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Architectural and construction solutions - Reconstruction of the central heating station

  • Added: 01.06.2023
  • Size: 6 MB
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 1.1General data (start)
 1.2-1.6General data (continued)
 1.7General data (concluded)
 2Dismantling. Plan for otm. 0,000.
 3Plan for otm. 0.000. 
 4Incisions 1-1, 2-2. 
 5Repair schemes of facades 1-3, 3-1, A-B, B-A.
 6Facades 1-3, 3-1, A-B, B-A.
 7Plan of  the roof and lightning protection.
 8Explication of floors, list of interior decoration.
9Layout of pits,  foundations for equipment
 and dead-end stops of monorails.
 10Foundation for Fo-1 equipment.
 11Foundation for Fo-2 equipment.
 12Layout of the elements  of pits No. 1 and No. 3.
 13Layout of the elements  of pit No. 2.
14The layout of the elements  of the floor beams on the otm. +2.400.
15Layout of coating elements.
16Temporary thermal scheme for the period of work. Frame 
 RM-1 with vibration isolators for fastening hot water pumps
17Temporary thermal scheme for the period of work. Frame 
 RM-2 with vibration isolators for fastening heating pumps.

Project's Content

icon 000- Титул АС.doc
icon 001-Общие данные.doc
icon 002-Чертеж л.2.dwg
icon 003-Чертеж л.3.dwg
icon 004-Чертеж л.4.dwg
icon 005-Чертеж л.5 (Ремонтные схемы фасадов).dwg
icon 006-Чертеж л.6 (Фасады).dwg
icon 007-Чертеж л.7 (План кровли).dwg
icon 008-Чертеж л.8 (Спецификации).dwg
icon 009-Чертеж л.9.dwg
icon 010-Чертеж л.10.dwg
icon 011-Чертеж л.11.dwg
icon 012-Чертеж л.12.dwg
icon 013-Чертеж л.13.dwg
icon 014-Чертеж л.14.dwg
icon 015-Чертеж л. 15.dwg
icon 016-Чертеж л.16.dwg
icon 017-Чертеж л.17.dwg
icon 018 - Прилаг.док.01.dwg
icon 019 - Прилаг.док.02.dwg
icon 020 - Прилаг.док.03.dwg
icon 021 - Прилагаемый док.л.5.dwg

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