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Accessory for control of deviations from cylinders

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Course project. Manufacturing process of holder, design contains 5 sheets in compass and autocade + rpz, all calculations

Project's Content

icon маршрут_1.5.docx
icon РПЗ.docx
icon чертежи + спецификации_3.dwg
icon чертежи + спецификации_3.frw

Additional information



1.1. Assigning a Part

1.2. Part Specification Analysis

1.3. Billet Mass Calculation

1.4. Type of production. Calculation of release cycle

1.5. Procurement Selection

1.6. Calculation of allowances

1.7. Calculation of cutting modes

1.7.1. Drill operation

1.7.2. Lathe operation

1.8. Routing technology


2.1. Description of working accessory

2.2. Calculation of working accessory

2.3. Description of control device

2.4. Calculation of a special tool



1. process part

1.1. Assigning a Part

The holder part is used as an element of electrical machines, such as generator with air cooling system GT16PCH8E. Such generators are produced at the Aeroelectromash plant, along with other electric machines of this type.

Generators of this type are used in the ventilation system of airplanes and helicopters.

1.2. Part Specification Analysis

Part material - VAL8 alloy, high-strength aluminum alloy

Part Specification:

1. Workpiece weight is not more than 0.011 kg,

KIM - not less than 0.7

2. Mechanical properties - as per GOST 268575.

3. Unspecified limit deviations of dimensions of machined surfaces according to GOST 30893.12002.

4.* Provide the size. instr.

5. Heem cover. Oaks.

feature control frame tolerances:

a) cylindrical tolerance of the annular surface - 10 μm

The quality of the surface layers of the part. Surface roughness as per GOST GOST 268575.

The lowest roughness value Ra = 0.2mkm.

The main technological tasks that arose during the manufacture of this part:

adaptation of the process to the production type;

obtaining accuracy specified by the designer without using expensive equipment;

Use of multi-site operations to reduce process time

matching of part shape with processing conditions;

machining multiple surfaces from a single installation

As you can see, the part is responsible, so control operations follow both before the finishing operation (since it is expensive, labor-intensive, and not all errors can be eliminated by it, but mainly achieve the required roughness), and at the end of the process.

1.6. Calculation of machining allowances

Purpose of machining allowances.

Allowances are determined in accordance with GOST 2664585.

Casting manufacturing process: casting according to meltable models. The coating is applied by a pulverizer. Alloy - VAL8. The largest overall size of the casting is 164 mm.

1. Definition of dimensional accuracy class (Table 9)

The accuracy class of the dimensions is selected depending on the casting method, the largest overall size of the casting, and the type of alloy.

Largest overall size......... 164 mm

Alloy type - VAL8 (high-strength aluminum)

We get a class of dimensional accuracy from 3 to 7. Smaller values from this range relate to simple castings and conditions of mass automated production, large values ​ ​ - to complex castings of single and small-scale production.

Select KTR 4

2. Define the dimension tolerance. (Table 1)

The size tolerance is determined depending on the accuracy class of the casting dimensions and the nominal size. The dimension tolerance is selected separately for each machined surface.

For surface 1 (KTP 4, nominal size 164 mm).

The dimension tolerance is 0.44 mm.

For surface 2 (KTP 4, nominal size 161 mm).

The dimension tolerance is 0.44 mm.

For surface 3 (KTP 4, nominal size 20 mm).

The dimension tolerance is 0.24 mm.

For surface 3 (KTP 4, nominal size 1.5 mm).

The dimension tolerance is 0.16 mm.

3. Determination of casting warpage degree (Table 10)

The selection is based on the smallest cast element, from the ratio of the smallest size to the largest. The degree of warping is selected for the entire casting .

For this casting = 20 mm, l = 164 mm, (/l) = 20/164 = 0.12; by this value we choose the degree of warping. We have a one-time form and a non-thermal cast. We get a range from 2 to 5. Smaller values from this range relate to simple castings from light non-ferrous alloys, larger values ​ ​ to complex castings from black alloys. Choose: Degree of warpage - 3.

4. Define mold feature tolerance (Table 2)

This tolerance is selected for each surface separately depending on the degree of warping and the nominal size of the casting area.

Surface 1 - degree of warpage - 3; nominal size - 164 mm - 0.32 mm

Surface 2 - degree of warpage - 3; nominal size - 161 mm - 0.32 mm

Surface 3 - degree of warpage - 3; nominal size - 20 mm - 0.2 mm

Surface 3 - degree of warpage - 3; nominal size - 1.5 mm - 0.2 mm

5. Determination of overall tolerance of casting elements (Table 16)

The overall tolerance is selected based on the dimension tolerance and the feature control frame.

For symmetrical and opposed machined surfaces, the total tolerance is two times less, that is, for surface 1 and 2:

Surface 1 - dimension tolerance - 0.44 mm; shape tolerance - 0.32 mm - 0.64 (0.32) mm;

Surface 2 - dimension tolerance - 0.44 mm; shape tolerance - 0.32 mm - 0.64 (0.32) mm;

Surface 3 - dimension tolerance - 0.24 mm; shape tolerance - 0.2 mm - 0.36 (0.18) mm;

Surface 4 - dimension tolerance - 0.16 mm; shape tolerance - 0.2 mm - 0.36 (0.18) mm;

6. Determine the accuracy of the surface (Table 11)

The degree of surface accuracy is selected depending on the type of alloy, the largest overall size of the casting, and the casting process.

Largest overall size................. 164 mm.

We get a range from 4 to 9. Smaller values from this range relate to simple castings and conditions of mass automated production, large values ​ ​ - to complex castings of single and small-scale production.

We choose: the degree of accuracy of the surface is 5.

7. Determination of the range of allowance for mechanical treatment of castings (Table 14)

The allowance row is based on the accuracy of the casting surface (5).

We get the range from 1 to 4. We have an aluminum alloy, so we choose a smaller value - 1.

8. Select the type of final machining (Table 7 and Table 8)

Tables 7 and 8 define the type of final machining.

Surface 1. (164 mm)

Dimensional tolerances for casting and part are 0.44 mm and 0.25 mm, respectively. By their ratio of 0.25/0.44 = 0.56, a rough treatment is obtained. The mold and arrangement tolerances for the casting and part are 0.32 mm and 0.133 μm, respectively. For their ratio of 0.133/0.32 = 0.3, a semi-pure treatment is obtained. We assign the type of final machining - finishing.

Surface 2. (161 mm)

Dimensional tolerances for casting and part are 0.44 mm and 0.133 mm, respectively. By their ratio of 0.133/0.44 = 0.3, a semi-pure treatment is obtained. Mold and part tolerances are 0.32 mm and 0.25 mm, respectively. For their ratio of 0.25/0.32 = 0.78, a rough treatment is obtained. Assign the type of final machining - reroute

Surface 3. (20 mm)

Dimensional tolerances for casting and part are 0.24 mm and 0.21 mm, respectively. By their ratio of 0.21/0.24 = 0.8, a rough treatment is obtained. Mold and part tolerances are 0.18 mm and 0.21 mm, respectively. For their ratio of 0.18/0.21 = 0.85, a rough treatment is obtained. Assign Final Machining Type - Draft

Surface 4. (1.5 mm)

Dimensional tolerances for casting and part are 0.16 mm and 0.3 mm, respectively. By their ratio of 0.18/0.3 = 0.8, a rough treatment is obtained. The tolerances of the casting form and arrangement and the part are 0.18 mm and 0.3 mm, respectively. For their ratio of 0.18/0.3 = 0.85, a rough treatment is obtained. Assign Final Machining Type - Draft

9. Determine the overall side allowance (Table 6)

General allowance to the side is made according to the general tolerance, a number of allowances for machining and the type of final machining. When determining the allowance, we take the tolerance field 2 lines lower, since we have single production.

Surface 1 - total tolerance - 0.32 mm; range of allowance -1 - 2.1 mm;

Surface 2 - total tolerance - 0.32 mm; range of allowance -1 - 2.1 mm;

Surface 3 - total tolerance - 0.18 mm; range of allowance -1-0 mm;

Surface 4 - total tolerance - 0.18 mm; range of allowance -1-0 mm;

10. Define the displacement tolerance of the mould halves (Table 1)

Depending on the class of dimensional accuracy of the casting (4) and the nominal size of the thinnest of the casting walls emerging or crossing the connector (1.5 mm), we determine the displacement tolerance of the half-molds.

Offset tolerance - 0.16 mm.

11. Determine the accuracy class of the casting mass (Table 13)

Selected by nominal casting weight (0.097 g), alloy type and casting method.

We get the range from 3 to 10. Smaller values from this range relate to simple compact castings and conditions of mass automated production, large ones - to complex large-sized castings of single and small-scale production.

We choose the 4th accuracy class.

12. Select the cast weight tolerance (Table 4)

This tolerance is determined depending on the accuracy class of the casting mass (4) and on the nominal mass (0.097 kg)

Tolerance - 4% of nominal weight, i.e. 0.0038 kg

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