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Administrative and household complex - Ventilation

  • Added: 03.07.2014
  • Size: 8 MB
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Diploma project-set of drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

icon ov.dwg
icon Чертежи.ppt
icon АБК_планыВент.dwg
icon АБК_планыОТОПЛ.dwg
icon АБК_схемыВЕНТ.dwg
icon АБК_схемыОТОПЛ.dwg
icon СО_Рабоч.dwg
icon 00 титул.doc
icon 01 ПЗ.doc
icon 02 теплопотери.doc
icon 03 характеристика.doc
icon 04 аэродинамический расчет.doc
icon 04 аэродинамический расчет.xls
icon 05 П-1.pdf

Additional information


1. Object characteristic

2. Heat Engineering Calculation of External Enclosures

3. Calculation of heat losses

4. Calculation of air exchanges

5. Characteristics of heating and ventilation systems

6. Air Distribution Calculations

7. Aerodynamic calculation for plenum system and natural exhaust ventilation system

8. List of sources used

1. object characteristic

The name of the object: "Administrative household building."

Building type: public.

Construction site: St. Petersburg.

Orientation on the points of the world: see planchem, sheet 1.1.

Humidity mode of rooms operation: normal.

Heat supply source: built-in boiler room.

1.1. Architectural and construction characteristics

The space-volume solution of the building is determined by its functional purpose. The building is 3 storeys, rectangular in plan. There is no sub-shaft in the building. On the ground floor there are office rooms, a security room, locker rooms, showers, technical and auxiliary rooms, on the 2nd and 3rd floors there are office rooms.

Total area of ​ ​ the building: 1055.4m ²

Drawings content

icon ov.dwg


icon АБК_планыВент.dwg


icon АБК_планыОТОПЛ.dwg


icon АБК_схемыВЕНТ.dwg

icon АБК_схемыОТОПЛ.dwg


icon СО_Рабоч.dwg

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