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Accessory for installation of sewage pits


Drawing of accessory for installation of spacer and landing ring of BelAZ vehicle wheel rim

Project's Content

icon Приспособление для установки колодцев.doc
icon Присбособление для колодцев.dwg

Additional information

Fixture for installation of manholes

Explanatory Note


Accessory is intended for installation of pre-assembled from railway

rings of type KS10.9 or KS15.9 as per GOST 802090 (diameter 1 or 1.5 m) of sewage

and other wells.

The accessory ensures reduction of production costs at the expense of

reduction of excavation volumes and improvement of assembly and application quality

waterproofing due to performance of these works on an open area on the surface.

In addition, the accessory provides the ability to install structures at

laying of trenches near buildings, roads and in other constrained conditions, and/or

facilitates operation in case of routing in weak soils (floats) or in case of

high level of groundwater.


The structure of the accessory consists of four main elements: - two

struts made of channel No.12 and two struts made of angle 50x5.

Upper ends of posts are pivotally connected by means of lifting bracket. To lower

paws (plates made of sheet steel S = 16) are welded to the ends of the struts. At a distance of 1/5

struts length from their bottom, struts are hinged to struts. On spacers

holes are made for possibility of their hinge connection, and coordinates

holes make it possible to divide lower ends of posts by 1m or

1.5 m, depending on the location of the hinge bolt. To the free end of one of

struts are welded with limiter providing mutual fixation of struts after

dividing the racks by the specified size. In addition, to the free end of this spacer

flexible link (rope) is attached, providing lifting of hinge joint

spacers and their additional fixation after the struts are divided into the specified size.

Operating Manual

The pit is assembled at the site, in the area of reach by the crane of the place

assembly and site of structure installation. Lower ring of the pit shall be installed on

two 100x100 bars.

After completion of well assembly and waterproofing works using crane,

accessory is lowered into the well from above. At that struts of accessory are brought together,

and the hinge joint of the struts is at the bottom. After touching the surface legs, on

to which the well is installed, installation is performed on the upper surface of the well

time scaffolding. From these scaffolds, the worker by rope lifts to

stop of swivel joint of struts and then fastens rope on brackets on one of

struts. In this case, the legs of the accessory must go under the lower ring of the well, and the

the accessory shall be located along the axis of the well. For the period following

lifting and transfer by the crane of the well, scaffolds on the upper section of the well provide

vertical position of structure axis.

After installation of the well on the prepared base in the trench,

removal of the accessory from the well. To do this, the upper end of the rope is released and with

by means of board (or other lever) pressing on hinged joint of struts

fixture struts are brought together. In case of clamping of the legs between the ring

well and base, by means of lever resting against wall of lower ring and strut

additional force is provided for release of paws.

Drawings content

icon Присбособление для колодцев.dwg

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