• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 6

10-storey, 81 square meters. residential building with shopping center on the 1st floor


Diploma project

Project's Content

icon АР.dwg
icon АС_ФиО.dwg
icon Аннотация.docx
icon Архитектура ПЗ.docx
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.docx
icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.docx
icon Конструкции.Лестница ПЗ.doc
icon Конструкции.Плита ПЗ.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon ЛС,ОС,ССР.doc
icon Организация ПЗ.docx
icon Охрана труда.doc
icon Приложение варинтное.doc
icon Приложение Е.docm
icon Приложения 1 и 2.doc
icon сравнение вар.doc
icon сравнение вар_2.doc
icon Стена 2 вариант.docx
icon Технология ПЗ.docx
icon Фундаменты .docx
icon Экономический раздел.doc
icon Этикетки.doc
icon Подрамник.dwg
icon Сеть.dwg
icon ТСП_Организация.dwg

Additional information





1. Architectural and construction section

1.1 Design Input

1.1.1 Brief description of the construction area

1.1.2 Building Requirements

1.1.3 Characteristics of the functional process of the building

1.2 Space-planning solution of residential building

1.3 Structural solution of residential building

1.3.1 Foundations

1.3.2 Walls and partitions

1.3.3 Floors and floors

1.3.4 Roof

1.4 Architectural and compositional solution of the building

1.5 Sanitary equipment

1.6 Plot Plan

1.7 Calculation of sound insulation

1.7.1 Calculation of soundproofing of the partition

1.7.2 Calculation of slab sound insulation

1.8 Substantiation of building structural solution selection

1.8.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation

1.8.2 Thermal calculation of the coating

1.9 Technical and economic evaluation of design options for interior decoration of apartments

1.9.1 General characteristics of the object

1.9.2 Definition of nomenclature and scope of work by options

1.9.3 Calculation of direct costs and labor costs of workers by options

1.9.4 Calculation of cost and estimated cost of construction and construction works by options

1.9.5 Calculation of capital investments in working capital by options

1.9.6 Calculation of coefficient of change of service life of structural elements by variants

1.9.7 Calculation of reduced costs by options

1.9.8 Calculation of annual depreciation deductions during operation of structures according to options

1.9.9 Summary Table of Feasibility Indicators (TEP) for Options

1.9.10 Calculation of the economic effect at the construction stage

1.9.11 Calculation of economic effect in the field of facility operation

1.9.12 Calculation of the overall economic effect

2. Design section: building structures

2.1 Calculation of multi-stop slab

2.1.1 Calculation by limit states of the first group

2.1.2 Calculation of limit states of the second group

2.1.3 Pre-stress loss of valves

2.1.4 Calculation of crack formation normal to longitudinal axis

2.1.5 Calculation of plate deflection

2.2 Calculation of brickwork

2.2.1 Structural diagram of the building

2.2.2 Ultimate Wall Flexibility

2.2.3 Design diagram of the building

2.2.4 Calculation of extra-centered compressed rectangular spacer of the first floor, section a-a

2.2.5 Calculation of extra-center-compressed non-reinforced masonry of rectangular section

2.2.6 Calculation of extra-centered compressed rectangular spacer of the sixth floor, section b-b

2.2.7 Calculation of extra-center-compressed non-reinforced masonry of rectangular section

2.2.8 Calculation of the center-compressed section of the brick wall of the first floor section b-c

2.3 Calculation of precast reinforced concrete march

2.3.1 Determination of loads and forces

2.3.2 Preliminary assignment of dimensions of the cross-section of the march

2.3.3 Calculation of inclined section for transverse force

2.4.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete slab

2.4.2 Determination of loads

2.4.3 Plate Shelf Calculation

2.4.4 Calculation of frontal edge

2.4.5 Calculation of the inclined section of the frontal rib for a transverse force

3. Design section: foundations and foundations

3.1 Geotechnical conditions

3.2 Determination of required physical and mechanical characteristics of base soil

3.3 Collection of loads on the foundation

3.4 Pile Foundation Design

3.4.1 Purpose of pile cap laying depth. 3.4.2 Determination of pile length

3.4.3 Determination of pile bearing capacity

3.4.4 Determination of number of piles

3.4.5 Determination of foundation settlement by equivalent layer method

3.4.6 Selection of equipment and determination of pile failure

3.4.7 Calculation of pile pile by material

4 Section on construction production technology

4.1 Definition of Scope of Work

4.2 Calculation of required parameters of installation cranes

4.3 Job Instruction for Construction of Aboveground Residential Part


4.4 Requirements for quality and acceptance of works

4.5 Costing Labor

4.6 Work Schedule

4.7 Logistical resources

4.8 Safety precautions

5. Section on organization of construction production

5.1 Selection and description of the method of work execution

5.2 Determination of logistical requirements

5.3 Drawing Up and Calculating the Network Model

5.4 Building and Optimizing the Network in Time

5.5 Definition of Vehicle Requirements

5.6 Calculation and design of construction plan, determination of technical and economic parameters of construction plan

5.6.1 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

5.6.2 Procedure for design of temporary construction at SGP

5.6.3 Calculation of Construction Water Demand

5.6.4 Calculation of construction lighting requirements

5.6.5 Heat supply of the construction site

5.6.6 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan

6. Construction economy

7. Occupational Safety Section

7.1 Basic requirements for labor organization at the construction site from the point of view of safety

7.2 Basic Requirements for Production Lighting

7.3 Calculation of searchlight of construction site

7.4 Fire prevention measures

7.4.1 By degree of fire resistance

7.4.2 By functional fire hazard

7.4.3 By structural fire hazard

7.5 Installation works

7.6 Electrical Safety

7.7 Organization of safe working conditions at altitude

7.8 Operation of construction machines

7.9 Operation of process tooling and tools

7.10 Loading and unloading operations

7.11 Insulation works

7.12 Roofing works

7.13 Finishing works

7.14 Protective grounding



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D


The diploma project on the topic: "10-storey 81 apartment buildings, with retail premises on the ground floor in Moscow" is presented in the form of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The graphic part consists of 13 sheets, including: feasibility study, master plan, facades, standard floor plans, section, 1st floor plan, pile plan, foundation sections, work flow diagrams, network schedule of work, construction plan.

The calculation and explanatory note reflects issues on architecture, structures, foundations and foundations, technology of construction production, economics and organization of construction, as well as issues of labor and environmental protection.


The housing problem was and remains one of the most important problems for the Russian Federation and the Moscow region in particular. The only correct way to overcome the real problem is the intensive construction of residential buildings.

Construction, being a material-intensive, labour-intensive, capital-intensive, energy-intensive and knowledge-intensive production, contains a solution to many local and global problems, social to environmental. Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use. The correct choice of building floors determines its cost-effectiveness.

Construction organizations have an urgent need for large volumes of construction and installation work involving free labor resources, especially from among unemployed citizens.

In connection with the aggravated environmental problems, it is extremely important to use the natural conditions of the construction site as rationally as possible.

The construction complex of the region has a great influence on the economic and social development of Moscow. Each industrial enterprise built by builders and commissioned gives additional tax revenues to the budget. And in the end, this is the salary of state employees - doctors, teachers, cultural workers. In addition, 1 workplace of the builder gives more than 10 jobs in related industries.

More than 90 social and cultural facilities were introduced, among them new schools, hospitals, clubs, sanatoriums, the regional swimming pool was reconstructed. Here they are, performance indicators of the construction complex of Moscow.

A diploma project on the topic: "10-storey 81 apartment buildings, with retail premises on the ground floor in Moscow" reveals the possibilities of designing buildings that are most rationally inscribed in urban conditions. Therefore, a multi-storey residential building was developed, which is the main type of housing in the cities of our country. Such houses allow rational use of the territory, reduce the length of engineering networks, streets, and urban transport structures. A significant increase in the density of housing stock (the amount of living space (m ²) accounted for 1 hectares of built-up territory) with multi-storey development gives a noticeable economic effect. In addition, their high-altitude composition contributes to the creation of an expressive silhouette of development. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use local building materials, that is, to reduce the cost of construction.


This degree project has developed such sections as architectural, design and construction, foundations and foundations, organization and technology of construction production, construction economics, labor protection in construction.

In the construction of a residential building, it is planned to use all modern methods of work and new materials, the use of which leads to a decrease in material consumption, an increase in labor productivity, and an increase in construction efficiency.

The building is designed class II. The building is designed brick, the structures are reinforced concrete. The construction duration is 489 days.

Estimated cost - 11,392,203 tons.

The building is intended for construction in Moscow along Mira Avenue Street.

Drawings content

icon АР.dwg


icon АС_ФиО.dwg


icon Подрамник.dwg


icon Сеть.dwg


icon ТСП_Организация.dwg
