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Modernization of sodium sulfate evaporation APCS

  • Added: 29.10.2019
  • Size: 263 KB
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The main task in the development of the control system is to select the parameters involved in the control, that is, those parameters that need to be adjusted, monitored and analyzed and whose values can be used to determine the state of the process control object (PCO). In other words, a process object control strategy is being developed. At the same time, it is necessary to get the most complete idea of ​ ​ the LLP, having the minimum possible number of selected parameters. The successful achievement of the management goal is facilitated by the correct selection of automatic devices to implement the management strategy.

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Modern high-tech processes aimed at obtaining competitive products are characterized by great complexity, on the one hand, and little-studied - on the other. The degree of uncertainty of knowledge about the process often does not allow for the full use of classical management methods and laws. In this regard, it is clear the development of situational and expert control systems, the development of fuzzy and neural network regulators, robust and adaptive control. All this leads to a complication of control laws and, as a result, the use of modern computer control technologies.

The advent of personal computers and especially their use for process control has led to truly revolutionary changes in the structure of control systems at various levels of production. The possibility of differentiating computing resources depending on the territorial and functional distribution of control objects created the prerequisites for the transition from centralized to distributed control systems (DCS). This was also made possible by the development of networked distributed data processing technologies.

The decrease in prices for microprocessors along with the expansion of their technical characteristics, the development of memory elements and microelectronics in general led to the creation of microcontrollers for various purposes, specialized micro and mini computers, monoblock and modular controllers, intelligent terminals and workstations, including for stringent industrial production conditions.

Brief history of OAO Salavatnefteorgsintez.

Salavatnefteorgsintez Open Joint Stock Company is one of the largest petrochemical complexes in Russia and began its history in 1948.

Since the beginning of the 50s of the last century, the construction and launch of production facilities has unfolded.

Already in 1956, a powerful oil refinery began its work. A few years later, petrochemicals are rapidly developing on the basis of raw materials obtained from refining.

The next two decades are the period of technical re-equipment of the enterprise, introduction of new more efficient technologies, complex reconstruction of existing production facilities, automation and mechanization of technological processes, as well as continuous improvement of product quality.

In 1993, the company was reorganized into the joint-stock company Salavatnefteorgsintez.

Today, Salavatnefteorgsintez OJSC is the largest petrochemical and oil refining complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia. The main activities of the joint-stock company are the production and sale of oil refining and petrochemicals.

Currently, new production is being built with the best foreign technologies and equipment, such as catalytic cracking, visbreaking, bitumen, polyethylene with a capacity of 120.0 thousand tons/year. In the construction plan until 2008. construction of production of impact-resistant polystyrene - 70 thousand tons/year, foaming polystyrene - 50 thousand tons/year, AVT with a capacity of 4 million tons/year for oil, etc.

The list of products produced by the company includes over 140 items, including 76 items of the main products: automotive gasoline, diesel fuels, kerosene, fuel oil, toluene, solvent, liquefied gases, benzene, styrene, ethylbenzene, butyl alcohols, phthalic anhydride, plasticizers, polyethylene, polystyrenes, silica gels, zeolite catalysts, corrosion inhibitors, elemental sulfur, ammonia, carbamide, a range of household products, glycols and other active amines.

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