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7-9 storey residential building in Ryazan, st. Bratislavskaya and Bazhenova. Crane Work Design

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PPRK for the construction of a 7-9 storey residential building with four tower cranes: sheet 1. Stroygenplanlist 2. Sections 1-1, 2-2sheet 3. Sections 3-3, 4-4sheet 4. Schedule of joint work Mechanistic 5. Sling diagrams

Project's Content

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Additional information

General part

1. This work execution project was developed for the period of installation of the above-ground part of building No. 1 and the underground part of building No. 2 on the street. Bratislavskaya and Bazhenova in Ryazan using four tower cranes: KB405.1A, KB405.2A, KB403 and KB404.4.

2. The project was developed on the basis of PIC, working drawings (Ryazanproekt) and taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

SNiP 120301 Safety in construction. Part 1;

SNiP 120402 Safety in construction. Part 2;

GOST R 5124899 Ground rail crane tracks. General technical requirements.

"Electrical Installation Rules" (PES);

"Rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers" (PEEP);

"Safety Rules for Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers" (PTB EP);

"Instructions for installation and safe operation of lifting cranes, construction lifts, lifting cranes-manipulators and lifts (towers) during the development of construction organization projects and work execution projects," OJSC PKTIpromstroy, 2002.

Preparatory period

1. Before commencing construction and installation works, the following measures shall be performed:

issue a permit (warrant) for the performance of works;

install temporary fencing of the construction site according to the construction plan;

install information boards at the entrance to the construction site indicating the name and location of the facility, the name of the customer and the organization conducting the work, the telephone number, position and name of the manufacturer of the work, the date of start and end of construction;

Name of contractors and telephone numbers are also indicated on domestic premises, fencing boards, mechanisms, cable drums, etc.;

organize lighting of the construction site, workplaces and hazardous areas;

arrange a temporary road from the STP plates;

equip the exit from the construction site with a vehicle wheel washing point;

Install storage silos for the collection of construction debris or fence a special site for this purpose;

install portable stands with slinging diagrams and mass tables of transported goods;

prepare concrete and mortar sites;

equip storage areas for load-handling devices and containers;

install control loads in the place indicated on the construction plan (sheet 1);

lay temporary power and water supply networks from existing networks;

designate on the ground clearly visible signs of the boundaries of crane and hazardous areas;

when entering the construction site, establish a sign on the speed limit;

install a stand equipped with fire fighting equipment, according to the standards approved by the local authorities of the State Supervision Service.

2. The Contractor shall provide access to the territory of the construction site and the object under construction to representatives of the developer (customer), state control (supervision) bodies, author supervision and local self-government; provide them with the necessary documentation.

3. The Contractor shall ensure the safety of the works for the natural environment, at the same time:

provides cleaning of the construction site and the adjacent five-meter zone; garbage and snow should be removed within the places and deadlines established by the local government;

perform works in protected protected and sanitary areas in accordance with special rules;

does not allow unauthorized cutting of wood and shrub vegetation;

does not allow water discharge from the construction site without protection from surface erosion;

performs neutralization and organization of industrial and domestic effluents;

perform land reclamation and change of existing terrain only in accordance with the agreed state supervision bodies and approved project documentation.

4. If objects of historical, cultural or other value are discovered in the course of work, the executor of the work suspends the ongoing work and notifies the institutions and bodies provided for by law about the discovered objects.

5. Temporary buildings and structures for construction needs shall be built (installed) on the construction site specifically to provide for construction and shall be liquidated after its completion.

6. Temporary buildings and structures, as well as separate premises in existing buildings and structures adapted for use for construction needs, must comply with the requirements of technical regulations and the building, fire, sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules applicable to domestic buildings and structures.

7. The composition of temporary buildings and structures located on the territory of the construction site is determined by the construction plan developed as part of the construction organization project (PIC).

8. Temporary buildings and structures located on the construction site are put into operation by the decision of the responsible facility manufacturer. Commissioning is executed by an act or entry in the work log.

9. The Contractor shall ensure storage and storage of materials and products in accordance with the requirements of the standards and specifications for these materials and products.

If violations of the established rules of warehousing and storage are revealed, the contractor must immediately eliminate them. The use of improperly stored and stored materials and products by the executor of the work should be suspended until the issue of their possible use is resolved without prejudice to the quality of construction by the developer (customer) with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of the designer and the state control (supervision) body.

When carrying out work related to the arrangement of temporary excavations and other obstacles in the territory of existing buildings, the construction organization conducting the work ensures the passage of vehicles and pedestrians by arranging bridges, pedestrian bridges with handrails and ramps. After the completion of the work, these devices must be removed from the territory.

Places of work, as well as temporary passageways and passageways should be illuminated.

Works related to surface opening in the locations of existing underground communications and structures shall be carried out in compliance with special rules established by ministries and departments operating these communications, as well as the following additional rules:

In accordance with the current rules for the protection of underground communications, the executor of the work should call in advance representatives of organizations operating existing underground communications and structures, and in their absence - representatives of organizations that have agreed on the design documentation;

Representatives of operating organizations who arrive at the place are presented with design documentation and axes or dimensions of the intended excavation made in kind. Together with the operating organization on site, the actual position of the existing underground utilities and structures is determined (by drilling or otherwise), indicated on the ground and applied to the working drawings. Representatives of operating organizations shall hand over to the contractor the order on measures to ensure the safety of existing underground communications and structures and on the need to call them for examination of hidden works and at the time of backfilling of excavations;

Organizations that have not appeared and have not notified of the absence of communications and structures operated by them at the site are called again per day with simultaneous notification of this to local authorities, which decide on further actions in case of repeated failure to appear of representatives of these organizations. Work cannot commence until a decision is taken;

Opened communications, if necessary, according to the instructions of operating organizations, must be suspended or fixed in another way and protected from damage; The condition of suspensions and protective devices should be systematically checked and put in order;

In case of detection of not previously specified underground communications and structures, the work should be suspended, and representatives of operating organizations, design organization, developer (customer) should be called to the place of work. If the owner of the unknown communication is not identified, a representative of the local government organization is called, who decides to attract the necessary services. If necessary, the project documentation shall be amended in accordance with the established procedure with repeated approvals.

10. To provide the facility with fittings and reinforcement products, install and equip a reinforcement workshop on the site.

11. Lay a temporary road through the territory of the construction site from road slabs PD3,61,75 on a sandy base.

12. The width of temporary motor roads shall be as follows:

With two-lane traffic - 6 m;

With single-lane traffic - 3.5 m with an increase of up to 6.5 m for unloading areas for vehicles.

13. General lighting fixtures of 127 and 220 V voltage shall be installed at a height of not less than 2.5 m from ground level, floor, flooring. If the suspension height is less than 2.5 m, it is necessary to use lamps of special design or use voltage not higher than 42 V.

14. At night lighting of workplaces shall be not less than 30 Lux, lighting of construction site - not less than 10 Lux in accordance with GOST 12.1.04685. Illumination shall be uniform, without the blinding effect of lighting devices on the workers. Work in unlit places is not allowed.

15. Metal enclosures of the place of work, shelves and trays for laying cables and wires, equipment enclosures, machines and mechanisms with electric drive must be grounded (busy) according to the current standards immediately after their installation in place before the start of any work.

16. For the purposes of fire safety, a fire stand with all necessary equipment, a box with sand and a barrel of water shall be arranged near the unloading site and in the area of ​ ​ the camp.

17. Materials, products, structures and equipment during storage on the construction site and workplaces shall be laid as follows:

Brick in packages on pallets - no more than two tiers, in containers - one tier, without containers - no more than 1.7 m high;

Round forest - in a stack with a height of not more than 1.5 m with gaskets between rows and installation of stops against rolling, the width of the stack is not allowed less than its height;

Lumber - in a stack, the height of which during ordinary laying is no more than half the width of the stack, and when laid in cages - no more than the width of the stack;

Fine-grade metal - in a rack with a height of not more than 1.5 m;

Large-sized and heavy-weight equipment and its parts - in one tier on linings;

Glass in boxes and roll materials - vertically in one row on liners;

Ferrous rolling metals (sheet steel, channels, I-beams, grade steel) - in a stack up to 1.5 m high on liners and with gaskets;

Pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - in a stack up to 3 m high on liners and with gaskets with end stops;

Pipes with a diameter of more than 300 mm - in a stack up to 3 m high "in the seat" without gaskets with end stops.

18. Storage of other materials, structures and products should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for them.

19. Passages not less than 1 m wide shall be provided between stacks (racks) in warehouses.

It is not allowed to lean (rest) materials and articles against fences, trees and elements of temporary and capital structures.

20. The territory of the construction site in order to avoid access of unauthorized persons should be fenced. The height of the building site fencing shall be not less than 1.6 m, and the work areas - not less than 1.2 m.

21. Green spaces that should not be cut down should be fenced off. Protect the trunks of separate trees from damage by lining with lumber at least 2 meters high.

22. It is forbidden to store materials between trees and closer than 1 meter from the projection of the crown of trees in the plan.

Safety measures for tower cranes

1. For production of installation and construction works the installation of four tower cranes is provided: KB405.1A, KB405.2A, KB403, KB-404.4.

2. Before installing tower cranes, perform the following:

make a drain system device;

backfill the sinuses of pits with layer-by-layer compaction of sand;

perform works on the lower structure of crane tracks;

lay the links of crane tracks with track equipment;

ground the crane tracks;

install cranes choppers.

3. Tower crane KB403 is installed for installation of housing No. 1 of sections No. 5, 4, 3 (* for reference refer to Construction plan, sheet 1).

Length of crane tracks is 50 m (4 links), position of dead end stops T1 - T2.

In the crane tower there are 5 intermediate sections, hook lifting height Nkr. = 41 m.

The crane operates with lifting capacity Q = 8-3 tons at flights of hook Rkr. = 5.5-30 m.

The tower crane KB403 receives cargo from the parking lots 1-2 from the parking lots for unloading vehicles to warehouse No. 1 and installs sections 5-4-3 of housing No. 1 from elevation + 0.000 to elevation + 26.800 (roof of the 4th section).

During non-operating time, the crane is installed on Article 1, the boom is turned towards the road, the hook at the minimum departure is raised to the maximum height, the load gripping devices are removed.

3.1. The maximum weight raised by the crane: 1) a non-rotating hopper transported for BNT concrete weighing 2.84 tons rises at sorties Rkr. = 5.5 sound30 m with a carrying capacity of Q = 8 sound3 tons; 2) rotary hopper with BPV1.6 vibrator for concrete weighing 4.636 tons rises at flights Rkr. = 5.5-24 m with lifting capacity Q = 8-5.2 tons, at flights of hook Rkr. = 24-30 m the hopper is filled by 50% 3) packages of valves during unloading of a/transport to warehouse No. 1 from parking lots 1-2 are divided in half under the control of the person responsible for safe performance of works.

4. The KB405.1A tower crane is installed for installation of building No. 1 of sections No. 3, 2 (* a binding see on Stroygenplana, sheet 1).

The length of the crane tracks is 37.5 m (3 links), the position of the dead end stops T1 - T2.

There are 5 intermediate sections in the crane tower, the hook lifting height is Nkr. = 46.0 sound57.8 m.

The crane works with Q loading capacity = 10 ÷ 7.5 ton on Rkp hook departures. = 13 ÷ 25 m.

Tower crane KB405.1A carries out from parking 2 the reception of cargo from the parking lots for unloading vehicles to warehouse No. 1 and the installation of sections 3-2 of housing No. 1 from elevation + 0.000 to elevation + 34.200 (roof of the 3rd section).

During non-operating time, the crane is installed on Article 1, the boom is turned along the crane track, the hook at the minimum departure is raised to the maximum height, the load gripping devices are removed.

4.1. The maximum weight raised by the crane: 1) a non-rotating bunker transported for BNT concrete weighing 2.84 tons rises at sorties Rkr. = 13 sound25 m with a carrying capacity of Q = 10 sound7.5 tons; 2) the bunker rotary with the BPV1.6 vibrator for concrete weighing 4.636 ton rises on Rkp departures. = 13 ÷ 25 m at Q loading capacity = 10 ÷ 7.5 ton; 3) packages of valves during unloading of a/transport to warehouse No. 1 from parking lots 1-2 are divided in half under the control of the person responsible for safe performance of works.

5. The KB405.2A tower crane is installed for installation of building No. 1 of sections No. 3, 2 (* a binding see on Stroygenplana, sheet 1).

The length of the crane tracks is 37.5 m (3 links), the position of the dead end stops T1 - T2.

There are 5 intermediate sections in the crane tower, the hook lifting height is Nkr. = 46.0 sound57.8 m.

The crane operates with lifting capacity Q = 9-6.3 tons at the flights of the hook Rkr. = 13-25 m.

The tower crane KB405.2A carries out from parking 1 the reception of goods from the parking lots for unloading vehicles to warehouse No. 2 and the installation of sections 1-2 of housing No. 1 from elevation + 0.000 to elevation + 34.200 (roof of the 1st section).

During non-operating time, the crane is installed on st.2, the boom is turned along the crane track, the hook at the minimum departure is raised to the maximum height, the load grips are removed.

5.1. The maximum weight raised by the crane: 1) a non-rotating bunker transported for BNT concrete weighing 2.84 tons rises at sorties Rkr. = 13 sound25 m with a carrying capacity of Q = 10 sound7.5 tons; 2) the bunker rotary with the BPV1.6 vibrator for concrete weighing 4.636 ton rises on Rkp departures. = 13 ÷ 25 m at Q loading capacity = 10 ÷ 7.5 ton; 3) packages of valves during unloading of a/transport to warehouse No. 1 from parking lots 1-2 are divided in half under the control of the person responsible for safe performance of works.

6. Tower crane KB404.4 is installed for installation of housing No. 2 of sections No. 3, 2, 1 (* for reference refer to Construction plan, sheet 1).

Length of crane tracks is 50 m (4 links), position of dead end stops T1 - T2.

Height of hook lifting Nkr. = 7.8 sound32.2 m.

The crane works with Q loading capacity = 9 ÷ 5 ton on Rkp hook departures. = 16 ÷ 37 m.

The tower crane KB404.4 receives cargo from the parking lot 2 from the parking lot for unloading vehicles to warehouse No. 2 and installs sections 3-2-1 of building No. 2 from elevation 6,000 to elevation + 0.000 (overlap of the 1st floor of the underground parking lot).

During non-operating time, the crane is installed on st.2, the boom is turned towards the domestic camp, the hook at the minimum departure is raised to the maximum height, the load gripping devices are removed.

6.1. The maximum weight raised by the crane: 1) a non-rotating bunker transported for BNT concrete weighing 2.84 tons rises at sorties Rkr. = 16 sound37 m with a carrying capacity of Q = 9 sound5 tons; 2) the bunker rotary with the BPV1.6 vibrator for concrete weighing 4.636 ton rises on Rkp departures. = 16 ÷ 37 m at Q loading capacity = 9 ÷ 5 ton; 3) packages of valves during unloading of a/transport to warehouse No. 1 from parking lots 1-2 are divided in half under the control of the person responsible for safe performance of works.

7. It is necessary to limit rotation of cranes boom according to construction plan .

The turn of an arm of the crane KB-403 is limited forcibly on a corner 700 towards the KB405.1A crane to the limit switch of the mechanism of turn of an arrow.

The turn of an arm of the crane KB-405.1A is limited forcibly on a corner 800 towards the KB405.2A crane to the limit switch of the mechanism of turn of an arrow.

The turn of an arm of the crane KB-405.2A is limited forcibly on a corner of 1200 towards the KB404.4 crane to the limit switch of the mechanism of turn of an arrow.

The turn of an arm of the crane KB-404.4 is limited forcibly on a corner 690 towards the KB405.2A crane to the limit switch of the mechanism of turn of an arrow.

(* reference see sheet 1)

Warning signs shall be placed at a distance of 7 meters from the boom rotation restriction line and at least two signs per angle beam or one restriction zone line.

The crane operator shall, at least 1 meter before the warning sign No. 1, reduce the speed of movement of the cargo to a minimum and continue to move the cargo at this speed by short repeated actuations.

8. During operation of KB404.4, from parking lot 2, a domestic camp enters the hazardous area from the crane. During the operation of the crane in the parking lot 2, people are prohibited from being in a household town. All domestic premises are closed to the key, the key is kept by the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

If there are people in the household town, the crane works only from parking lot 1.

9. The buildings under construction are a monolithic reinforced concrete frame. Walls are made with brickwork. Masonry of external walls is carried out from the inside. Masonry of walls and installation of the body in the same axes (in two tiers) are prohibited. (SNiP 12042002, item 8.1.4).

10. When laying the external walls of buildings from the internal scaffolding, it is necessary to install external protective visors along the entire perimeter of each building in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 9.1.5 of SNiP 12042002. On floor floors along the perimeter of buildings, it is necessary to install fences according to the requirements of GOST 12.4.05989 "SSBT before the start of masonry work on external brick walls. Safety inventory fences. General Specifications. "

11. There shall be a permanent radio communication between the cranes and the rafters.

12. Joint safe operation of all mechanisms is carried out strictly according to the schedule (see sheet 4)

The presence of people in the reinforcement processing shop during the operation of tower cranes at unloading materials to the warehouse and lifting goods from the warehouse is prohibited.

13. The entrance to building No. 1 should be organized in the entrances of sections 1-5. All other passages are tightly closed.

14. Organize descent into the pit of hull No. 2 from the side of axis "A10" and axis "B10."

15. The area dangerous for people during movement, installation and fixation of elements shall be marked with clearly visible warning signs (GOST 12.4.0262001).

16. Prior to commencement of construction and installation works, the construction site shall be provided with electric power and illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.04685. Work areas, workplaces and approaches to them, access roads, storage site in the dark should be illuminated, work in an unlit place is not allowed. Lighting should be without blinding on the workers.

17. The spotlights installed on the boom of the tower cranes serve to determine the dimensions of the crane and the position of the hook cage at its maximum lifting and are not a means of lighting the construction site.

18. Passages, workplaces, crane tracks (with non-working cranes), emergency entrances to cranes must be regularly cleaned of construction debris (in winter, snow and ice).

19. Materials and cargo are delivered to the construction site by road. Loading and unloading operations shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.00976. Storage of cargo on crane tracks and in the hazardous area of ​ ​ the hull is not allowed.

20. Installation equipment for temporary fixation and alignment of building structures shall meet the requirements of GOST 2425985. Means of a podmashchivaniye and other devices (scaffolding, the woods, ladders, step-ladders, ladders, bridges, peaks, assembly sites, etc.) ensuring safety of works have to meet the requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 12032001, GOST 2832187, GOST 2425888, GOST 2801289, GOST 2688786.

21. Construction debris should be collected in a special container and removed with its help from the facility. Dumping of garbage on crane tracks or on the construction site is prohibited.

22. Train crane operators on safe operation at this facility with a record in crane technical logs, give them hands: schedule of mechanisms joint safe operation, table of lifting elements, order on appointment of rafters at this facility for maintenance of a specific crane (with indication of the crane housing and number) and cranes responsible for safe operation.

23. When storing building materials, structures and other cargo, comply with the requirements of SNiP 12032001, para. 6.3.

24. Prior to commencement of works, familiarize with PPRK for painting: ITR (certified as per article 9.4.4 of PB 1038200), crane operators, slings.

25. When performing construction and installation works, strictly follow SNiP 12032001 Part 1 "Labor Safety in Construction," SNiP 12042002 "Labor Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction "and" Rules for construction and safe operation of lifting cranes "PB 1038200.

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