Agricultural production building

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
1. General part
2. Design Input
2.1Teplotechnical calculation of the outer wall
2.2. Thermal calculation of the coating
4. Technical and economic indicators of the building
5. Research work
6. List of used literature
Currently, scientific and technological progress should ensure the development of the national economy of the country, aimed at the predominant development of production facilities and means of production. Which ensure the technical re-equipment and development of all other industries. An industrial enterprise is a set of tools and means of production, buildings, structures and other material funds used for the production of any product. Production buildings belong to the main assets of the relevant industry. And they are designed to place industries in them with the provision of the required conditions, for the production process, as well as the environment for normal human work. Industrial construction is the field of construction engaged in the creation of fixed assets of industry, including the implementation of a complex of construction and installation works related to the introduction of new, expansion and modernization of existing industrial enterprises.
Industrial facilities are built mainly in cities. Therefore, along with the industrialization of production and its improvement, the issue of ecology and environmental management is acute. Great attention should be paid to the wide use of new efficient building materials, prefabricated building elements, light and economical large-sized structures and products of improved quality, with a high degree of factory readiness, ensuring an increase in the level of industriality, reduced material intensity and construction costs. As well as durability, comfort and architectural expressiveness of production buildings.
In this course design it is necessary to design the production building. The graphic work includes: facades of the industrial building M 1:200, plan of the industrial building M 1:100, longitudinal and transverse section M 2:100, foundation plan M 1:100, cover plan M 1:100; plan of a roof of M 1:100, constructive nodes M 1:20; M 1:25.
1. General part
This structure is being built with the aim of containing soup and idler sows. The structural diagram of the building with a full frame is adopted. The frame is reinforced concrete. The structural wall system is brick. Floors - reinforced concrete ribbed slabs. Wall partitions are brick. The building in question was designed for construction in the city of Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar Territory.
2. Design Input.
• The construction site is the city of Tikhoretsk.
• Room temperature, humidity parameters:
t =16 C
t = - 22 C
= 11,6
• Standard depth of ground freezing
Ground freezing depth = 800 mm.
• Seismicity of construction area
Seismic characteristic = 7 points.
• Building class, accepted fire resistance and durability
Fire resistance ratio = III.
3. Description of architectural construction structures with their feasibility study.
Structural system and layout of the building
The scheme of the frame of this agricultural production building is a parking system with a full frame.
In this project, foundations do not bear great loads and are built on natural bases. Depth of foundation laying is taken from the value of design depth of ground freezing. Namely: for the Krasnodar Territory, the value of the ground freezing depth is 0.8. Hence, the depth of foundation laying is accepted 1100 mm. This design scheme provides for the presence of foundations from separate glass-type blocks, to which concentrated vertical loads are transferred.
Foundation beams are used to transfer loads from external walls to foundations of extreme columns of the frame. In places of gate openings there is a monolithic tape foundation of class B 12.5. Waterproofing is made on top of the foundation beams from two layers of toll. To prevent the floor from freezing along the walls, the beam is covered with slag from the sides and below. To divert atmospheric precipitation, we arrange paving.
Dimensions of glass-type foundation shoes:
1F12.121 1200*1200*650
2F15.152 1500*1500*650
Building enclosing structures (walls, floors)
For this structure, a brick wall structural system is adopted. Common clay brick of grade 100 (GOST 53080) is used. Volumetric mass of brick γ = 16001900 kg/m3, coefficient of thermal conductivity γ = 0.70.8 W/( m * 0С). Masonry is made on cement-dried mortar of M 75 grade.
Precast reinforced concrete framing columns
Columns are selected as 1K 33.3 and 2K 54.3. Fill the gap between the walls of the sleeve and the installed column with concrete on fine crushed stone of class B 12.5.
Slabs and beams.
Made of reinforced concrete ribbed slabs of grade 2PG 2AIVt and 2PG2AIVt. The weight of the plate is 1190 kg, can be used for a design load of 3 kN/m2. The plate is reinforced with frames or grids. Slabs are laid along reinforced concrete single-slope beams with a span of 9 m, which are made of a continuous T-section, with a rib thickness of 90 mm.
Brick partitions with a thickness of 120 mm were selected for the project.
The project used 5 types of floors, each of which was selected according to the characteristics of the rooms in which it will be installed. Lime-expanded flooring was chosen in the machines, as it is one of the rational warm types of floors. They are placed above the floor level in passages by 50 mm and are made with a slope of 5% towards the manure removal channel. In service passages, the floor is concrete and is made higher than the planning elevation of the ground by 150 mm, in the electric panel and rooms for storing inventory, the floor is concrete. In the room of maintenance personnel - linoleum. In manure passages, in group sections for holding pigs, slotted floors made of reinforced concrete are arranged.
For this project, a double-pitched roof of asbestos-cement wavy sheets of HC-6 grade was adopted. The base under the roof is wooden bars with a section of 50x50, which are deeply impregnated with antiseptic. Coatings with asbestos cement roofs are less material-intensive, their structures are sufficiently industrial, provide a more favorable mode of insulation, make it possible to use mineral wool plates as insulators, which are the main heat insulation material in agricultural construction.
Windows and Doors
The windows are located at a height of 1.2 m from the floor level. Corresponding sizes of window openings for pigs 1000x4500 mm are taken from the natural light coefficient.
Gates and doors leading from the animal holding room are easy to open and do not have thresholds. The gates and doors are made double-sided, and the doors open to the outside. The size of the gate is 1500x2000 mm.
The fences in the group machines are made lattice with a clearance of 120 mm .
Свинарник на 335 холостых и супоросных свиноматок.dwg

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