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Spacious 9-storey residential building

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9-storey residential building

Project's Content

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icon Образец данилин.doc
icon Образец.doc
icon Danilin.doc
icon Аннотация.doc
icon Введение.doc
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Additional information





1. Feasibility Study for Design Option Selection

1.1 General provisions

1.2 Calculation of estimated cost of construction and installation works

1.3 Calculation of capital investments for the purchase of construction equipment

1.4 Characteristics of the main design solutions

2. Architectural and construction section

2.1 General part

2.2 General characteristics of the building

2.3 Space planning solutions

2.3.1 Foundations

2.3.2 Exterior walls

2.3.3 Exterior Finishes

2.3.4. Partitions

2.3.5 Floors and coverings

2.3.6 Interior Finishes

2.3.7 Floors

2.3.8 Windows and doors

2.3.9 Kitchens

2.3.10 Bathrooms and sanitary units

2.3.11 Stairwell

2.3.12 Elevators

2.3.13 Heating

2.3.14 Water supply

2.3.15 Sewerage

2.3.16 Power supply

2.3.17 Garbage duct

2.4 Technical and economic indicators

2.5 Climatic characteristics of Orel

2.6 Heat Engineering Calculation

2.6.1 General provisions

2.6.2 Outer Wall Calculation

2.6.3 Calculation of thickness of attic insulation

2.6.4 Determination of heat absorption index of floor surface

2.7 Development Master Plan Decision

3. Design Section

3.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete strip pedestals of pile foundations

3.1.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete strip pedestals of pile foundations for external walls

Calculation of transverse rods

Calculation for push-through

3.2.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete strip pedestals of pile foundations for internal walls

3.2.2 Calculation of transverse rods

3.2.3 Calculation for push-through

3.3.1 Calculation of precast reinforced concrete march

3.3.2 Determination of loads and forces

3.3.3 Preliminary assignment of dimensions of the cross section of the march

3.3.4 Calculation of inclined section for transverse force

3.4.1. Calculation of reinforced concrete slab

3.4.2. Define Loads

3.4.3 Calculation of the plate shelf

3.4.4 Calculation of frontal edge

3.4.5 Calculation of inclined cross section of frontal rib for transverse force

3.5 Calculation of multi-stop slab

3.5.1 Calculation by limit states of the first group

3.5.2 Calculation of multi-stop plate by limit states of the second group

3.5.3 Pre-stress loss of valves

3.5.4 Calculation by crack formation,

normal to longitudinal axis

3.5.5 Calculation of plate deflection

4. Foundations and foundations

4.1 General provisions

4.2 Engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

4.3 Measures to reduce deformations due to frost straining forces

4.4 Measures for the period of operation of buildings and structures for soil protection based on excess water saturation

4.5 Technical Instructions for Construction of Pile Foundations

4.6 The solution and geo-ecological approach to the problem of the adjacent foundations are applied

5. Construction production technology

5.1 General provisions

5.2 Earthworks

5.3 Piling Procedure

5.4 Technology of erection of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete pile

5.5 Safety precautions during works

5.6 Reinforcement of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete pile

5.7 Concreting

5.8 Concrete mix supply and distribution equipment

5.9 Laying of concrete mixture

5.10 Quality control and acceptance of works

5.11 Compaction of concrete mixture

5.12 Features of concrete works at negative temperatures

5.13 Installation of wall foundation blocks

5.14 Layered masonry

5.15 Floor slabs

5.16 Installation works

5.17 Stone works

5.18 Roof

5.19 Requirements for roofing

5.20 Insulation Layer Requirements

5.21 Operational quality control of construction works

5.22 Determination of crane parameters

6. Economy and organization of construction

6.1 Determination of estimated construction cost

6.2 Determination of estimated cost in local and object estimates

7. Occupational and environmental protection

7.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors

7.2 Safety features during construction

7.3 Occupational safety of excavator drivers

7.3.1 Safety requirements before starting operation

7.3.2 Safety requirements during operation

7.3.3 Safety requirements in emergency situations

7.3.4 Safety requirements upon completion of operation

7.4 Occupational safety of masons

7.4.1 Safety requirements before starting operation

7.4.2 Safety requirements during operation

7.4.3 Safety requirements in emergency situations

7.4.4 Safety requirements upon completion of operation

7.5 Ensuring fire safety

7.6 Environmental protection measures

7.7. Lighting Calculation

7.7.1. Temporary lighting

7.7.2 Calculation of searchlight of the construction site

7.7.3 Calculation of searchlight of construction area by method of light flux

7.7.4 Calculation of site searchlight by specific power method


The diploma project on the topic: "The project of a residential 9-storey building at different levels in Orel" is presented in the form of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The graphic part consists of 14 sheets, including: feasibility study, master plan, facades, standard floor plans, section, fragments of the 1st floor plan, pile plan, foundation sections, work flow diagrams, construction plan.

The calculation and explanatory note reflects issues on architecture, structures, foundations and foundations, technology of construction production, economics and organization of construction, as well as issues of labor and environmental protection.


The housing problem was and remains one of the most important problems for the Russian Federation and the Oryol region in particular. The only correct way to overcome the real problem is the intensive construction of multi-storey residential buildings .

Construction, being a material-intensive, labour-intensive, capital-intensive, energy-intensive and knowledge-intensive production, contains a solution to many local and global problems, from social to environmental.

Construction organizations have an urgent need for large volumes of construction and installation work involving free labor resources, especially from among unemployed citizens.

In connection with the aggravated environmental problems, it is extremely important to use the natural conditions of the construction site as rationally as possible.

A diploma project on the topic: "The project of a residential 9-storey building at different levels in Orel" reveals the possibilities of designing buildings that are most rationally inscribed in natural conditions .

Geoecological construction proposes and justifies the incorporation of building foundations into the natural geological environment, without disturbing the general ecosystem and thereby aims to preserve natural landscapes and differs from the traditional incorporation of engineering structural systems into the geomorphological environment of the construction site. This predetermines the mass transfer system of the erected structure to the geoecological environment.

In addition, this favors and ensures the geoecological protection of the base and contributes to the rational development of underground space.

The problems raised in this diploma project were covered by the author in scientific papers in 1999 and 2000 .

General provisions

When comparing space-planning and design solutions, it is necessary to observe comparability of costs and effects in the compared versions according to the following indicators :

scope of application;

social level;

impact on the environment.

The technical and economic indicators used to compare the options are calculated for the same construction and operation area, in a single price level for similar structures and materials, on the basis of a single estimate base, taking into account the life of the comparison objects.

Two design options are briefly described and the following indicators are calculated:

cost of construction and installation works ;

capital investments for the purchase of construction machines necessary for the performance of construction and installation works according to the compared versions ;

the number of machines required to perform the specified works;

labor intensity of works, human days;

consumption of basic materials and structures (concrete and reinforced concrete , reinforcement);

expenditure of basic wages;

List of literature used

GOST 25100-82. Soils. Classification. - M.: Stroyizdat 1983.

GOST 21.50193. Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings.

GOST 21.50893. SPDS. Rules for execution of working documentation of master plans of enterprises, structures and housing and civil facilities .

GOST 21.10197. Basic requirements for design and detailed design documentation .

ENiR. Collection E1. Internal construction transport works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 40 pages.

ENiR. Collection E2. Earthworks. Out. 1. Mechanized and manual earthworks/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1988. – 224 pages.

ENiR Collection E2. Mechanized and manual earthworks.

ENiR. Collection E3. Stone works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1973. – 56 pages.

ENiR. Collection E4. Installation of prefabricated and construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures. Out. 1. Buildings and industrial structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 64 pages.

ENiR. Collection E7. Roofing works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 24 pages.

ENiR. Collection E9. Out. 1. Sanitary equipment of buildings and structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987, 79 p.

ENiR collection 12 "Pile Works" Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1983. – 95 pages.

ENiR. Collection E19. Flooring/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 48 pages.

SNiP I.02.07.-87 Engineering surveys for construction. Main provisions. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

SNiP II-3-79 Construction heat engineering. M.: Stroyizdat, 1979.

SNiP 2.01.01-82 Construction climatology and geophysics. M.: Stroyizdat, 1983.

SNiP 2.01.02-85 Fire safety standards. - M.: Ed. CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1986.

SNiP 2.01.07-85 Loads and impacts. M.: ZITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1986.

SNiP 2.02.01-83. M. Foundations of buildings and structures.: Gosky USSR for construction, 1985. With changes to SNiP 2.02.01-83. Postan. Gosstroy of the USSR from 09.12.85, No. 211 with a period of implementation with 01.07.86. 54 pages .

SNiP 2.03.01-89 Residential buildings. - M.: Ed. CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1989.

SNiP 2.03.01-84 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. M.: TSITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1985.

SNiP 2.07.01-89 Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. M.: ed. CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1989

Manual for designing foundations of buildings and structures (to SNiP 2.02.01-83). Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures named after N.M. Gersevanova (Research Institute of Gersevanova OSP) Gosstroy of the USSR. M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. 415 pages.

Veselov V.A. Design of foundations and foundations. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1990.

Foundations, foundations and underground structures: Designer's Handbook ./Ed. E. A. Sorochan, Yu. G. Irofimenkov. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.

Tsytovich N. A. Mechanics of soils. - M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1934; 1940; 1951; 1963; 1971; 1979; 1983.

Dalmatov B.I. Mechanics of soils, foundations and foundations. L.: Stroyizdat, 1988.

Ukhov S. B., Semenov V.V., Znamensky V.V., Ter - Martirosyan Z. G., Chernyshev S.N. Soil mechanics, foundations and foundations. Ed. Chl. - corr. MIA S. B. Ukhova. - M.: DIA Publishing House, 1994. – 524 pages .

Bartholomew A. A. The basics of calculating pile tape foundations according to the maximum permissible precipitation. – M.: 1982 .

Sotnikov S. N., Simagin V. G., Vershinin V. P. Design and construction of foundations near existing structures. – M.: 1986.

Bugrov A.K. Calculation of sediment of bases with developed areas of the ultimate strained state of the soil. In Book: Foundations and Foundations. Directory. Ed. Prof. G.I. Shvetsova. M.: Higher School, 1991, S. 127-131.

Berlinov M.V., Yagupov B. A. Examples of the calculation of foundations and foundations. M.: 1986 .

Dalmatov B. I., Morareskul N. N., Naumenko V. G. Design of the foundations of buildings and industrial structures. M.: 1986 .

Lapshin F.K. Foundations and foundations in graduate design. Saratov. Ed. - Saratov University, 1989.

Foundations and foundations. Builder's Guide. Ed. M.I. Smerodinov. – M.: 1983.

Foundations, foundations and underground structures. Designer Reference Book. Ed. E. A. Sorochan, Yu. G. Trofimenkova. – M.: 1985.

Malyshev M.V. Soil strength and stability of the base of structures. – M.: 1980.

Florin V. A. Fundamentals of soil mechanics. – M – L.: T. 1, 1951; T. 2, 1961 .

Tsytovich N. A. Mechanics of frozen soils (general and applied), - M.: 1973 .

Shvedenko V.I. Installation of building structures. M.: Higher School, 1987.

Neufert E. Construction design. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

Bodyin G. M. and others. Technology of construction production. - L.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

Pishchalenko M. Yu. Technology for the construction of buildings and structures - Kiev.: Higher School, 1982.

Baykov V.N., Sigalov E.E. Zh/concrete structures. General course. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

Nevzorov L. A. and others. Tower construction cranes. Directory. - M.: Engineering, 1992.

Architectural structures of civil buildings: buildings and their parts; foundations and basements; walls; partitions; flooring and floors; roofs. S. B. Dekhtyar, L. I. Arinovsky - Kiev: Budevilnik, 1987

Dickman L. G. Organization, planning and management of construction production. - M.: Higher School, 1982

Civil building structures. T. G. Maklonova, S. I. Nasonova - M.: Stroyizdat, 1986

Nevzorov L. A. and others. Tower construction cranes. Directory. -M.: Engineering, 1992

Badyin T. O. and others. Technology of construction production. -L.: Stroizdat, 1987

Shereshevsky I. A. Civil building design. L.: Stroyizdat, 1986.

Enterprise Standard. STP OF MIP 02 - 90. Structure and rules of course and diploma projects. - Eagle: OF MIP, 1990. – 17 pages.

Potapov B. A. The influence of the thermal regime of buildings on the freezing of soils. Leningrad House of Scientific and Technical Propaganda. L.: LDNTP, 1964, 12 p.

Dalmatov B.I., Potapov B.A. Influence of changes in soil humidity near buildings on the course of freezing. Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute. L.: LISI, 1965, 2 p.

Potapov B. A. The influence of the thermal regime of buildings on the freezing of soils. Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, manuscript. L.: LISI, 1965, 468 p .

Potapov B. A. Change in soil humidity near buildings in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Construction in the Far North and in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Conference proceedings. Vorkuta, 1966, 3 s.

Potapov B. A. Change in soil temperature in depth near buildings in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Construction in the Far North and in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Conference proceedings. Vorkuta, 1966, 6 s.

Potapov B. A, Actinometric measurements near buildings in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Construction in the Far North and in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Conference proceedings. Vorkuta, 1966, 4 s.

Potapov B. A. Economic efficiency of pile foundation building in the Achinsk region. Construction in the Far North and in areas of deep seasonal freezing. Conference proceedings. Vorkuta, 1966, 5 s.

Potapov B. A., Galimov G. M. Calculation using computers of tangent forces of frosty bulging of foundations. Construction in the regions of Siberia and the Far North. Krasnoyarsk. KraspromstroYNIIproekt , 1967, 8s.

Potapov B. A. Proposals on the depth of the foundations of buildings in heavy soils in areas with deep seasonal freezing. Krasnoyarsk. KraspromstroYNIIproekt, 1967, 256 p.

Potapov B. A., Potapova L. F. Negravity movement of pore water in a loess loam. Sat. Scientific works. Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. Tashkent. TashPI, 1972, 3 s.

Potapov B. A. The depth of the seasonal change in the natural humidity and temperature of the loess loam for the conditions of Samarkand. Sat. Scientific works. - Vol., 118. Tashkent Polytechnic Institute. Tashkent. TashPI, 1973 , 5c.

Potapov B. A. Rational use and protection of the geological environment. Implementation of some measures on the computer for rational use and protection of the geological environment. Soil science and engineering - geological part, shape of foundation and supporting structure - rectangle. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Department of Engineering Geology and Geological Environment Protection. M.: Moscow State University, 1985, 211s.

List of scientific papers

Danilin A.V. Symbolic and numerical calculations in reliability problems. Hands. Dolzhenitsyn L. S. Science Week - 98. Abstracts of reports. - Eagle, 1998. – page 50.

Danilin A.V. Integration of CAD software in architectural and construction design. Hands. Levin L. I. Science Week - 99. Abstracts of reports. - Eagle, 1999. – page 261.

Danilin A. V., Tarasov T. V. Analytical representations of multi-span forms of supporting structures for geoecological construction in temperate and extreme climatic conditions. Hands. Potapov B. A. Science Week - 99. Abstracts of reports. - Eagle, 1999. – page 262 .

Potapov B. A., Smetannikov Yu. V., Danilin A. V. The power effect of various types of buildings on the geological environment. Problems of underground space development. Proceedings of the International Conference. - Tula, 2000. – page 91.

Danilin A.V., Kapustina N.V., Startsev E.P. Manual counting and machine modeling of geoecological supporting foundation structures of buildings. Hands. Potapov B. A. Week of Science - 2000. Abstracts of reports. - Eagle, 2000. – page 384.

Drawings content

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