the composition;

application of colour and texture of materials, illumination and lightning;

inclusion of improvement elements and engineering structures in the composition;

complication due to ABC.

The structural module, detected by the pitch of columns, seams between panels, etc., is the basis for the rhythmic construction of the architectural composition of the production building and helps to identify its tectonics.

Means of harmonization: The industrial building and the ABK themselves are symmetrical, together they become asymmetric, contributing interest to the appearance of the facade.

The principle of geometric similarity is applied in the ratio of the size and color of an industrial building and ABK.

The project uses a number of architectural techniques for solving panel walls:

rhythmic horizontal division by contrast glazing;

vertical division of walls by stitching using color;

rhythmic division of the wall by the introduction of architectural details (ventilation grids, doorways, etc.);

use of color with selection of structural structures, alternation of panels of different colors, color painting of seams;

use of architectural parts and building elements (entrances, stairs, grids, etc.).

The expressiveness of industrial buildings made of unified products is achieved by using a wide range of finishing materials and the quality of architectural parts.

5 Air, aeration, lighting, noise and vibration

5.1 Air Environment Parameters

The state of the air environment of the production premises is characterized by temperature, humidity, as well as the content of chemical and mechanical impurities in it. Optimal air parameters are determined based on sanitary characteristics of production processes and category of works in the designed building according to sanitary standards [18]. Humidity = 60, air temperature t = 18 С for mechanical assembly shop of machine building.

5.2 Aeration and ventilation solution

In production shops, the provision of regulated air parameters is achieved by plenum ventilation with mechanical motive. The use of aeration lights is not required, since there are no rooms in the building with significant heat losses, moisture emissions, gas releases above the maximum permissible standards.

Drawings content

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