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Two-story public building -AR


3 drawings + DBE

Project's Content

icon записка.doc
icon чертежи.dwg

Additional information


1. Source data4,

2. Plot plan.. 4,

3. General characteristics of the designed building................. 5,

4. Space-planning solution of the building.. 7,

5. Structural solution of the building 9,

6. Decoration of the building.. 12,

7. Calculations for the architectural and construction part.......... 13,

8. List of literature used.

Project Description

1. Initial data

Construction area - Moscow

Walls - brick:

external thickness - 640 mm;

thickness of internal carriers - 380 mm.

Partitions - gypsum board, 100 mm thick.

Slabs - prefabricated hollow railway slabs.

height H = 220 mm;

width B = 1500 mm;

length L = 12000; 6300; 3600; 3300 mm.

Foundation - reinforced concrete strip prefabricated.

Windows - single-leaf, three-leaf with wooden bindings and triple glazing.

Doors - blind single-leaf, double-leaf

Master Plan

In our case, this is a rectangular section with dimensions of 100 m × 200 m. Landscaping of the site in the form of lawns, shrubs and separate trees. The main facade of the building is oriented south (Facade 1-3). In addition to the designed, the plot plan depicts existing buildings. The area located around the designed store is landscaped with roads with entrances to the building, sidewalks, as well as parking for cars .

Technical and economic indicators of the master plan:

Area of the area Pu = 20,000 m2

Building area of the site with buildings and structures Pp = 3382.5 m2

Building density ρз = (Pz/Pu) * 100%=16.9%

Area of roads and sites Pdeep = 10242.8 m2

Area utilization factors k = (Dn + Pdeep )/Py = 0.68

Landscaping area Pos = 6374.7

Degree of greening (greening coefficient) of goats = (Pos/Pu) * 100% = 32%


In this course project, we designed a two-story universal store in the city of Moscow. During the work, lighting and heat engineering calculations were carried out, a characteristic of the designed building, a volume planning and a structural solution were given.

Drawings content

icon чертежи.dwg

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