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Water supply and drainage of industrial building

  • Added: 08.12.2015
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Water Supply and Sanitation Course Project

Project's Content

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Fire fighting measures

Defining Pipe Elevations in a Pipe Entry Section

Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply

Determination of probabilities of sanitary devices operation

Diagram of hydraulic calculation of internal water supply

Hydraulic Network Calculation

Hydraulic calculation of the water supply system taking into account the water consumption for the use of showers

Select Water Meter

Determination of required head

Calculation of internal sewage system

Internal sewer calculation diagram

Determination of pipeline elevations in the sewage outlet section

Calculation of internal drains

Literature used


The degree of improvement of a building of any purpose in which people are located is determined by the presence of engineering systems, which, among other things, include internal water supply and sanitation systems.

The water supply system is a complex of engineering facilities designed to take water from a water supply source, clean it, store it and supply it to consumers.

The water supply system of a building or an individual object is a set of pipelines and devices that provide water supply from the city water supply network under pressure to water collection devices located inside the building or object.

When designing the building water supply system, the main task is to provide consumers with the necessary quality water in large quantities and under the necessary pressure.

In buildings of full improvement according to the type of supplied water, a cold system and a hot water supply system are arranged.

An internal drainage system is a complex of engineering devices that provide for the reception of waste water, their transportation through a pipeline system outside the building to the external drainage network.

In this work, a landscaped building is considered, therefore, alloy sewage is used when waste water is transported through underground pipelines to treatment facilities where it undergoes intensive treatment.

Internal water supply and drainage systems of buildings are designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."

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