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Water treatment plant of steam boiler house


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education.
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)" (RUT (MIIT)
Educational part "Transport facilities and buildings" Department "HEAT POWER ENGINEERING AND WATER SUPPLY ON
By discipline:
"Water supply of industrial enterprises"
Theme: "Water treatment plant of steam boiler house."
HE Level:Bachelor's Degree
Specialty/Direction:08.03.01 Construction (STB)
Moscow 2020

Calculate the water treatment plant for the preparation of water that is used to power two steam boilers of the DE-25/14 type - GM (steam capacity 25 t / h, steam pressure 1.4 MPa), if the steam loss in the boiler house is K1 = 3% of the steam capacity of the boilers, and the steam loss in production - K2 = 40% of the steam capacity.
The fuel of the boilers is gas. Deaeration of feed water is carried out in thermal deaerators of the bubbler type.
The source of water supply is the Neva River, the content of suspended solids in the source water is 580 mg / kg, its oxidizability by permanganate is 12 mgKMnO4 / kg.
Choose a scheme and calculate the equipment of the water treatment plant.

1. Assignment and initial data for the calculation of VPU
2. Source water analysis data
3. Choosing the scheme of the VPU
4. Calculation of the ion exchange unit for the preparation of boiler feed water
5. Technological calculation of the water treatment plant for the preparation of feed water
6. Calculation of lighting filters
7. Calculation of the clarifier
8. Calculation of auxiliary equipment
9. Bibliography

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