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Accessory - conductor

  • Added: 03.05.2015
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Accessory - conductor for formation of layer of restored seat for bearing

Project's Content

icon 10-Конструкторский раздел.docx
icon Деталировка.frw
icon приспособление.frw
icon 07-приспособление.bak
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icon 07-приспособление.frw
icon 08-Деталировка.bak
icon 08-Деталировка.dwg

Additional information

Design Part

4.1 Description of design and operating principle of the motor cover clamping accessory

In the process in question, at step 20 (metal-polymer), an auxiliary device is used - a conductor to form a layer of a restored seat for the bearing. Accessory consists of base (plate 1), on which part is installed. The part is clamped by grips (3) with the help of nuts (4), the accessory is fixed by means of slots with machine bolts on the machine table.

4.2 Analysis of existing structures based on a patent and bibliographic search

In the course of the diploma project, patent studies were carried out in the field of the use of "conductor" devices. At the same time, applications for inventions for the period from 1965 to 2002, contained in the patent fund of the Oryol Central Research Institute, were reviewed. The research revealed three copyright certificates for devices similar in purpose to the device we are considering.

In addition, a bibliographic search was carried out on the magazine "Machines and Tools" for the period from 1990 to 2000.

The results of the studies are given in Appendix B.

Drawings content

icon Деталировка.frw


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icon 07-приспособление.dwg


icon 07-приспособление.frw


icon 08-Деталировка.dwg


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