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Apartment building. Power supply system and lighting system

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Power supply.

The power supply project of the residential building was developed on the basis of:

1. Customer Technical Assignment;

2. the Contract;

3. Architectural layouts and design design of a residential building,

4. Regulatory documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation:

PUE 2002 Electrical Installation Rules, Edition 7;

GOST P50571 "Electrical installations of buildings";

SNIP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting";

NPB246-97 "Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation."

The scope of the project includes electrical lighting of rooms and power electrical equipment (sockets). According to the composition of the envisaged electric consumers, the designed residential building corresponds to housing of the 2nd category. According to the one-line scheme, the one-time load of a residential building is 16.75 kW. The total declared capacity of the apartment is 27.25 kW. The demand ratio is 0.62. Considering the design load, the input to the residential building is designed as three-phase and is performed at a voltage of 380 V 50 Hz with a de-grounded neutral.

To organize the distribution of electricity to consumers of a residential building, a switchboard and a floor apartment panel of individual manufacture are used. The single-line diagram of the CB is shown in the drawing. To provide additional fire safety, a protective shutdown device (RCD) with a set point for leakage current of 300 mA is installed after the water machine at the input to the RB board.

The organization of electricity metering for the designed residential building is provided in the existing street distribution board with a double active energy tariff meter, three-phase, direct-flow, type specified 380/220 V, 550A. All sockets are selected in accordance with the requirements of PUE para 7.1.49.

In the design of the place of installation of lighting fixtures, bras, boxes for hanging chandeliers, sockets and electrical installation products are of a advisory nature and are specified by the Customer depending on interior solutions. Luminaires shall be selected depending on the purpose and environment of the room. The minimum degree of protection of lamps and sockets installed in the bathrooms and bathrooms must be at least IP44.

Electrical wiring of socket and power network is performed in corrugated PVC pipes with cable with copper conductors of VBGng grade not less than 2.5 mm. sq. In the strokes of the building structures of the walls .

Wiring of the lighting network is performed in corrugated PVC pipes with cable with copper cores VBGngls in bars of building structures of walls, floors and behind a false ceiling .

Hidden wiring shall be replaceable and cable replacement shall be possible, as well as access to branch points and electrical installation items. Wiring pipes shall have a fire safety certificate and be securely attached to ceiling, wall and partition structures.. When designing, it was taken into account that the building structures of a residential building are non-combustible.

Connection, branching and termination of wires and cables shall be performed by means of sealing, welding, soldering or compression (screw, bolt, etc.)

To ensure easy recognition of wiring conductors by colors, in accordance with item 2.1.31 of PUE 7, the following conductors are adopted in the design:

- Black, brown and red to indicate phase conductors (L1, L2, L3)

- Cyan - to indicate zero operating conductor (N),

- Yellow-green - for designation of protective conductor (PE )/

The height of the installation of electrical equipment and electrical installation products from the level of the clean floor is: electric lighting switches - 0.9 m.; sockets - 0.3 m; distribution board - 1.5 m. Places and height of points of supply of group network to current receivers are specified according to specific types of equipment used. In accordance with GOST R 50571.296, PUE Chapter 7, the design adopted:

- type of grounding system - TNS;

- types of current-carrying conductor systems: from street shield to shield splitting - five-wire, splitting. the network is three-wire around the house.

In order to protect people from electric shock, all open conductive parts of electrical installations that may be energized as a result of an insulation violation must be grounded by connecting them to the protective conductor PE. For this purpose it is used separate conductors - the fifth or third vein of a power line which is connected to the main protective conductor - SR switchboard PE tire. When performing grounding, refer to SNiP 3.05.0685 section "Grounding devices" and SP311102003 section "Grounding (suspension) and safety precautions," as well as PUE of 7, Chapter 1.7. Sockets shall have a closing socket device.

For bathrooms and shower cabins, an additional potential equalization system is provided, implemented by connecting the metal bodies of baths, showers, pallets and pipes to the potential equalization box (CIC), which, in accordance with GOST 50571.1196, is installed in the area of ​ ​ bathrooms and showers. Connection of the PIC to the PE bus of the shield at home is carried out using copper conductors with a section of 6 mm. sq. (1x6 IWGng cable). From PPC to electrical equipment (protective contacts) and third-party conductive parts, PVC pipes made with 1x2.5 VBGng cable. Electrical equipment installed stationary in plumbing cabins must also be connected to the potential equalization system with a copper conductor (BBNg 1x2.5) laid in corrugated PVC pipes.

Electrical equipment and materials accepted for installation, including those of foreign production, and similar to those specified in the project, must be certified in the GOST RF Certification System, as well as in the field of fire safety according to NPB24697 (in accordance with the List approved by the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and comply with the technical characteristics specified in the project, without deteriorating the quality. All electrical installation works shall be carried out by qualified personnel licensed to perform these works, in compliance with the current PUE and SNiP standards, as well as safety precautions.

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