Water intake facility

- Added: 14.08.2015
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Project Objective
Characteristics of water supply source
Characteristics of water intake facilities
Select water intake location
Select water intake type and water intake scheme
Siphon lines
Shore well
Suction lines
Pump station
Removing sediment from a well
Static stability analysis of water intake heads
Stability of water intake facilities for surfacing
Combating Shuga and Ice Formation on Grates
Fish protection measures
Sanitary protection area
List of used literature
Project Objective
When designing water intake structures from surface sources from a variety of possible technical solutions, it is necessary to choose one that can provide maximum convenience in the construction and operation of structures with high reliability of water supply and at minimum costs.
The mission for the course project includes:
Substantiation of the choice of the schematic diagram of water intake facilities;
Hydraulic calculations for justification of the sizes of openings, lattices, grids, the siphon and soaking-up pipes on various settlement cases of work of a water intake;
Selection of main and auxiliary equipment with its description;
Determination of basic dimensions of structures;
Selection of pump removal method;
Selection of grid cleaning and mesh washing method;
Measures to combat the shuga and internal ice;
Description of methods of works on construction of main structures;
Draft sanitary protection zone with description of protective measures on its territory.
Plan and profile of water intake facilities diagram;
Layout drawings of the onshore facility;
Constructive drawings of one - two elements of the equipment (head, a lattice, a grid, a hydraulic elevator, etc.)
Water intake facilities are one of the most important structures of the water supply system. Water intake facilities are a complex of engineering facilities that serve to take water from a water source, its preliminary treatment and supply it under the necessary pressure to the network or to the water supply system treatment facilities. Depending on the type of water source, two types of water intake structures are distinguished :
1. Structures for surface water;
2. Structures for the extraction of groundwater.
The correct choice of the type and composition of water intake facilities largely depends on both their cost and the reliability of the entire water supply system. The basic rules to be taken into account when designing water intake facilities are established by SNiP [1].
The main tasks that are designed to solve water intake facilities are as follows:
ensuring uninterrupted provision of required amounts of water from a natural source;
preliminary mechanical purification of the water taken;
protection of water from ice ingress into it;
fish protection.
In practice, water receivers of the following types are most common.
Channel water intake with gravity or siphon lines. It is used with a gentle bank structure and with a small amplitude of fluctuations in water levels in the river. The water intake includes a flooded tip with water intake holes equipped with holding grids and fish barrier nets, gravity or siphon lines, a coastal receiving well, suction lines and a pump station of the first lift, which can be combined with the coastal receiving well.
Coastal water intake. It is used in steep high shores, large depths and fluctuations in water level, high productivity. In case of weak soils, the onshore water intake is of a separate type consisting of a non-flooded onshore water intake, a through gallery for suction pipes and a separate pump station of the first lift. At high bearing capacity of soil onshore water intake is performed of combined type, when pump station of the first lift is combined with non-flooded water intake.
Water intake with bucket water intake. It is arranged at high productivity, large amounts of sediment, high flow rates and in the presence of a heavy shaguledov situation [5].
In this course design, a channel water intake with siphon lines is used. The water intake includes a flooded tip with water intake holes equipped with holding grids and fish barrier nets, siphon lines, a coastal receiving well, suction lines and a pump station of the first lift.
Process Part
1. Characteristics of water supply source
One of the characteristics of the water source is the values of water levels in German SNiP 2.04.0282 * [1] regulates the values of the design provision of maximum and minimum water levels depending on the categories of reliability of water supply. According to them, based on the hydrological characteristics of the source, the calculated values of the maximum and minimum water levels are determined.
Another important characteristic of the source is the conditions for taking water from it. The main indicators characterizing the water intake conditions are the water content of the source, its depth, level mode, flow structure at the location of water intake facilities, thermal, hydrobiological and qualitative modes of water masses of the source, stability of morphometric characteristics of the channel and the source bed, its ice mode, sugariness, features of the sediment regime, etc. Depending on the combination of these indicators, the water intake conditions from surface sources are usually divided into light, medium, heavy and very heavy [1].
From the characteristics of the river it is known that the turbidity of the river is 900 g/m ³, there are a lot of algae, there is a lot of sorrow, the channel is stable, shugozagors are possible, based on these conditions, average water intake conditions are accepted. [1] Table 12
2. Characteristics of water intake facilities
Water intake facilities are one of the most important structures of the water supply system. The correct choice of the type and composition of water intake facilities largely depends on both their cost and the reliability of the entire water supply system. The basic rules to be taken into account when designing water intake facilities are established by SNiP [1].
Water intake facilities shall ensure uninterrupted water intake under the most unfavorable possible combinations of hydrological, hydraulic, thermoledic and other conditions. They shall ensure, with the necessary reliability, the intake of the calculated water flow rate and its supply to the consumer not only in normal, but also in special conditions: at fluctuations in flow rates and water levels within the corresponding provision (item 4.4 of SNiP 2.04.0284); formation of bottom ice and shuga, congestion and clamps; the development of plankton, algae, shells and other aquatic organisms that make it difficult to select water; possible rearrangements of the channel; changes in hydrological characteristics of the source associated with river regulation and other causes.
In practice, water receivers of the following types are most common.
Channel water intake with gravity or siphon lines
Coastal water intake.
Water intake with bucket water intake.
In this course project, a channel water receiver with siphon lines was adopted.
One of the main characteristics of water intake facilities, which is the basis of the whole design, is their category of reliability of water supply. It determines not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative composition of water intake structures.
The category of reliability of water supply of water intake facilities coincides with the corresponding characteristic of the water supply system as a whole and is determined depending on the characteristic of water consumers serviced by the designed water supply system. SNiP [1], [item 4.4] establish 3 reliability categories .
Another important characteristic of water intake facilities is their productivity. According to this indicator, SNiP are established 3 categories of water intakes - small, medium and high productivity .
In this course project, the I category of reliability of water supply was adopted (the number of inhabitants exceeds 50khel), and the category of water intake of average productivity (q = 0.88 m ³ s). [6] (Table 4 - 5)
3. Select water intake location
The type of water intake structure is mainly determined by the features of the natural reservoir used, its hydrological and other characteristics. The most important of these are:
- seasonal variations in the water level in rivers;
- seasonal movements of water cut;
- degree of water contamination;
- ice conditions;
- relief of the bottom and bank of the river;
- the nature of the soils that make up the river bed.
Since the listed characteristics of the source can vary along the river, the choice of the location of the water intake is important, which should meet the following basic conditions:
1. Water should not be contaminated by the effluents of the nearest settlements or industrial enterprises. Therefore, river water intake facilities should be located upstream of possible sources of pollution or mouths of the nearest tributaries.
2. Local conditions near the water intake should allow the creation of a sanitary protection zone.
3. At the point of water intake, there should be no intensive deposition of sediments, formation of ice jams, shoots, and inland ice. The most convenient from these positions is the concave bank of the channel. However, concave banks can be eroded by the waters of the river. In the event of such a danger, coastal protection work may be required.
4. Water intake facilities shall be located outside the movement area of vessels and rafts.
5. It is desirable that the water depth at the water intake point is at least 2.5-3 m at the low water horizon.
6. The shore relief shall provide the location of the lifting pump station I on a site having an elevation of not less than 0.5 m above the high water level.
7. The minimum flow rate of the river shall be sufficient for the required capacity of water intake facilities.
4. Select water intake type and water intake scheme
In accordance with [1], water receivers are divided into three degrees of reliability of water intake. Each degree corresponds to a certain type of water intake.
I degree - water receivers providing uninterrupted selection of design water flow rate. They should include all types of onshore non-flooded structures, the water intake openings of which are always available for maintenance, and the cleaning of their holding grids is mechanized.
II degree - water receivers providing the extraction of the calculated water flow rate with the possibility of interruptions in water supply for up to 5 hours or a decrease in its supply for up to one month. These should include all types of channel flooded water receivers located in the reservoir at a distance from the coast and practically inaccessible during periods of shoots, ice drift, flood, storm, etc.
III degree - water receivers, water extraction through which can stop up to three days. These should include floating and mobile water receivers of all types.
In this course design, the II degree of reliability of water intake was adopted. [6]
In the practice of construction of water intakes, 3 main schemes of their construction are used .
Diagram "a" - location in one alignment during water intake partitioning. The number of sections is at least two. For this scheme, in medium natural conditions, the degree of reliability of water intake by the water receiver corresponds to the category of reliability of water supply.
Scheme "b" - location in one alignment, but with two or more water receivers located in the form of separate structures or water receivers of an improved combined type. For this scheme, the reliability category of water supply is typically one unit higher than or equal to the reliability of water intake.
Diagram "c" - Location in two doors, removed by a distance, excluding the possibility of simultaneous interruption of water intake. The scheme provides the highest category of reliability of water supply under other equal conditions.
In this course project the scheme "b" Table is adopted. 13 SNiP [1]
For light natural conditions, the reliability category of water supply for each circuit is usually increased by one, and for heavy ones it is reduced by one.
Channel water intakes should be used in the absence of sufficient water depths near the shore. They include a channel flooded water intake, gravity or siphon lines, an onshore water intake well, a pump station I of lifting and a chamber of safety equipment. Such a scheme with separate placement of a water intake well and a pumping station is recommended for low-capacity water intakes with an amplitude of fluctuation of levels in the reservoir up to 6 m. For medium-capacity water intakes or at level fluctuation amplitude of more than 6 m, it is recommended to combine the onshore water intake pit with the pump station.
Schematic diagrams of channel water intakes are given in Fig. 1.
In the course of this course project, a project of water intake facilities from surface sources was developed. A schematic diagram of the channel water intake with the joint layout of the shore well and the pumping station has been selected. Water enters the well through the reinforced concrete head by siphon lines and is taken from it by pumps of the first lift through suction lines. Both siphon and two suction lines made of polyethylene pipes according to GOST 185992001 PRESSURE PIPES MADE OF POLYETHYLENE with a diameter of 800 and 900 mm, respectively, are accepted for calculation.
Two pumps of grade 22NDs (two operating and one standby) are accepted at the pump station of the first lift.
The design provides calculations for the stability of structures to surfacing, overturning and shear.
List of used literature
SNiP 2.04.0284. Water supply. External networks and structures. - M. Stroyizdat 1985.
F.A. Shevelev. Tables for hydraulic calculation of water pipes - M. Stroyizdat 1995
B. N. Repin. Directory. Water supply and Drainage. External networks and structures. - M.: Vysh. shk., 1995.
A.M. Tugay, V.E. Ternovtsev Water supply. Course design. Kiev 1980
Designer's Handbook Water Supply to Populated Places and Industrial Enterprises. Moscow 1967
Water intake facilities from surface sources. Methodological guidelines for the implementation of the course project in the discipline "Water supply. Part 2 "for students of specialty 290800 -" Water supply and sanitation "Ivanovo 2004
A.M. Konyushkov Water supply Textbook for universities - M. Stroyizdat 1964.

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