25 storey hotel

- Added: 05.10.2020
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25-storey hotel with built-in rooms and underground parking. The building has a complex configuration in plan. The ground floor is occupied by a restaurant, lobby, beauty salon. The hotel building has a symmetrical layout and has the same size for each side: 40 m. Car parking is located in the basement floors of the building at an elevation of -3.300, -6.600 and -9.900 and is designed for 176 m/m, as well as auxiliary rooms: pumping station, individual heat station, electric panel. Entrance to the parking lot is carried out from intra-quarter passage by means of a covered entrance ramp ./Composition: 4 sheets drawings + DBE (33 pages)
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Source Data
Construction site and characteristics of construction area
1.2. Design temperature, wind and snow load, humidity zone of construction area, depth of ground freezing, seismicity of construction area
1.3. Building class, accepted fire resistance and durability
2. Process Part
2.1. Functional Process Brief
3. Description and justification of the adopted architectural and planning solution
3.1. Space Planning Solution
3.2. Grouping Spaces
3.3. Indoor temperature and humidity mode
3.4. Consideration of necessity of aeration, artificial ventilation, illumination
3.5. Interior decoration, exterior decoration of the building facades
3.6. Considerations on the need to evacuate people from the building through doors, staircases through emergency stairs
3.7. Space-planning technical and economic indicators for the building
4. Structural solution of the building
4.1. Description of Structural Carriers and Enclosures
4.2. Fire prevention measures, required fire resistance of structures
5. Sanitary and engineering equipment
5.1. Heating
5.2. Water supply
5.3. Sewerage
5.4. Communication
6. Antiseismic design solutions
List of sources used
Construction drawing is a separate specific section of technical drawing, the knowledge of which is required by the engineer of any specialty.
Our country is a giant construction site. The use of new construction materials, new design solutions, and production methods contributes to a sharp increase in the scope of design work. But, not knowing the construction drawing, not being able to read the construction drawings, it is impossible to design and build industrial and civil buildings and structures.
Creating a production architecture requires considerable social labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture, along with functional expediency, convenience and beauty, include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, passages, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time the building is built according to the laws of beauty.
High-rise buildings around the world are classified as the highest level of responsibility and reliability class. The unit cost of their construction is much higher than ordinary buildings. This is due not only to technological, structural and other factors, but also to a large extent to the integrated safety measures taken at all stages - design, construction and operation. The occurrence and development of emergency situations in high-rise buildings can have very serious consequences not only of a material, economic, environmental, but also of a social nature.
High-rise buildings and their individual structural elements in the process of erection and operation are subjected to loads and experience forces that far exceed the effect of external influences characteristic of ordinary construction facilities. Thus, wind loads increase markedly with a distance from the surface of the earth and are characterized not only by a significant static, but also by a dynamic component. For most high-rises, horizontal (mainly wind) loads prevail over vertical ones.
In addition, due to the high rate of construction work on load-bearing structures made of monolithic concrete (the vast majority of skyscrapers are erected using monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete), quite large efforts are transferred at an early age, which requires appropriate decisions. In load-bearing systems of high-rise buildings, there is a risk of accumulation of uneven vertical movements during construction, which, in combination with deformations from operational loads, can lead to concrete and steel, including reinforcement, reaching limit states in certain sections of some elements, which should also be taken into account when evaluating the stress-deformed state of structures.
During the course design, modern industrial structures based on the principle of unification and typification of structures and corresponding to the most progressive types of industrial construction, GOST, SNiP and SP documentation were studied.
Process Part
2.1. Functional Process Brief
When designing large public buildings, public and public shopping centers, characterized by many different internal spaces, it is advisable to carry out the so-called functional zoning, that is, division into zones from homogeneous groups of premises, based on the commonality of their functional purpose and internal relationships. Public buildings are intended for temporary stay of people in connection with implementation in them various and diverse functional processes of rest, life and work - training, sport, entertainments, shows, food, medical care, trade, management, etc. According to appointment the public buildings divide into different types - educational, public catering, spectacular, medical, etc. The main functions of public buildings: 1) creating conditions for various types of communication and public service for residents of cities and villages; 2) ensuring the daily, periodic and occasional needs of the life of the population (leisure and leisure, personal consumption of goods and services, spiritual requirements). The functional structure of public buildings consists of three main parts: recreational, household and industrial. The building room shall best meet the processes that are carried out in it. The compliance of a room with a particular function is achieved only when it creates optimal conditions for a person, that is, the space corresponds to the functional and technological process performed in the room. The totality of all elements and conditions characterizing functional and technological processes determines the spatial organization, dimensions and shapes of buildings and structures. Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional and technological process, on the basis of which certain design requirements are imposed. So, the functional and technological process is the implementation in time and space of the main function of the building, in which it is divided into a system of main and auxiliary functions at all spatial levels of the building
.The process is selected on the basis of comparative analysis of process variants and involves selection of technology type. At Russian enterprises, to solve this problem, they use the recommendations of the standards of a unified technological production preparation system: GOST 14.301 - 73 "General rules for the development of technological processes and the choice of technological equipment," GOST 14.301 - 72 "Types of technological processes," etc.
When preparing the design of an office building, special requirements are imposed on it, which differ in many ways from the standards mandatory for compliance with the construction of other types of buildings .
Description and justification of the adopted architectural and planning solution
Requirements to space-planning solutions of functional and planning components, which do not contradict fire-fighting, sanitary-epidemiological, environmental and other regulatory requirements, to high-rise buildings are adopted in accordance with SP 54.13330.2011, SP 118.1330.2012 .
3.1. Space Planning Solution
At the moment, there are many requirements for glazing facades, but there are no regulatory rules and specifics. Over time, this, like many other issues in the field of construction, is developing and constantly expanding. That is why for a particular building it is necessary to consider certain requirements, take into account the wishes of customers and the proposals of architects.
Regulatory requirements:
- Federal laws, technical regulations of Russia, Customs Union (currently in the approval stage, should replace the laws of Russia), EurAsEC (currently in the development stage, should replace the regulations of the Customs Union) - documents mandatory for execution;
- Construction codes and regulations (SNiP, SP, SN) - documents of voluntary application, become mandatory when referring to them in supply contracts or product labels, become almost mandatory when indicating them in the Lists of regulatory documents confirming compliance with the requirements of Federal laws or technical regulations;
- National and interstate standards (GOST R, GOST) - documents of voluntary application, become mandatory when referring to them in supply contracts or product labels, become almost mandatory when indicating them in the Lists of regulatory documents confirming compliance with the requirements of Federal laws or technical regulations;
- The safety requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations - documents of voluntary application, become almost mandatory when they are indicated in the Lists of regulatory documents confirming compliance with the requirements of Federal laws or technical regulations ;
- Fire rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) - documents of voluntary application become almost mandatory when they are indicated in the Lists of regulatory documents confirming compliance with the requirements of Federal laws or technical regulations ;
- Sanitary rules of the Ministry of Health (SanPiN) - documents of voluntary application become almost mandatory when they are indicated in the Lists of regulatory documents confirming compliance with the requirements of Federal laws or technical regulations;
- Regional Building Codes (RBP) - documents are mandatory in the execution of orders of the Government of the region concerned and advisory in other cases;
- Standards of Associations and Enterprises (STO, TU) - are mandatory only for members of the relevant associations or for the enterprise that approved them. Currently, Russia has the following federal laws and technical regulations containing requirements for glazing: - Federal Law "On Energy Saving"; - Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"; - Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Safety of Buildings and Structures." True, in none of them you will find direct requirements for glass or glazing, all of them are "encrypted" in phrases like "All elements of the building must be safe." When designing glazing, it is necessary to pay attention to the following Building Codes and Rules, however, different sources indicate in different ways which of them are currently in force, in different regulatory documents references are given to different revisions:
- Allowable heat losses through glazing - SNiP II379, SNiP 23022003, SP 50.13330.2012;
- Provision of natural illumination in rooms - SNiP 230595, SP 52.13330.2011;
- Glazing loads - SP 20.13330.2011 (SNiP 2.01.07
- Climatic factors acting on glazing - SNiP 230199, SP 131.13330.2012;
- Fire safety - SNiP 210197;
- Rules of design, installation and operation of double-glazed windows - MN 48275.
This office building provides a corridor diagram of the space grouping. The corridor scheme is used in the vast majority of public buildings. It consists of relatively small cells containing parts of a single process and connected by a common linear communication - corridor. For example, higher education institutions, office buildings, hotels.
Room layout.
Designed 25 storey hotel with built-in rooms and underground parking.
The building has a complex configuration in plan.
The ground floor is occupied by a restaurant, lobby, beauty salon.
The hotel building has a symmetrical layout and has the same size for each side: 40 meters
Car parking is located in the basement floors of the building at elevation 3.300, -6.600 and 9.900 and is designed for 176 m/m, as well as auxiliary rooms: pumping station, individual heat station, electric panel. Entrance to the parking lot is carried out from intra-quarter passage by means of a covered entrance ramp.
Underground parking is single level, height 3.0 m clean.
Height of the 1st floor, built-in public premises - 3.0 m;
Floor height: 225 floors - 3.0 m.
On the first and fifth floors there are food rooms and technical rooms.
All rooms and offices are isolated, the entrance to them is provided along the corridor.
Stairs and elevators are designed for vertical communication between floors.
Characteristics of the ladder:
riser height - 150 mm;
- tread width - 300 mm;
- the length of the march is 2.97 m;
- stair platform width - 2.3 m.
Characteristics of elevators and elevator equipment:
- number of elevators - 12;
- lift capacity 1000 kg and 1800 kg;
- elevator shaft dimensions:
for guests: width 2.2 m, depth - 1.7 m;
for personnel: width 2.2 m, depth - 2.6 m;
- above the elevator shaft there is an engine room.
According to the regulatory requirements for public buildings and structures, a garbage duct with a camera on the 1st floor with a replacement container has been designed. The trash duct is located in a separate room.
The size and shape of the land plot, as well as the architectural solution of nearby houses, had a significant impact on the choice of the planning structure of the building.
3.4. Consideration of aeration, ventilation, illumination
Ventilation of rooms is accepted as plenum with mechanical motive. The plenum unit is located in the ventilation chamber in the basement of the building. Expansion ducts are laid on each floor, between the floor slab and the suspended ceiling. Supply air will be distributed to the rooms using supply diffusers in the ceiling of the rooms and flexible thermally insulated air ducts.
Exhaust mechanical ventilation is provided from the bathrooms using exhaust diffusers, flexible air ducts and channel ones supplying air to the exhaust shafts.
Ventilation of the office building shall meet the following requirements:
- provision of fresh clean air inflow;
- exhaust air removal or filtration;
- minimum noise level;
- availability in management;
- low power consumption;
- small dimensions, the ability to harmoniously fit into the interior.
SanPiN of office premises ventilation also regulates the air speed of 0.1 ms regardless of the season.
As a rule, ventilation of small office premises is implemented using several plenum units. If in hot season the plenum ventilation of the office is not able to lower the air temperature below 28 degrees, additional air conditioning is required.
Separate plenum installations are needed in conference rooms. Additional exhaust devices - in toilets, smoking rooms, corridors and vestibules, copy rooms. Mechanical drawing from office rooms is necessary if the area of each is more than 35 square meters. meters.
Power supply and electrical equipment
Power supply of the building is provided from the existing city power supply networks.
At the entrance to the building, the BRU 12565UKhL4 board is installed, from which power and lighting loads are supplied, as well as the pump systems control panel. The start-up equipment of the compressors comes complete.
There is a provision for grounding of metal frames of boards, electric receiver housings, which, if the insulation of electrical networks is violated, may be energized.
The design of power electrical equipment and electrical lighting is carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for the design of electrical equipment of residential and public buildings" VSN 5988 and "Instructions for the design of urban electrical networks" RD 34.20.18594, GOST 21.61388 "Power electrical equipment," GOST 2160884 "Internal electric lighting" and SNiP230595 "Natural and artificial lighting."
Power electrical equipment.
Power distribution on electroreceivers at the voltage of 380 / 220 V is provided from a vvodnouchetny board of LIE type 12565UHL4 and established in panel board. Power metering is performed by the meter installed in BRU. Distribution boards are designed for individual manufacturing of MZ type.
Electrical distribution networks are accepted radial and main and are carried out by a cable with copper AVVA veins and a wire of PV 1.
Protection of electrical networks is performed by fuses installed in BRU. Cross section of cable and wires is selected according to heating condition with long-term design current and is checked for voltage loss .
The design provides for three types of lighting: operating and emergency-evacuation at 220V AC voltage; repair 36V.
Power supply of the working and emergency lighting network is provided from BRU 0.4 kV of the building.
The distribution of electricity over the floors is carried out from the floor lighting boards. As lighting boards, boards of the MZ type are used in the development of the Moscow plant of individual-made electrical installation products.
The group network of working and emergency lighting is performed by the PUNP wire laid behind the suspended ceilings in PVC pipes.
Lighting in rooms is accepted according to SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting."
Wiring from group boards to general lighting lamps, sockets is three-wire (phase - L, zero operating - N and zero protective - PE conductor). The wiring is three-color: blue - zero working conductor, green - protective conductor, red - phase conductor.
Operating and emergency lighting is controlled by switches installed in group boards and individual switches on lighting boards installed in rooms.
Protection of internal electrical networks and selection of conductors section.
Electrical networks in the building are protected by circuit breakers installed on the lighting panel.
3.6. Considerations about the need to evacuate people from the building through doors, staircases through emergency stairs.
Vertical communications - stairs, designed for communication between floors, and is the main evacuation route. The stairwells are solved in the form of two-march stairs and a stairwell. The width of the staircase is 2.3 m, the width of the staircase is 3.15 m. The staircase is planned as an internal day-to-day operation, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. In the entrance assembly, stairs are made of separate concrete set steps. Two-march staircase resting on staircases. The slope of the stairs is 1:2. On the stairwell between the 2nd and 3rd floors there is a room for personnel with upholstery of the door and door box galvanized with iron on the asbotcane. From the stairwell there is access to the roof through a metal staircase equipped with a fire-resistant door.
Sanitary and engineering equipment
5.1 Heating
The building heating is designed from the heat network from the existing individual boiler room. Heat carrier for heating and ventilation systems is hot water with parameters of 7090 ° С.
The heating system is adopted double-tube with horizontal collector floor-by-floor wiring. The pipelines of the inlet and riser unit are accepted from steel pipes according to GOST 1070491 [18], all other pipelines, including those supplying to the heaters from the risers, are accepted from metal-plastic pipes.
Aluminium radiators are used as heating devices. Temperature controllers are installed on all heating devices except those located in the ventilation chamber, lobby and staircases to control heat transfer.
Collectors are located in niches of walls. Dilution manifolds and fittings have been adopted for the CANCER series (Germany).
5.2. Conditioning
To maintain constant air parameters during the year, on the basis of the design task, an air conditioning system with the power of multi-splitter air conditioners installed on the roof of the building and distributing air through the ventilation valves was adopted.
5.3. Water supply
The internal cold water supply network is taken separate (from one input):
- domestic drinking water supply;
- fire-fighting water supply.
According to the specifications, the existing city water supply network does not provide the necessary head for the drinking and fire protection needs of the administrative building. To increase the head in internal networks, the project provides for a pump station in the basement of the building, as well as an automatic fire extinguishing pump station.
For hot water supply, a heat point is provided in the basement of the building.
Cold and hot water supply networks are installed from 2050 mm diameter propylene pipes. (Ekoplastic - Czech Republic).
5.4. Sewerage
The following sewerage systems are designed in the designed building:
- household;
- rain (network of internal drains).
The scheme of operation of domestic sewage is as follows: sewage from sanitary devices is sent by gravity to the external sewage network of the city with a diameter of 500 mm.
Sewage networks shall be laid along specially withdrawn risers and shall be installed from 100 mm diameter polypropylene sewage pipes. Production company "Vaisir" - Italy.
Internal drainage systems of RANNILA company are designed in the building - suspended pipelines are installed from sewage polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 150 mm.
Rainwater removal is provided for in the existing storm sewage network.
Installation of internal networks of the building is carried out in accordance with the requirement of SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."
5.5. Communication
This section provides for the arrangement of telephony and radio communication networks.
Telephony of the building is provided from external telephone networks in accordance with the specifications. Input to the building cable - TPPZP cable 30х2х0.4. From junction boxes the subscriber conducting is carried out by a wire of TRV of 1 t h2kh0.5 openly on the walls.
Radialization is performed from existing radio broadcasting networks. Inlet - air to pipe rack.
The distribution networks up to the splitting boxes are made by the PVG wire 1x1.8 in the riser. The subscriber wiring is hidden by the 2x1,2 PTPG wire. Radio grids are installed at a height of 1.5 m. from the floor, at a distance of 1 m. from lighting sockets.
Antiseismic design solutions
In buildings above 9 floors, the construction of foundations, basement walls and underground floors should be performed in monolithic reinforced concrete.
With seismicity of 8 and 9 points, six rods must be laid. Longitudinal reinforcement is connected by transverse rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm through 300-400 mm along the length of the seismic train.
Antiseismic seams are arranged in buildings if, for functional and architectural planning reasons, the complex and asymmetric shape of the building in plan with height differences of 5 m or more cannot be avoided. Antiseismic seams in buildings with a wall structural system are arranged in the form of double bearing walls, in frame buildings - by installing double frames.
The bearing inner and outer walls receive seismic loads in their plane. It is recommended that the frames of the building frames, longitudinal and transverse walls are arranged symmetrically relative to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the building. Internal walls shall be located for the entire length or width of the building, i.e. shall be through. Uniformly arranged window and door openings, the spacers shall be of the same width, thus ensuring a uniform perception of all loads, including seismic ones.

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