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10-storey residential building in Essentuki


Course project. Technology for erection of 10 storey residential building, there is a drawing (schedule and construction plan) as well as an explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Курсовая работа ПОС Мойсиев.doc
icon Мойсиев затраты.doc
icon Стройгенплан.bak
icon Стройгенплан.dwg

Additional information

1. Development of work execution schedule


The work schedule for the object is drawn up in the form of a linear schedule for labor costs and scope of work given in the cost sheet there. The line schedule serves as an official document for the operational control of the progress of work at the site and is designed to determine the sequence and timing of civil, special and installation works carried out during the construction of the facility. These dates are established as a result of rational timing of the duration of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of basic resources: working teams and mechanisms. According to the calendar plan, the need for labor and material and technical resources is calculated in time.

On the basis of the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate the work of the performers .

The initial data for the design of the line schedule are: the nomenclature of works, their sequence, shift and the accepted number of workers.

A time-based line schedule is used to plot resource requirements. These schedules allow you to determine the required number of workers, the number of machines, mechanisms, materials and structures in time, and also make it possible to evaluate the correctness of the scheduling in terms of uniformity and continuity of construction and installation work.

Construction master plan - a graphic image of the organization of the construction site for the construction of a specific object, in this case "10 storey residential building."

The construction plan is drawn up with the aim of rational use of the construction site, location of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, warehousing, administrative and household premises and temporary engineering networks serving construction needs.

The main initial data when compiling the construction plan is:

- General plan of the object;

- main technological and construction solutions of the project;

- construction schedule;

- the need for workers;

- information on the need for construction structures;

- a list in the necessary temporary buildings and structures, the need for electricity, water, compressed air.

1.1 General data

The construction site is located in the city of Essentuki, the Coastal microdistrict. The site is free from development, green plantations and engineering communications.

For relative elevation 0.000 the level of clean floor of the first floor is taken, which corresponds to absolute elevation 580.00 m.

Seismicity of the district and the development site - 8 points.

Climatic construction area - III B

Snow standard load for II district - 84 kgf/m2

Wind standard load for V district - 60 kgf/m2

Design summer temperature - + 26 C0

Estimated winter temperature - - 18 C0

The humidity zone is normal. The normative depth of ground freezing is 0.8 m.

1.2 Technical and economic indicators

Area 2405.0 m2

Building area 1020.40 m2

Landscaping area 1385 m2

Total area 9793.50 m2

Residential area 3220.08 m2

Building volume 32753.70 m3

Estimated construction cost - 95 762,500 thousand rubles

including CMR - 86 186,250 thousand rubles

Duration of construction

Drawings content

icon Стройгенплан.dwg
