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American College Project


The project considers the following systems:
Structured cabling system (SCS)
Telephone communication (TF)
WIFI Wireless Communication System
Clock system
Television (TV) system
Automation system for engineering equipment
Communication system for people with limited mobility

List of working drawings
General data.
Basement plan at elevation -1,800, -3,700 with SCS equipment placement
Plan of the first floor at elevation +1.200  with the placement of SCS equipment
Plan of the second floor at elevation +6.000  with the placement of SCS equipment
Plan of the third floor at elevation +9.500  with the placement of SCS equipment
Plan of the attic space letter A  with the placement of SCS equipment
SCS Structural Diagram
Structural diagram of television 
General view of the TSh0.1-0.3, SOUE, TSh2.1-2.3 cabinet
Cable Magazine 
Basement plan at -1.800, -3.700 with the placement of AOV, SMGN equipment
Plan of the first floor at elevation +1.200  with the placement of equipment with the placement of AOB, SMGN equipment
Plan room 106 with the placement of low-current system equipment
Structural diagram of air conditioning systems
Structural diagram of the SMGN 
Automation diagram of the supply and exhaust system PV1
Diagram of external connections of the supply and exhaust system PV1 
Automation diagram of supply systems P8, P9 
Diagram of external connections of supply systems P8, P9 
Diagram of automation and external connections of exhaust systems B1, B5 
Scheme of automation of supply systems P1, P2 (canteen) 
Diagram of external connections of supply systems P1, P2 (canteen)

Project's Content

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