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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 3

9-storey hotel


Set of drawings and explanatory note on coursework.

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Space-planning solution of the designed facility

2. Design solution of the designed facility

3. Calculation of the coating plate according to the 1st group of limit states

4. Calculation of steel beam according to the 1st and 2nd group of limit states

5. Calculation of brickwork for crumpling

List of used literature

Space-planning solution of the building

The designed building is a nine-story hotel in the area of ​ ​ Voronezh. In a one-story extension to the hotel building there is a store. The hotel solution uses a corridor scheme. The building in plan (along the axes) has overall dimensions of 15 m x 36 m and an extension - 12 m x 15 m. The number of floors is 9, the height of one floor is 3 m. Elevations from -1.150 to + 29.550. Evacuation exits go to the courtyard of the main building, in the construction center - emergency exit to the street. Two staircases are located on two sides of the building. Elevator shafts are located in the central part. The corridor and the lounge have natural and artificial lighting.

Drawings content

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