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Architecture and estimate of 9 storeys residential building

  • Added: 10.05.2015
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There are several sections in this file: 1 Architecture, 2 LBC, 3 Comparison of options, 4 TOUS, 5 Estimate, 6 Protection.

Project's Content

icon Арх-16.doc
icon Генпалн.dwg
icon План типвого этажа.dwg
icon Плита перекрытия.dwg
icon Разрез.dwg
icon Фасад.dwg
icon ЖБК - 20.doc
icon Лестница.dwg
icon Плита.dwg
icon Общие положения-5.doc
icon Сравнение.dwg
icon таб1.1-2.doc
icon таб1.2-2.doc
icon таб1.4-1.doc
icon таб1.5-1.doc
icon Кал план-17.doc
icon Кал.план.dwg
icon Сравнение вариантов-2.doc
icon Сравнение кранов.dwg
icon Стройгенплан-12.doc
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Тех. карта №1.dwg
icon Тех.карта №1-9.doc
icon Тех.карта №2-15.doc
icon Тех.карта №2.dwg
icon Лок.см.надз-10.doc
icon Лок.см.подз-7.doc
icon Объ.см-1.doc
icon Охрана труда-13.doc
icon Доклад.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Содержание.DOC
icon Экология.doc

Additional information


The main purpose of architecture is to create a favorable and safe living environment for a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space: streets, squares and cities.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture, along with functional expediency, convenience and beauty, include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to the laws of beauty .

Cost reduction in construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

Architectural and construction part

1.1 Development Master Plan Solution

The area reserved for the location of the designed building, located along Pushkin Street in the city of Orel, is a wasteland covered with grassy vegetation with separate groups of shrubs.

The designed building - a 9-storey residential building - consists of 3 sections with different mass and having different power effects on the underlying soils and on neighboring buildings and structures .

Construction proposes to fit the foundation structures of buildings into the natural geological environment, without disturbing the general ecosystem and thereby reducing the appearance of especially "dangerous cases." In addition, this favors and ensures the geoecological protection of the base and contributes to the rational development of underground space .

Architectural and planning solutions of the master plan are developed in accordance with the purpose of the designed building, taking into account the rational use of complex terrain, compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards.

The topography of the site is characterized by elevations 215.00 sound220.00. The plot plan is completed on a scale of 1:500.

Underground waters are opened by wells at a depth of 9.5-9.8 m. According to ground conditions, the site belongs to type I for leak clearance.

By the degree of complexity of engineering and geological conditions, the site belongs to category II. Soils do not have aggressive properties to any grades of concrete and to reinforced concrete structures .

The planning elevations of the designed building are determined taking into account the terrain and in connection with engineering and geodetic elevations.

The relative elevation 0.000 is the elevation of the clean floor of the 1st floor, which corresponds to the absolute elevation 223.100.

The bearing layer for piles is a dark grey clay with a bluish tint, semi-solid, dense, greasy on a cut with fragments of iron sandstone (layer 4, cm tub. 1.1).

Soils are not aggressive to any grades of concrete .

Drainage from the building is carried out to the trays of roads with subsequent release to lowered places of relief. To ensure the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, a set of measures for landscaping and landscaping is planned at the site. In areas free from development, the construction of lawns, freely growing shrubs, flower beds, deciduous trees of ordinary planting is provided.

Around the house there is a circular bypass, providing the passage of fire engines, a guest car park, with a capacity of 12 middle-class cars. Sidewalks are designed for pedestrian traffic.

On the site adjacent to the residential house there are platforms for recreation, household purposes and garbage collection. The sites are equipped with small architectural forms and improvement elements, decorative elements made of architectural concrete. The pavements of the passage and car parks are made in asphalt concrete .

Underground water supply, sewerage, electric cables and heat networks are designed in the channel. Such laying of utility networks ensures the convenience of their maintenance during operation.

1.3 Volumetric - planning solutions

3-section 9-storey residential building has height differences of vertical elevations within each section. This is caused by the geological situation of the construction site. The building is designed arceless, the walls of the house are made of silicate brick with insulation. The floor and covering are made of reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs.

The building has 4 entrances, each of which is equipped with a passenger elevator, as well as a garbage truck .

Quantitative and qualitative composition of designed apartments:

1-room: 20 apartments;

2-room: 44 apartments;

3-room: 63 apartments;

4-room: 8 apartments.

On the ground floor there are four 1-room, four 2-room and seven 3-room apartments. On the typical floor there are two 1-room, five 2-room, seven 3-room and one 4-room apartments.

A total of 135 apartments .

Total apartment areas: from 49.16 m2 to 110.43 m2 .

Floor height 3 m (from floor to ceiling 2.7 meters).

In the building, the heated technical floor is designed, the height from floor to ceiling is 2.15 m.

1.4 Structural solutions

1.4.1 Foundations

Pile foundations are designed for the residential building. A monolithic reinforced pedestal is designed according to the pile base. The foundation is made of prefabricated concrete blocks. The design provides for reinforced concrete piles with a section of 400x400 mm. Concrete grade of piles B25; F100; W6.

Around the building, on compacted soil, ceramic concrete paving is carried out with a width of 1.5 m and a thickness of 0.2 m.

1.4.2 Exterior walls

The external walls are designed in the form of multilayer masonry made of silicate brick according to GOST 37995 (thickness of the external wall is 650 mm).

Insulation - mineral wool slabs (insulation thickness 150 mm).

1.4.3 Exterior Finishes

External finishing is carried out without plastering the surfaces. Masonry of the outer layer of the multi-layer wall structure is performed with stitching.

1.4.4 Partitions

Partitions in the rooms are designed from silicate brick according to GOST 37995 with a thickness of 88 mm, and in bathrooms and bathrooms made of ceramic brick according to GOST 53095 with a thickness of 65 mm.

1.4.5 Floors and coverings

Floors and coverings are designed from typical prefabricated hollow reinforced concrete slabs. The use of prefabricated slabs and coatings increases the construction speed of buildings .

1.4.6 Interior Finishes

Interior decoration: in apartments, walls are glued with wallpaper after plastering brick walls. Kitchens are glued with washable wallpaper, and sections of walls above sanitary appliances are lined with glazed tiles. In sankabins floors made of ceramic tiles. Walls and ceilings are painted with adhesive paint in 2 times to a height of 2.1 m, and the panel is made by painting with enamels in 2 times.

1.4.7 Floors

Floors in residential rooms meet the requirements of strength, resistance to wear, sufficient elasticity, noiselessness, convenience of cleaning. Flooring in apartments is made of linoleum on heat-insulating base. Floors in bathrooms and sanitary units are made of ceramic tiles. Bracing is made of cement sand mortar.

1.4.8 Windows and doors

Windows - double glazing in a wooden frame. The size of windows in residential rooms: 2260 x 1500 mm, 1660 x 1500 and 1360 x 1500 mm. All living rooms have natural lighting. Rooms in apartments have separate entrances. To ensure quick evacuation, all doors open outside in the direction of traffic on the street based on the conditions for evacuating people from the building in case of fire. Door boxes are fixed in openings to unsepted wooden plugs laid in masonry during masonry of walls. Doors are equipped with handles, latches and tie-in locks. Door dimensions: entrance to the building - 1500 x 2100 mm; entrance to apartments - 1000 x 2100 mm; intra room doors - 900 x 2100 mm; 1000 x 2100 mm; the bathroom - 800 x 2100 mm; entrance on the loggia - 700 x 2100.

1.4.9 Kitchens

Kitchens are equipped with natural exhaust ventilation.

Kitchens are equipped with a gas stove and a sanitary and technical device - a wash.

Each apartment has one kitchen.

1.4.10 Bathrooms and sanitary units

Bathrooms and sanitary units are equipped with natural exhaust ventilation.

Bathrooms and sanitary units are finished with ceramic tiles to a height of 2.1 m from the floor level.

Each apartment has one separate sanitary unit.

1.4.11 Stairwell

The stairwell is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Two-march staircase resting on staircases. Slope of stairs 1:2. From the stairwell there is an exit to the roof. The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings. All doors along the stairwell and in the vestibule open towards the exit from the building according to fire safety conditions. The stairs fencing is made of metal links, and the handrail is lined with plastic.

1.4.12 Roof

The roof in the building is flat. The slope is 3%.

The roof structure includes the following layers:

- prefabricated reinforced concrete slab 220 mm thick.

- insulation - mineral wool plate = 60 kg/m3 150 mm thick.

- asphalt bracing 20 mm thick.

- waterproofing - 2 layers of rubemast on bitumen mastic

The drainage from the roof is internal.

1.5 Engineering Equipment

1.5.1 Elevators

In each entrance there is one passenger elevator with a carrying capacity of 400 kg. Mixed collective elevator control system for orders and calls when the cab moves down

The elevator engine room is located on the roof.

1.5.2 Heating

Heating and hot water supply is designed from main heating networks, with lower wiring on the basement. Heating devices are convectors. For each section, a separate heat unit is performed to regulate and account for the coolant. Main pipelines and riser pipes located in the basement of the building are insulated and covered with aluminum foil.

1.5.3 Water supply

Cold water supply is designed from the intra-quarter water supply header with two inlets. Water for each section is supplied via an in-house main line located in the basement of the building, which is insulated and covered with aluminum foil. An input frame is installed on each section and built-in unit. Around the house there is a main fire and drinking water supply with wells in which fire hydrants are installed.

1.5.4 Sewerage

Sewerage is performed in-house with tie-in to the wells of the in-quarter sewerage system. From each section, independent releases of household and rain sewers are carried out.

1.5.5 Power supply

Power supply is provided from the yard substation with power supply of each section by two cables: main and spare. All electric panels are located on the first floors.

1.5.6 Garbage line

The garbage line at the bottom ends in the garbage chamber with a storage bin. Accumulated garbage in the bunker is poured into garbage carts and immersed in garbage collection machines and taken to the city waste dump. The walls of the garbage chamber are lined with glazed tiles, the floor is metal. In the waste chamber there is a cold and hot water pipe with a mixer for washing the waste duct, equipment and premises of the waste chamber. The garbage chamber is equipped with a drain with water draining into the household sewage system. A heating coil is provided in the floor. At the top, the trash duct has an exit to the roof for ventilating the trash chamber and through the trash collection valves to remove stagnant air from the staircases, as well as smoke in the event of a fire. The entrance to the garbage chamber is separate, from the side of the street.

1.5.7 Television

Television antennas are mounted on all sections, with their orientation on the television center and installation of the television signal amplifier. All apartments are connected to a shared antenna.

1.5.8 Telephony

Each section of the house from the intra-quarter telephone network is supplied with a telephone cable and, depending on the ability of the city telephone exchange, subscribers are connected to the city telephone network.

Network schedule for the construction of a 3-section 9-storey residential building

The network schedule consists of the main types of construction, installation and specialized work taken from the object list, from preparatory work to landscaping.

All network work is in a rigorous process sequence, taking into account flow 3 Network Optimization for Human Resources

After the network is completed, the system begins to optimize it for the use of labor resources. The goal is to maintain the most permanent composition of brigades, ensure the continuity of their work, evenly distribute labor and minimize it within existing time reserves.

To optimize the network, a line chart is constructed with a schedule of daily work requirements according to the network data on the duration of work, the number of workers employed in each work, and the duration of full and private time reserves.

The construction is started by folding on a time scale in the form of horizontal lines of the duration of each work and its time reserves (for works that do not lie on a critical path) in the sequence in which they are shown on the network. Above the lines indicating the work, the duration of work in days and the number of workers performing this work are recorded.

Then, the number of workers for each day for all types of work is summarized and a schedule for the movement of workers is drawn up.

The constructed schedule of workers movement has fluctuations that require reduction or in some places complete elimination. For this purpose two methods are used simultaneously:

Moving work to the right at a later date within the time reserve;

increased duration of work within the same time reserve with simultaneous reduction of number of workers.

Works lying on the critical path are not subject to adjustment.

We divide the building into three grabs, corresponding to the limits of a single section organization of labor and compliance with safety rules.

Technical - economic indicators for the building

Building area: 13633 m2

Labor intensity of construction and installation works: 8445 people * days

Capacity per unit of final product: 13633/8445 = 1.6 person * days/m2

Average production per person per day: 1/1.6 = 0.63 m2/person * day

Uneven resource utilization ratio: Kn = 1.47

Standard construction duration: 450 days

Planned construction duration: 342 days

Characteristics of the main design solutions

The building is designed arceless, the walls of a residential 9-storey building made of silicate brick with insulation. The floor and covering are made of reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs.

The foundations of a residential building are provided for the following types:

I variant - monolithic;

The II version is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete driven piles with a monolithic reinforced concrete pedestal.


The construction plan is a plan of the designed facility, which shows the location of the building under construction, the arrangement of the main installation and lifting mechanisms, temporary buildings, structures and installations, erected and used during the construction period.

1 Procedure for drawing up and drawing up the construction plan

Based on the process diagram and data on the number and types of mechanized installations, construction machines, their layout and movement on the site of the construction of the facility are outlined, the boundaries of hazardous areas are shown.

Guided by the accepted operating schemes of mechanisms, machines and labor protection requirements, power power supply points, acquired warehouses were located, access roads to the facility were planned.

Temporary buildings have been identified with their dimensions and references.

Types of temporary roads have been installed and their location on the site has been designed, their dimensions and departures from the construction site have been indicated.

Temporary networks of energy and water supply, sewerage, heat supply have been designed.

Dedicated, permanent designed building and structures (roads, engineering networks), erected in the preparatory period.

Lighting Calculation

5.1 Temporary lighting

For electrical lighting of the construction site, working, emergency, evacuation and security lighting is provided (item 2.4.SN 8180).

In the area of work, the illumination of the construction site area is 2 lux; at the material storage area - not less than 10 lux; on the road section - at least 2 lx. (SNiP 23 - 05 - 95).

Lighting of the site and places of construction and installation works inside the building by general lighting installations as per SN 8180 p.2.1.

Routing "For earthworks"

1) Scope of application

The process map is being developed for earthworks for the construction of foundations of a 9-storey residential building.

Work is performed in two shifts.

Structural and planning solution of the designed building:

- the building is designed arceless. External walls made of silicate brick with insulation. The floor and covering are made of reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs. The foundations are designed by piles, according to which a monolithic pedestal is performed.

Works covered in the map:

- cutting of fertile layer;

- soil development;

- rework of soil manually.

2) Technology and organization of works

Earthworks are carried out during the construction of any building or structure and constitute a significant part of their cost and labor intensity. Earth structures are created by forming excavations in the soil or erecting embankments from it. Excavations developed only for soil extraction are called cuts, and embankments formed during filling of excess soil are called dumps .

Prior to excavation, the following works shall be performed:

measures for protection against atmospheric water runoff from the surrounding area by means of berms and canals;

construction site fencing arrangement

2.1 Cutting of fertile layer

The fertile soil layer to be removed from the built-up area is cut and moved by bulldozers to specially designated places where it is stored for subsequent use. When working with a fertile layer, it should be protected from mixing with the underlying layer, contamination, erosion and weathering.

3 Occupational safety of excavator drivers

Single-bucket excavator drivers (hereinafter referred to as "drivers") are required to comply with the safety requirements set forth in the "Standard Labor Safety Instruction for Construction, Construction and Construction Materials Workers," this Standard Instruction, developed taking into account the building codes and rules of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of excavators controlled by them.

3.1 Safety requirements before starting operation

1. Before starting work, the driver must:

a) show the manager a certificate for the right to control the excavator and undergo instruction at the workplace ;

b) put on work clothes, special shoes of the installed sample;

c) receive a task to perform work from the foreman or supervisor and together with him inspect the location of the underground structure and communications, which should be indicated by flags or hangers.

2. After receiving the task, the driver must :

a) perform daily maintenance according to the excavator operating manual;

b) before starting the engine, remove all foreign objects on the platform of the machine and make sure that they are not on the rotating parts of the engine ;

c) after engine starting test the mechanisms operation at idle;

d) before installation of the excavator to the place of work, make sure that the soil is planned, the excavator is located outside the collapse prism, there is sufficient space for maneuvering, the slope of the area does not exceed the permissible according to the excavator certificate .

3. The driver shall not start work in case of the following safety violations:

a) failure of mechanisms, as well as defects of metal structures, ropes of the hydraulic system of the excavator, in which, according to the requirements of the manufacturer's instruction, its operation is prohibited;

b) non-compliance of excavator work place with safety requirements;

c) presence of foreign people in the excavator area.

The detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, the driver must inform the person responsible for the technical condition of the excavator and the work manager about them.

3.2 Safety requirements during operation

1. Before the start of maneuvering during the excavator operation, the driver must ensure that there are no people in the hazardous area of ​ ​ the working excavator, determined by the length of the boom and extended .

2. During operation, the excavator driver shall not:

a) turn the platform if the ladle is not extracted from the soil;

b) plan the ground, clean the site with lateral movement of the handle;

c) clean, lubricate, adjust, repair the excavator when the ladle is raised;

d) perform any work in the presence of people between the face and the excavator;

e) leave the workplace when the ladle is lifted.

3. Soil extracted from a pit or trench should be immersed in vehicles or placed outside the collapse prism. Soil development by "dig" method is not allowed.

4. Loading of soil into dump trucks should be carried out from the rear side side. The excavator ladle shall not be moved over the driver's cab.

5. If it is necessary to clean the ladle, the excavator driver must lower it to the ground and turn off the engine.

6. Excavator driver is prohibited from:

a) transfer management to persons who do not have a corresponding certificate ;

b) leave the excavator with the operating engine;

c) transport foreign persons in the excavator cabin.

If it is necessary to leave the excavator cab, the driver must set the speed selector lever to the neutral position and brake the movement.

7. During the refueling of the excavator, the flammable driver and other persons in the vicinity of the excavator shall not smoke or use fire. It is not allowed to breed a fire closer than 50 m from the place of work or parking of the excavator.

3.3 Safety requirements in emergency situations

1. If power transmission cables, pipelines, explosive or other unknown objects not specified by the manager are found in the face, the excavator should be stopped immediately until permission is obtained from the relevant supervisory authorities.

2. In case of subsidence or slipping of the ground, the driver should stop work, move from this place to a safe distance and report about the incident to the work manager.

3.4 End of Operation Safety Requirements

Upon completion of work, the driver shall:

a) put the excavator in the parking lot;

b) lower the ladle to the ground;

c) turn off the engine;

d) lock the cabin;

e) inform the work manager and the responsible person about the excavator condition, all malfunctions that occurred during operation.

Job Instruction "For erection of structures of above-ground part of 9-storey residential building"

1) Scope of application

The process sheet is being developed for the process of erection of structures of the above-ground part of a 9-storey residential building.

Work is performed in two shifts.

Structural and planning solution of the structure:

- the building is designed arceless. External walls made of silicate brick with insulation. The floor and covering are made of reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs.

- overall dimensions of the structure in the plan 100 x 30 m;

- thickness of external walls 650 mm;

- building height 32.8 m;

- storey: 9 floors;

- the height of the standard floor is 3 m.

Works covered in the map:

- stone works;

- installation works.

2) Technology and organization of works

2.1 Stone works

Stone work is done after you have completed the following types of work:

construction of foundations;

basement structures arrangement;


device of underlying layer for floors.

Material for stonework is supplied by KB403 crane.

The process of brickwork consists of the following operations of pulling the mooring cord, supplying and laying mortar, laying bricks on mortar, preparing incomplete bricks.

Tensioning of berth cord

The pier cord is stretched in order to obtain straightforward masonry and rows of the same thickness. To determine the thickness of the horizontal seam, a section with a height of 1 m is taken, the number of rows is calculated: 1 m is divided by the number of rows, for example, 1 m - 13 rows 100:13 = 77 - 65 = 12 mm. Allowable seam: 1012 mm.

Cord is pulled by means of nails of masonry clogged in sutures. The cord is tied with a double loop. Cord is tensioned for outer verst for each row, and for inner verst through 3-4 rows. So that the cord does not sag, lighthouse bricks are laid at a distance of 510 m from each other. With the help of nails, it is not convenient to stretch the cord to the berth, a lot of work time is spent. Therefore, a brace is used. The sharp end of the bracket is clogged into a masonry suture. Blunt end is laid on lighthouse brick and cord tension line is obtained. By folding the masonry of one row, the bracket is turned without pulling out of the seam and a new cord tension line is obtained. With the help of a bracket, five rows of masonry can be folded. The most advanced method for pulling the pier cord is the use of ordering. Orders are wooden and metal. Metal are installed at the corners of the building. Intermediate wooden orders are installed in straight areas after 1020 m. Using orders, masonry with a height of 1 floor can be used.

The brick on the wall fits in a certain order. For masonry of external verst along internal verst, and for masonry of internal verst along external verst. For masonry, bricks are laid on both versts. When laying bricks on mortar, bricks are also laid with stamens in packs of two bricks at a distance from each other in polkirpich. When laying bricks on mortar with spoons, bricks are laid out with spoons in packs of two bricks at a distance of 1 brick.

The quality of masonry depends on the correct dilution of the solution. The solution was separated with a Maltsev shovel ladle. The solution is spread with a bed 2.53 cm thick, 7-9 cm wide for a spoon verst, and 2022 cm for a stamen verst. When masonry, the coating is spread from the edge of the wall by 1 cm. When masonry under plaster, the solution is spread from the edge of the wall by 2.53 cm.

Laying bricks on mortar. Bricks are laid on the solution in several ways: press, prick and prick with cutting of the solution, bricks are laid in the semi-prick by the method.

Brick masonry "in a row" with mortar clipping. In this way, bricks are laid on solutions that are tougher than when masonry is "on top," when masonry is painted, that is, in full seam. Bricks, lay milestones. In the same way as when masonry "out of hand," only the squeezed solution from the sutures of the masonry is trimmed with kelma. Cutting is carried out after laying 2-3 spoon bricks or after laying 4-6 stamen bricks. The masonry is clean because it is made for embossing.

Preparation of non-full bricks.

They are made by a bricklayer in the process of working from bricks with a defect. The mason needs to determine the right size and cut off the brick correctly, since the wrong size of incomplete bricks violates the dressing system, increases the consumption of mortar, and leads to a decrease in masonry strength. For cutting and texting bricks, the bricklayer uses a hammer brick, on the handle are made notches in the size of a brick. The line of the notch is marked with a brick blade. With sharp blows at an angle of 90 °, the bricklayer chops the brick with caution.

When masonry the intersection of walls of any thickness in 1 row, the stamen rows of one wall are separated from the stamen rows by fours, 2 rows are laid out in the same way as with the CPDS. In subsequent rows, spoon bricks cover the bricks underlying the floor.

2.2 Installation works

Prior to the start of installation, the floor slab grades are determined to be in accordance with the design, the correctness of their geometric shape and dimensions, the presence of mounting loops, the quality of concrete, etc. Dimensions of slabs are checked against size in kind and value of floor slabs support is determined. Four-branch slings are used to mount the floors. When installing slabs, the most important thing is to achieve a horizontal ceiling, so before the installation begins, they check the horizontality and verticality of the walls with a leveler or rule and level.

Slabs are mounted on layer of freshly laid cement sand M200 mortar with thickness of 10 mm. This layer should gain strength of up to 50%. Installation is started from extreme plates. The rigger strokes the slabs with a four-branch sling. Two installers are at the beginning on the scaffold, then on the floor. They accept this plate, unfold it and set it in the design position. Prior to removal of slings, plate horizontality is checked. Small deviations are eliminated by slices. Movement of the plate perpendicular to the wall is prohibited.

After laying several slabs, the horizontal level of the ceiling is checked. After all plates are checked, permanent fixation is performed by welding with walls and with each other. Slabs are connected to walls by anchors: one end is laid in masonry, the other is welded to mounting loops. The seams between the slabs are thoroughly cleaned of debris and sealed with M200 cement sand mortar .

After installation, protect metal anchors from corrosion with a layer of cement sand M200 δ = 200 mm .

Holes for passage of communications, measuring up to 150 mm, must be pierced in place within the voids (by drilling without destroying the ribs of the plates).

Holes in the end faces of slabs resting on external walls shall be sealed with concrete of class B15 to a depth of 250 mm.

Stairways are lifted in an inclined position, several

exceeding their slope in the design position, by a four-branch sling.


Since the building under construction has a pit, at the stage of its construction, after the passage of the pit, a seasonal (spring) local decrease in the level of groundwater is possible due to their seepage from the walls of the pit.

In order to prevent flooding of the bottom of the pit, which is also facilitated by surface water flowing down the ramps and walls, according to the PPM, a temporary drainage system is provided. It is arranged for the duration of construction, and consists of ditches and corner wells, from which accumulated water is pumped.

During CIW production it is necessary to implement environmental protection measures. When performing planning work, the soil layer suitable for subsequent use must be previously removed and taken to specially designated places.

The necessary transplantation and cutting of woody and shrub vegetation must be coordinated with the Forestry Management Authority. The works shall be carried out with maximum protection of green spaces. Trunks of preserved trees located in the immediate vicinity of the work site must be enclosed in wooden boxes 2 meters high.

When operating internal combustion engines, the soil layer cannot be irrigated with oils and fuel.

Temporary roads, if possible, are arranged along the routes of the projected roads and driveways, as well as with the maximum use of existing routes. After completion of construction works, temporary roads must be dismantled and removed from the construction area for subsequent use (taking into account 3 times turnover).

Underground utilities shall be laid strictly according to the project, taking into account the area of mutual harmful influence of various wiring and plants.

During the period of closure of construction work, all construction waste must be removed from the landscaped area for further disposal. Strictly prohibit the "burial" of marriages of prefabricated elements, as groundwater overflow is violated. Incineration of all combustion wastes polluting the airspace is prohibited. A space for wheel washing shall be provided on the construction site.

After completion of construction, attention should be paid to reclamation measures - landscaping and landscaping of the territory. Restore intra-quarter footpaths, frame them with a decorative fence and land shrubs along it in a hedge. Special attention should be paid to shrubs and the creation of lawns as sinks of harmful atmospheric impurities. Surface napping will also prevent secondary dusting and erosion processes.

In places where lawn surfaces are formed and trees and shrubs are planted, a fertile layer of soils with an increased humus content should be created. To ensure the most favorable conditions for soil formation after reclamation, it is necessary that the substrate has a medium-carbon granulometric composition and contains at least 3% humus. The capacity of the fertile layer should not be less than 20 cm in the areas diverted for lawns. The formation of soil-soil strata of 50 cm above the top should correspond to the normative characteristics of the fertility of urban soils.

Drawings content

icon Генпалн.dwg


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