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Architecture of sports and recreation complex

  • Added: 06.06.2012
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Explanatory note and drawings for coursework: Elevations, sections, plans, nodes, plot plan.

Project's Content

icon 1. титульный лист.doc
icon 2. архитектура.doc
icon 3. генплан.doc
icon 4. конструкции.doc
icon 5. инженерные сети.doc
icon 6. список литературы.doc
icon лист 1.dwg
icon лист 2.dwg

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Architectural and construction section

2.1 General characteristics of the building

2.2 Space Planning Solution

2.2.1 Volume and planning parameters

2.3 Technical and economic indicators

3. Development Master Plan Solution

4. Design Section

4.1 Foundations

4.2 Walls

4.3 Internal walls and partitions

4.4 Overlaps

4.5 Roof, roof

4.6 Stairs

4.7 Windows, Doors

4.8 Floors

5. Utilities and Equipment

6. List of literature


The purpose of the task is to master the basics of the methodology and skills of creating individual design solutions for public buildings with compositional expressiveness, technically, economically and functionally rational and structural adaptability to the existing architectural environment.

Fitness complex - a public building for general physical and athletic training and gymnastics, for sports games.

General characteristics of the building

The building of the sports and recreation complex (FOK-1) from light metal structures consists of two one-story buildings: block 1 with a pool of 25.0x11.0 with a depth of 1.4 m, with a capacity of 32 people/shift and block 2 with a hall of 42.0x16.0 m with a capacity of 40 people/shift, connected to each other by a transition gallery (block 3), where a playground is arranged.

Space Planning Solution

A space planning solution is a solution on the basis of which a particular composition and size of premises are made.

The building has a mirror shape with a plan alignment; designed with a technical floor under the pool where all communications are conducted.


- building height from elevation 0.00 - 10.79 m;

- dimensions in axes - 61.82 m (1-17) and 67.14 m (A-U).

Development Master Plan Solution

Architectural and planning solutions of the master plan are developed in accordance with the purpose of the designed building, compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards .

The plot plan is completed on a scale of 1:500.

To ensure the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, a set of measures for landscaping and landscaping is planned at the site. In areas free from development, the construction of lawns, freely growing shrubs, flower beds, deciduous trees of ordinary planting is provided.

Underground water supply, sewerage, electric cables and heat networks are designed in the channel. Such laying of utility networks ensures the convenience of their maintenance during operation.

The building is located next to the highway. In front of the main entrance to the building there is a car park for visitors, and on the rear side of the building for service personnel cars. To the right of FOK-1 is the House of Culture .

Sidewalks are made of paving tiles (paving stones). The road and parking lots are paved.


Heating and hot water supply are designed from main heating networks. Heating devices are radiators. Calculated indoor air temperatures: gym +18˚; swimming pool +27˚

A heat curtain is provided at the entrance to the building.

Water supply

Cold water supply is designed from the intra-quarter water supply header with two inlets. Water is supplied via an internal main pipeline located in the basement of the building. An input frame is installed on each section and built-in unit. Around FOK-1 there is a main fire and drinking water supply with wells in which fire hydrants are installed.


Sewerage is performed with tie-in to wells of external networks of intra-quarter sewerage.


In the gym (unit 2), one plenum unit P1 for the entire building is designed. Supply air is supplied by free jet through air duct and is removed due to overpressure through shutter. In the pool (unit 1), two plenum units P1 and P2 are designed, serving the pool hall and office and technical rooms, respectively. If necessary, the installation of household air conditioners is provided.

Ventilation of unit 3 is natural.

Drawings content

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