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9-storey single-section residential building in Nizhny Novgorod

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Course work on architecture at NNGASU. 2 sheets A1 + Explanatory note

Project's Content

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icon Нижегородский государственный архитектурно.docx

Additional information



Design Input

1 Master Plan

2 Volumetric planning solution

3 Architectural and structural solution of the building

3.1 Foundations

3.2 Walls

3.3 Overlaps

3.4 Coatings

4. Functional - structural device

4.1 Doors

4.2 Windows

4.3 Stairs

4.4 Floors

5 Engineering equipment

5.1 Elevator

5.2 Garbage duct

5.3 Ventilation units

6 Interior decoration of rooms

7 Architectural and artistic solution


List of literature used


The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - uli-tsy, square and city.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture, along with functional expediency, convenience and beauty, include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to beauty codes.

Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

Design Input:

A residential building with 36 apartments is located in Nizhny Novgorod. Residential building refers to multi-storey residential buildings of the sectional type:

- section formula: 1 - 2 - 2 - 3;

- estimated temperature of the coldest five-day period: 31 0С;

- Climate of the region: temperate;

- snow load 200 kg/m2;

- standard value of wind pressure 0.23 kPa;

- ground freezing depth is 1.5 m;

- the relief of the site is calm;

- designed building has fire resistance grade II;

- functional fire safety class F 1.3;

- structural fire hazard class CO;

- No groundwater was found;

- soil conditions - loam;

- engineering and technical support from existing urban networks.

Architectural and structural diagram of the building

This building has a scheme with a frequent pitch of transverse bearing walls and longitudinal bearing walls (cross structural scheme: a scheme with a frequent pitch).

3.1 Foundation

In the building, a tape-type foundation, assembled from slabs and blocks and serving as the basis for bearing walls, laid to a depth of 1.6 m. Pli-you form the lower, widened, part of the tape foundation. They are reinforced by grids located at the bottom of the floor from rods of a periodic profile with a protective layer of concrete of 30 mm below and 50 mm along the perimeter and are formed from concrete of grades 150 and 200.

Grids with working reinforcement spacing of 100, 150 mm (Ø6 - 9 mm) and installation of reinforcement 150, 250 mm (Ø4 - 5 mm) are made using contact point electric welding. Sling loops made of Ø8 - 14 mm rods (depending on the weight of the plate) are placed under the working rods of the nets and attached to them. If necessary, reinforced plates shall be used.

Foundation wall blocks are formed from 100 grade concrete - ordinary and 200 grade - reinforced. Sling loops made of Ø8-14 mm rods are recessed in the end clips. The end faces of the blocks have a vertical furrow for a mortar key .

Holes in walls of length 0.4; 0.8 m and 0.25 m high are formed by L-shaped blocks (see GOST 13579-78).

Basement panels of external and internal walls differ from storeys with a lower height and thickness (due to the lack of need for sound and thermal insulation of premises ).

Protection of the floor and basement walls against the penetration of capillary - building materials washing through the pores and soil moisture leaking through the foundation is achieved by the device of dressing waterproofing of vertical surfaces contacting the ground of the basement walls. To protect the foundation from atmospheric precipitation and meltwater, a pavement with a width of 1 m is provided along the perimeter of the building.

3.2 Walls

Panels of outer walls with thickness of 350 mm are made of structural-insulating light concretes with density of up to 1400 kg/m3 are made with expanded clay aggregate. They have a three-layer structure and contain an external, internal and insulation layer enclosed between them. They have significant advantages over one- and two-layer ones, consisting in increased waterproofness of the facade layer, the ability to change the bearing capacity of the wall in a wide range (due to changing the class of concrete, the thickness of the supporting layer of the plate, or its reinforcement) and its heat-protective qualities (due to the use of insulators of different efficiency and cross section). This makes the construction of the three-layer wall universal. The outer and inner layers are formed by walls of structural concrete with a minimum grade of 150. The insulation layer is ISOVER KL34.

In the joints of the panels, welded bonds are used, which are most widespread in practice due to their rigidity, which ensures the stability of the mounted panels, and reliability in subsequent work.

Inner bearing walls with thickness of 160 mm have single-row cutting along the height of the floor and cutting along the length in multiple of the dimensions of the structural cell. The length of the panels of the transverse walls "for one room," pro-longitudinal - "for one or two rooms."

Panels are molded in vertical cassette machines from structural concrete of at least 150 grade.

To prevent the development of cracks, the panels are structurally reinforced with double-sided nets of Ø14 mm rods with 400x400 mm cells. These meshes are welded into reinforcement blocks with vertical transverse frames placed at intervals of up to 1500 mm. The bearing capacity of the panels in the area of ​ ​ abutment to vertical joints is increased due to indirect reinforcement of the ends with steel grids with 75x75 mm cells. Reinforcement frames above the openings cover their width in both directions by at least 500 mm.

In order not to disturb the sound insulation, channels for hidden wiring and for unpacking boxes, sockets and the like do not form through holes. Crack resistance along the channels is provided by reinforcing 250 mm with a strip of steel mesh made of wire Ø3 mm, with a cell of 50x50 mm. In the inter-apartment walls, the channels for adjacent apartments are separate. Sound insulation of wall and floor joints is guaranteed by the installation of panels and slabs in joints for 70 mm and the installation of concrete or mortar keys. Flexible gaskets are brought into the joint mouth. The seams are expanded with cement mortar.

Horizontal joints of internal walls are made platform (walls rest on each other through floors, slabs of which are connected to the joint by 70 mm). In 20 mm gap between slabs there are pin retainers.

Vertical joints of the panels of the internal walls provide spatial rigidity of the building box. They are made with minimum compliance with shear and tear forces perceived by solution keys.

Steel connections between inner wall panels are welded only in the upper level. Clipping at embedded elements allows covering welded joints with protective layer of mortar.

Partitions - thin internal walls, are enclosing structures and serve to divide the building into separate rooms within the floor. According to purpose, partitions are divided into:

- interroom

- interroom

- for sanitary and technical facilities

Depending on the materials used, the partitions are brick, wooden, made of light concrete, gypsum fiber sheets, etc.

Panel, slab and small-piece partitions are used in civilian buildings. Rolled gypsum concrete partitions are used in the designed building.

Panels of partitions on gypsum-cement-puszolan binder are installed in rooms with high humidity. Thickness of panels 80 and 100mm. Panels are attached along vertical faces to load-bearing structures in rooms up to 3.1m high at two points along the height of the panel, at a panel height of more than 3.1m in three points. Fixation to the ceiling in panels up to 1.5 m long is carried out at one point with a long length - at two points. The attachment points are located at a distance of 0.5 m from the edge of the panel.

3.3 Overlaps

Slabs are solid, "per room" in size, with a support on four sides and a thickness of 140 mm, made of structural concrete with non-stressed reinforcement.

Plates are reinforced with welded blocks installed in cassette in assembled form, including loop outlets, embedded parts and spatial frames - retainers.

Reinforcement elements are connected into spatial unit by contact electric welding. The design position of the reinforcement block in the cassette compartment during concreting is provided by spatial and flat frames - retainers.

Slabs of 200 grade concrete are formed.

Diameter of channels for hidden interchangeable wiring is 25 mm. The layout of the channels depends on the layout of the apartments.

The hardness of the overlap disk is provided by welding reinforcement outlets located on the side faces, grouting the seams with cement mortar of grade 100 and forming a solution key. Design position of plates is controlled by retainers in bearing walls.

3.4 Coatings

The roof is assembled from reinforced concrete, pre-stressed ribbed slabs and trays and non-stressed side elements.

The water drain is internal through water receivers located in the trays. Slope of roofing slabs is 2.25% in trays 2.0%. Support of trays on load-bearing attic panels (on tables) is fixed by welding of embedded elements. Roof slabs are laid on the bearing edges of the trays overlapping a layer of cement mortar.

The joints of the roof elements are covered with parapet plates, aprons made of galvanized roof steel or are overlapped. Joints are sealed using porous rubber gaskets on KN-3 mastic.

In this building, two groups of attic panels are used: load-bearing, installed for trays, and good, buttress - at the joints and at the corners of frieze panels. Bearing panels in plan I-section with wall and shelf thickness of 200 mm, good - flat with thickness of 160 mm. All panels have openings for passing communications, are equipped with embedded parts for welding with adjacent structures. They are molded from 200 grade concrete. Density of installation on floor slabs is ensured by application of paste, accuracy - by pin retainers. Floor ventilation panels are completed at the attic level with reinforced concrete diffusers. Ventilation shafts are installed on an attic floor of 40 mm by a layer of semi-rigid mineral wool plates. They are designed to remove ventilation emissions from bathrooms and kitchens from all floors of the building and are used to pass the flare emission of the smoke removal system. Attic element of ventilation shaft has bottom and air intake windows. The upper roof element is covered with a safety set-top .

Drawings content

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