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Album of standard schemes of water meters for house and communal purposes ECO NOM

  • Added: 03.09.2024
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1. General Provisions

1.1. This album has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the following applicable regulatory documents:

- SP 30.13330.2016 "Internal Water Supply and Sewerage";

- "Rules for the Use of the Public Water Supply and Sewerage System in the Russian Federation" dated February 12, 1999 (as amended on October 14, 2015);  

- "Rules for the provision of utilities to citizens" (as amended on September 9, 2017);

- GOST R 50193.2-92 "Measurement of water flow in closed canals. Cold water meters are winged. Installation Requirements";

- "Methodical recommendations for the selection, installation and operation of metering devices and regulation of the consumption of thermal energy, cold and hot water", NCC Housing and Public Utilities, 2003.

1.2. The solutions given in the Album apply to the installation of mechanical water meters installed on the internal networks of cold and hot water supply.

1.3. The water flow meters used in the Album are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments Approved for Use in the Territory of the Russian Federation and have the necessary certificates

and permissions. (see Appendices)

1.4. The designs of water metering units presented in the album ensure compliance with the requirements for the installation of meters set forth in GOST R 50193.2-92, water meter passports, and other valid ones

regulatory documents, namely:

- the presence of shut-off valves in front of the meter;

- the presence of a filter in front of the meter with a filtration capacity of no more than 500 μm;

- the presence of the required length of straight sections before and after the meter, depending on the diameter of the nominal passage of the meter;

- the presence of a drain valve installed between the meter and the second (in the direction of water flow) tap;

- the presence of a tap with a fitting as a primary fire extinguishing agent when entering the apartment;

1.5. Water metering units are allowed to be installed on steel, copper, metal-polymer and plastic pipelines, with proper installation of supporting structures that exclude transmission to the water metering

A unit of any type of load from pipelines.

Flexible hoses may be used as a branch from the water metering unit. It is allowed to use flexible booms as a supply to the water metering unit only according to a temporary scheme. A prerequisite is

admissibility of the use of pipes and hoses in the drinking water supply system.

1.6. The design, installation and operation of water metering units must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

1.7. The diameters of the nominal passage of meters must be agreed with representatives of water supply and sewerage services

(Water and Water Supply) if there is a water use contract with this enterprise. In other cases - with the balance holder of water supply networks (for housing cooperatives, residential complexes, homeowners' associations, condominiums, etc.) or representatives of housing

operating service (Housing Service) serving water supply networks (for municipal residential facilities).

2. Requirements for the arrangement of water metering units.

2.1. It is recommended to install the water metering unit on the supply water main to the facility or on a separate sanitary device immediately after the shut-off device and mechanical filter.

2.2. All sanitary appliances of the facility must be connected through the water metering unit (units).

2.3. The location of water metering units, their number at the facility is determined by the water consumer and must be agreed with the balance holder of the water supply networks of the facility or a representative of the Housing and Utilities Service. Approval is necessary to exclude unmetered water consumption, that is, the use of sanitary appliances in addition to the meter.

2.4. Acceptance and sealing of the water metering unit is carried out by representatives of the water supply services, the balance holder or the Housing and Utilities Service, depending on who is paid for the water consumed.

2.5. After the installation of meters on the internal networks of the facility, an act of installation of water meters is drawn up (see Appendix 1) and an executive diagram of the water metering unit connection is drawn up, which indicates the location of water metering units and diameters

underwater highways (see Appendix 2).

2.6. Upon acceptance of the water metering unit, the meter shall be sealed by representatives of the water supply system, the balance holder of the water supply networks of the facility or a representative of the Housing and Utilities Service. Sealing should be carried out in such a way as to exclude the possibility of unauthorized dismantling of the water meter and unmetered water consumption.

2.7. In case of installation of a mechanical filter in front of the meter, the filter plug is also subject to sealing.

3. Requirements for the premises of water metering units.

3.1. According to the "Rules for the use of public utilities systems,

Water Supply and Sewerage in the Russian Federation" 1999, the premises of the water metering unit must meet the following requirements:

- the air temperature in the room of the water metering unit should not fall below 5 ºC;

- measuring instruments at the metering unit must be protected from unauthorized interference in their operation, violating the reliable accounting of the amount of drinking water received or wastewater discharged.

3.2. The location of the water metering unit should provide for the possibility of its maintenance (dismantling of the meter for verification and repair).

3.3. Foreign objects that impede access to the water metering unit should not be stored in the room.

4. Description of the diagrams of water metering units

4.1. This Album presents the designs of apartment water flow metering units for water meters Du = 15 mm (nominal flow rate 3.0 m3/hour) in various versions depending on the type of meter and

installation sites, for the diameters of the supply pipeline du = 15....25mm. Other variants of schemes are allowed in compliance with the requirements set forth in this album, equipment passports and current regulatory documents.

4.2. The schemes presented in the album are suitable for  cold and hot water supply, which is due to the use of universal water meters ECO NOM.

4.3. It is recommended to use meters with pulse output for the possibility of their subsequent use in the system of data transmission on the volume of water consumed.

5. Installation and preparation of the meter for operation

5.1. Before installing the meter, the plastic

safety caps from the meter pipes.

5.2. Before installing the meter, it is necessary to check the integrity of the sealing clamp and the presence of a stamp on the initial verification in the passport. In this case, the serial number indicated in the passport must match the number applied to the dial.

5.3. The pipeline in the water meter installation area must have straight sections of at least 3D before the meter and 1D after the meter. (D is the diameter of the nominal passage of the water meter). Compliance with this condition is ensured by the use of standard connecting half-spurs included in the delivery set of water meters.

5.4. Pipelines before and after the meter should be fastened with fixed supports to prevent the transfer of forces to the meter body from thermal deformation of pipelines and inaccurate installation.

5.5. When installing the meter, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the direction of flow corresponds to the arrow on the meter body.

5.6. The connection of the meter to the pipeline should be tight, without distortions, so that there are no leaks at a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2).

5.7. Connection of the meter to the pipeline with a diameter greater or less than the diameter of the nominal passage of the meter is carried out with the help of adapters installed outside the zone of straight sections.

5.8. A mechanical filter with a mesh size of the filter element not exceeding 500 μm should be installed in front of the meter.

5.9. It is not allowed to install a meter with a pulse output at a close distance from devices that create a strong magnetic field around them (for example, power transformers).

5.10. The meter may be installed on horizontal and vertical pipelines. Installation of the meter on a horizontal pipeline with the counting mechanism downwards is not allowed.

5.11. If the pipeline in which the meter is installed is part of the grounding, the place of installation of the meter must be electrically shunted. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to additional corrosion of this section of the pipeline.

6. Operating and Maintenance Instructions


6.1. The meter must be used within the limits of passport costs (not more than Gnom and not less than Gmin).

6.2. The meter must be protected from hydraulic shocks and vibrations.

6.3. To determine the volume of liquid that has passed through the meter since the previous reading, it is necessary to subtract the previous meter reading from the current reading.

6.4. In the course of operation, it is not allowed to exceed

maximum water temperature.

6.5. In case of a noticeable decrease in water flow at constant pressure in the pipeline, it is necessary to clean the inlet filter from clogging. The approximate frequency of filter cleaning is at least 1 time in 6 months.

6.6. The outer surfaces of the meter must be kept clean. Dirty glass is wiped with a damp and then dry linen napkin.

6.7. In case of leakage in the meter elements, stop the meter or moisture in the counting mechanism, the meter must be dismantled and sent for repair.

6.8. The meter is repaired by the manufacturer or a specialized repair company.

6.9. Notes on all repairs must be made in the meter passport indicating the date, reason for the meter failure and the nature of the repairs made.

6.10. After repair, the meter is subject to unscheduled verification.

6.11. The frequency of scheduled water meter verifications is indicated in its passport (see Appendix 4).


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