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APCS of the Marteneov furnace

  • Added: 20.01.2016
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Downloads: 2
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Submenu General Part. Brief description of the technical. process and unit. Unit design. Production technology. Setting and substantiation of process control tasks. Process plan - as an automation object. Basic automation solutions. Selection of structure and type of APCS. Description of the automation functional diagram. Description of schematic electrical diagram. Special part. Calculation of automation diagram elements. Calculation of narrower device. Calculation of the regulatory body. Installation and adjustment of automation equipment. Design and description of diagrams for installation. Wiring and switching diagram. Instrument Shield and A. Organizational - economic part. Organization of production. Organization of work on the current operation of automation devices and equipment. Calculation of the annual fund of workers' time. Determine the number of locksmiths serving the proposed control and control system. Organization of repair works and inspection of devices. Economics of production. Capital cost calculation. Determination of operating costs for maintenance and maintenance of the proposed control and automatic control system. Payroll calculation. Instrumentation and automation maintenance costs. Definition of depreciation charges. Other shop expenses. Determination of power consumption. Total operating costs. Cost-effectiveness of the proposed system. Technical and economic indicators. Occupational safety. Requirements for workplace safety. Instrument room ventilation and A. Removal of excess heat. Calculate the amount of air to remove excess moisture. Removal of harmful substances. Lighting of the working room. Environmental protection at the mill. Output. List of used literature.

Project's Content

icon Desktop.ini
icon Вывод.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Список используемой литературы.doc
icon 1.1. Описание техю процесса.docx
icon 1.2 1.3.doc
icon 1.4. Структурва ФС ПС.docx
icon Desktop.ini
icon введение.doc
icon Desktop.ini
icon РО.docx
icon СУ.docx
icon Desktop.ini
icon Безым.bmp
icon Безымянный.bmp
icon Монтажная текст.docx
icon Desktop.ini
icon Монтажная текст.docx
icon Desktop.ini
icon Desktop.ini
icon Экономическая часть.doc
icon Desktop.ini
icon Вариант 1 выбор.doc
icon Desktop.ini
icon Desktop.ini
icon Документ Microsoft Office Word.docx
icon МКС.vsd
icon Общий вид мартен.vsd
icon ПЭС.vsd
icon Функциональная схема_2002.dwg
icon ЩИт панель 3.vsd

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icon Функциональная схема_2002.dwg

Функциональная схема_2002.dwg

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