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200-seat bath in Pskov - exchange rate


Banya exchange rate project in Pskov for 200 places, facade, plans of 1-2 floors, sections, plot plan, foundation plan, floor plan, roof plan

Project's Content

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Additional information



Master Plan

Justification of location in the area of the designed building

Entrances and approaches to the building

Landscaping and improvement of the site

Space Planning Solution

Purpose of building, peculiarities of functional-technological process, main groups of rooms (zones)

Functional table and diagram, type of space planning solution

Main Room Normal

Constructive solution

Structural diagram of the building

Description of main structural structures (view, material, manufacturing method)




Roof, roof

Windows, doors, stairs, floors

Heat Engineering Wall, Slab, and Window Calculation

Architectural and compositional solution

Techniques and means of architectural composition and artistic expressiveness of the building

Construction finishing materials


Appendix A (Bibliographic list)


The theme of this project is "Bath for 200 places in the city of Pskov."

The designed building will include:

The designed building has a centralized composition, and by the nature and time of operation it is a day building designed for people to stay from 8 to 20 hours.

This building is designed with a small floor (3 floors), from small-sized elements (brick) with a low-slope roof and ribbon foundations.

The project is designed for construction in climate area IIB, taking into account the following natural conditions:

terrain level

soil - loam

average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period -26 ° С

internal air temperature of heating period -4.9 ° С

duration of heating period 134 days

Building class

durability II

for capital II of [14]

on fire resistance II

Entrances and approaches to the building

There are three approaches to the building in order to improve convenience. All paths and driveways are asphalt. Around the building there is a passage with a width of at least 3.5 m. [1]. One of the approaches is designed from the main elevation

Landscaping and improvement of the site

The territory of development is partially occupied by green spaces, such as trees, shrubs, flower beds. During construction, these plantings are dug up for subsequent planting of these crops on the site. Outside the site, tree planting is provided for such crops as: mountain ash, birch, apple tree.

Purpose of building, peculiarities of functional-technological process, main groups of rooms (zones)

The designed building has the following dimensions in extreme axes:

1-6 - 30,000 m.

A-G - 27.600 m.

Floor height - 3.6 m; 4.2 m; 3.3 m.

Number of floors - 3

The total height of the building is 12,500 m from ground level.

The bath building is designed for people from 8 to 20 hours. The building has a centralized composition, which is the most convenient in connection of the premises.

The bath building includes the following rooms:

• administrative and business premises (offices: directors, deputy. For business, accounting, staff room, tenant room, locksmith room)

• Common facilities (bathrooms, lobby, wardrobe, ticket office, shop, bar, hairdresser's room, traverse post, rest room, locker room, washing room, sauna, VIP sauna)

• Engineering rooms (ventilation chamber, thermal unit, panel, room for spare water tanks)

According to [1], the width of the corridors is 1.3 m.

Description of main structural structures (view, material, manufacturing method)


Foundations under external and internal walls are prefabricated from reinforced concrete blocks-cushions of trapezoidal shape, 300 mm high, 1000 mm wide and concrete blocks-walls of rectangular shape 600 mm wide, 580 mm high.

Foundation cushions are laid on compacted soil with device of sandy underlying layer. The depth of foundation laying relative to the level of the clean floor is - 2.3 m. Around the entire building along the external walls, a pavement is arranged with a width of 800 mm and a slope of 0.03. To protect the walls of the building from capillary moisture, horizontal waterproofing is carried out from two layers of ruberoid on bitumen mastic. Surfaces in contact with the ground are coated with hot bitumen in two times.


The walls of the building are made of red ceramic hollow brick laid on M100 cement sand mortar. Masonry is provided six-row with a vertical seam thickness of 10 mm, horizontal seam - 12 mm. The external bearing walls have a three-layer structure and are accepted by calculation with a thickness of 2 bricks and insulation from fibrolite plates (640 mm). Internal bearing walls have a thickness of 380 mm, partitions - 120 mm. The inner surface of the walls is plastered with cement sand mortar. Outside masonry is performed with stitching.


Slabs in the design are adopted in the form of prefabricated reinforced concrete multi-pillar slabs 0.22 m thick, resting on external and internal longitudinal and transverse bearing walls. Slabs are made of M200 concrete. Voids in slabs are ground with M100 cement sand mortar or closed with concrete plugs before laying. Spatial rigidity of building is provided due to connection of floor slabs to each other and to bearing walls by means of steel anchors. To ensure the joint operation of adjacent slabs under load and to improve the soundproofing properties of the floor, the seams between the slabs are ground to the entire height of the seam with M100 cement mortar .

Roof, roof

In this project, a low-slope roof of reinforced concrete ribbed slabs with a micro-core slope of 1.5% was designed. The roof is made of Uniflex. To improve the waterproofing properties of the roof, waterproofing is also applied to the parapet wall at a height of 300 mm. Removal of atmospheric precipitation is carried out using an internal drain. [5]

Windows, doors, stairs, floors

In this project, double glazing is adopted for heat engineering calculation. Window sizes were calculated as the ratio of the area of ​ ​ light openings to the floor area of ​ ​ the rooms.

External and internal doors designed in the design have height 2.1 and 2, 4m, width 0, 9m, 1, 2m.

The floors accepted in the project are summarized in Table 2. [6]

Floors are structures that are constantly subjected to mechanical effects.

Depending on the purpose of the premises and their location on the floors, floor structures specified in the floor explication and their placement indicated on the floor plan combined with floor plans [6] are used.

The choice of a constructive solution to the floor is made based on technical and economic feasibility, taking into account ensuring reliability and durability, economical consumption of materials, lack of influence of harmful factors, optimal hygienic conditions for people, climatic conditions of construction.

Techniques and means of architectural composition and artistic expressiveness of the building

The architectural composition is chosen in accordance with the artistic, functional and structural and technological requirements for the building. When determining the architectural composition, the determining factors were the functional purpose and its aesthetic significance. The building is made in the classical style. The appearance of the composition of external forms is deep.

The use of composites helps to achieve expressiveness of the volume-planning composition. When designing the building, the following means of harmonizing architectural forms were used:

symmetry - the same arrangement of equal parts of the composition relative to axes or plane, enhancing the affinity of parts of symmetry combines the composition.

symmetry is natural: for the composition of individual structures and entire ensembles. It effectively leads the ensemble to unity and identifies the main element in it.

small scale visually separates a large shape.

rhythm - expresses the dynamics of functional processes. A complex rhythmmeter is used; metric constructions are developed horizontally and vertically, alternating the same shapes (windows, spacers);

scale - expressed in comparison of the size of elements (doors, windows) with the size of a person;

color-Neutralizes and highlights elevation elements. The main color is chosen as cold - blue-blue.

light - reveals the architectural form, and expressiveness of the building through shadows, lightbulbs, relief and silhouette.

Construction finishing materials

Outside, the facade of the building is plastered with marble crumbs, and the other part is lined with concrete colored tiles. The inside of the walls is lined with ceramic tiles. In some rooms, the finishing materials are wallpaper, in some rooms the walls are painted with paint, and the ceilings are painted with water-emulsion paints. Ceramic tiles, shield parquet, lenoleum are chosen as floor coatings.

Drawings content

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