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Viscous coupling test bench

  • Added: 03.08.2023
  • Size: 150 KB
  • Downloads: 0
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Stand for testing viscous coupling.

Purpose and scope of the developed design

The developed device is designed to check the performance of the viscous coupling after repair and during the next maintenance.


Description of the device and operation of the structure

The device consists of a base (1), a brake strut (2), a shaft strut (3), a brake rod (4), a brake (5), a latch (6) and a ball (7), a clutch shaft (8), a spacer (9), a bearing lock (10), a sealing washer (11), two nuts (12). Twelve bolts (13), large and small pulleys (14) and (15), two bearings (16), belt (17), spring (18), and electric motor (19).

Install the repaired unit in the device for checking the performance of the viscous coupling and fix it with the latches (6), turn on the electric motor (19), and try to stop the fan with the brake mechanism by pressing the ball (7),  if the fan has stopped, then the clutch is working properly, if the stop has not occurred, then the clutch is faulty. To further check the serviceability of the unit, heat the clutch with a construction hair dryer and try to stop the clutch again, if it does not work, then the clutch is working, if the clutch has stopped under brake force, then it is faulty.

Viscous coupling test bench.

After purchase, you will have access to an archive with the following composition:

  • Assembly drawing in .cdw format (COMPASS – 3D V13) A1 format.
  • Detailing
  • Specification

Project's Content

icon Деталировка вискомуфты.frw
icon Деталировка вискомуфты.PNG
icon Описание.docx
icon Спецификация 1.xls
icon Спецификация 2.xls
icon Стенд для испытания вискомуфты.cdw
icon Стенд для испытания вискомуфты.PNG

Additional information

Drawings content

icon Деталировка вискомуфты.frw

Деталировка вискомуфты.frw

icon Стенд для испытания вискомуфты.cdw

Стенд для испытания вискомуфты.cdw