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An example of an explanatory note and compass drawings.

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Additional information


І. Routing

1.1 Selection of the method of work execution

1.2 Calculation of Scope of Work

1.2.1 Civil

1.2.2 Installation

1.3 Determination of labour costs

1.4 Technology and organization of works

1.4.1 Work performed prior to start of earthworks

1.4.2 Procedure of works execution

1.5 Safety Design Solutions

1.6 Geodetic and Quality Control

1.7 Logistical Resources

1.7.1 MTO

1.7.2 Mechanisms, machines, accessories

1.8 Manpower

1.9 Technical and economic indicators


2.1 Selection of method of works execution

2.2 Definition of Scope of Work

2.2.1 Civil

2.2.2 Installation

2.3 Determining Labor Costs

2.4 Definition of Work Nomenclature

2.5 Description of the schedule

2.6 Description of the schedule of changes in the number of workers

2.7 Description of machine operation schedule

2.8 Calculation and selection of vehicles

2.9 Description of material consumption and delivery schedule


3.1 Process calculations:

3.1.1 Personnel calculation

3.1.2 Calculation of temporary domestic premises

3.1.3 Calculation of storage area

3.1.4 Calculation of temporary water supply

3.1.5 Calculation of temporary power supply

3.2 Description of the construction master plan

3.3 Construction Plot Plan Indicators


4.1 Environmental protection during construction

4.2 Site-wide safety measures

4.3 Fire Safety

4.4 Electrical safety

General Section

Source Data:

The diploma project on the topic "Two-story two-section 12 apartment building" was developed on the basis of the standard project 14412147 and the assignment for the diploma project.

The designed building is being built in the village of Sukhanovo, Pskov Region, located in the "II in the" climatic district.

Design indoor temperature + 20 0С, outdoor temperature of cold five days 27 0С, cold days 310С, Table 1 (1). Wind load - 0.38 kPa, Table 5 (2), snow load - 1.8 kPa, Table 4 (2). dominant wind direction, in December - February - SA, June - August - SA, Table 1,2 (1). Humidity zone is normal. The relief of the site is calm. The following soils lie in the base: soil-plant layer - 0.3 m., loam - 4.5 m., Clay 10.9. Groundwater at elevation -4.5 m. By nature, groundwater is not aggressive. The site by the beginning of construction is free from building buildings.

Durability - II

Degree of durability - III

Building class - II

Environmental protection:

The designed building does not belong to objects polluting nature. The building is equipped with full engineering improvement. The project provides for cutting the vegetable layer and its use in landscaping. The territory is landscaped and landscaped according to the general plan. To protect the base from soil erosion, paving is provided with a width of 0.7 m. The drainage is open along the slope of the planned territory.

2.6 Protection of structures against rotting, fire and corrosion.

Methods of protection of wooden structures.

Wood rotting occurs at humidity of more than 25%, temperature from - 3 to + 35... 70 ° C, stagnant air and its infection with fungi. In dry wood with humidity up to 12% and in wood in an air-dry state (15... 18%), house fungi do not develop. Wooden structures located in the water and on the through are also not destroyed by fungi. In this regard, for the long-term safe operation of wooden structures, it is necessary to create appropriate temperature and humidity conditions around them. If this is not possible for technological or other reasons, wooden structures should be carefully treated with toxic chemicals - antiseptic .

Antiseption is carried out in the spring or summer period, since at this time the larvae of bugs approach the surface of the affected wood and drying of wooden structures is ensured.

The antiseptics used are aqueous solutions of sodium fluoride and soda sodium fluoride (concentration 3... 4%), sodium silicofluoride (3... 4%), ammonium silicofluoride (5... 10%), zinc chloride (5%), paste based on bituminous materials, kuzbasslake, etc .

Antiseptics in the form of aqueous solutions are used for those wooden structures that are protected from wetting and washing out water. Antiseptic pastes are used to protect wooden structures that are operated under high humidity conditions.

Wood elements subject to continuous painting (windows, doors, clean floors) are not antiseptic. With ambient humidity of up to 25%, no danger of humidification or ensuring quick drying of structures, normal (disposable) antisepting is used, under more difficult operating conditions - increased (doubled).

Protection of wooden structures from fire is carried out by fire-retardant compositions - flame retardants (boric acid, brown, ammonium sulfate, etc.). To protect the outer surfaces, weatherproof compositions are used (PCB and paraffin with pigments, chlorolacoil, whitespirite, suric, etc.); at high: humidity (61... 75%) - moisture-resistant paint KHLSZh, shale resin, iron sugar; at humidity less than 60% - non-moisture-resistant chloride paint of CHL, silicate paint of SKL, superphosphate coating, etc .

Antiseptics can be added to fire retardant compositions that do not reduce the fire retardant properties of the composition and allow for combined protection of wooden structures from fire and rotting .

Architectural and structural section

Methods of foundation protection.

Waterproofing of the foundation can be carried out in the following ways :

A layer of cement mortar (2... 3 cm) of composition 1:2 is laid, leveled, ironwalled, dried. One layer of ruberoid is stelated .

Put 2... 3 layers of mastic (1 part of heated pine resin + 0.3... 0.5 part of sieved lime-cannon). Hot mastic is applied in layers (total thickness 7. .. 10 mm).

On hot pine resin glue birch bark in 2... 3 layers .

Dry 2 layers of ruberoid with overlapping not less than 150 mm are laid .

Top of foundation is covered with bitumen mastic and first layer of ruberoid is glued on it, which is again coated with mastic, and second layer is glued.

The lower layer of the crowns must be impregnated with antiseptics (preferably more than the entire log). The empty space can be filled with expanded clay, but you need to remember that expanded clay will "work" with a layer of 400 mm .

In a house having a basement, waterproofing is placed on two levels in the foundation at the level of the basement floor or below it by 13 cm; in the basement 15:25 cm above the surface of the pavement.

The surfaces of the walls of the basement and its floor are isolated in this way. If the ground water level is below the basement floor, two layers of hot bitumen are covered from the outside of the wall contacting the ground. A layer of fatty clay (25 cm) is placed on the floor, compacted, coated with a layer of concrete (5 cm), leveled, aged for 1... 2 weeks, covered with mastic and glued with a two-layer roll carpet made of ruberoid. The same layer of concrete is laid on top, which is leveled, covered with cement mortar and iron filament .

When the ground water level is higher than the floor level of the basement, it is necessary to create good insulation of the walls and floor. In addition, around the walls at the abutment of the floor of the basement, an elastic lock should be made of puckles wetted in molten bitumen mastic. Such a lock is especially necessary in basements with clay soil, where uneven precipitation is observed.

Insulation of walls from the outside is raised above the ground water level by 50 cm.

With a high level of groundwater, the underground is first isolated with a layer of clay (25 cm), concrete is placed on it, waterproofing is placed on concrete and covered with cement mortar.

To illuminate the basements, often windows are arranged below ground level. In front of such windows, it is necessary to have pit wells with faced stone, brick, concrete walls. The pit floor shall have a water collection tray; it is recommended to arrange visors on top of the windows.

The top of foundations and basements is not always even and smooth. To align on the sides on the 1... 3 cm above their surface, boards with even edges are attached. Space in formwork is poured with cement mortar of composition 1/3 or 1/4, leveled, smoothed, dried and then waterproofing is laid .

Water erodes not only the base, but also adversely affects the structure of the foundation itself. To protect the latter from the influence of surface waters that appear during precipitation, snow melt, a pavement 700-800 mm wide (200 mm wider than the roof overhang) is arranged along the perimeter of the building with a slope away from the house. It must be prepared (not less than 0.15 m thick) from compacted local soil or clay, followed by backfilling with crushed stone, gravel or brick fighting, which is covered on top with a layer of asphalt or cement mortar or paving tiles. Drainage should be arranged right under the brow of the pavement, which will not only divert surface water, but also reduce the load on the waterproofing of the underground part of the foundation .

To protect against capillary moisture in the place of contact of brickwork with concrete, a waterproofing layer of roll materials is laid along the entire section of the outer and inner walls (for example, from two layers of hydrostecloisole on bitumen mastic). If the foundation is made of prefabricated elements, and the house has a basement, then such a layer should be laid at the level of the basement floor.

Corrosion protection as a whole is a set of measures aimed at preventing and inhibiting corrosion processes, preserving and maintaining the operability of units and assemblies of machines, equipment and structures during the required period of operation. Methods of protection of steel structures against corrosion are based on targeted impact, which leads to complete or partial reduction of the activity of factors contributing to the development of corrosion processes, and are conditionally divided into methods of impact on metal, environment, as well as combined methods. Among the first, the methods of applying permanent coatings, preservation coatings, alloying, among the second, methods of complete or partial sealing using moisture absorbers (static air drying, cleaning the ambient atmosphere from contaminants, maintaining certain temperature conditions) were most widespread. In the absence of the desired effect from the separate application of metal and medium exposure methods, combined methods based on the integrated metal exposure with protective coatings and the environment are used.

Of the methods used in practice for protection against atmospheric corrosion, the most detailed consideration, as the most common and quite effective, deserves the method of applying protective paint coatings (hereinafter referred to as paint coating).

Paint coatings: application for protection against atmospheric corrosion and causes of failure

In the structure of the global cost of corrosion protection, paint coatings account for about 39% of the funds, which is twice the cost of developing and producing corrosion-resistant materials. All varieties of LACs belong to the group of organic coatings and are a solid film of organic substances with pigments and fillers, obtained when the paint composition applied to the protected surface dries. The protective properties of the paint coating depend on the continuity and density of the film insulating the metal surface from the environment, as well as the nature of the interaction of the coating with the metal surface. The thickness of the coatings may vary from tens to hundreds of micrometers depending on their purpose.

Protection of calculated structures against corrosion, rotting and fire

1. Paint coating is provided for reinforced concrete structures.

2. Paint coating is provided for corrosion protection of non-concreted steel parts.

3. To protect embedded parts in structures made of autoclave hardening concretes, allumin coatings are provided.

4. For structures located in soils, insulating coatings of hot bitumen coating are provided for 2 times.

5. Protection of structures against fire is carried out by two methods: structural and chemical.

Structural measures consist in rational planning of premises and selection of optimal parameters of the structure.

Chemical fire protection means include various types of coatings, fire-resistant paints and impregnating compositions based on low and high molecular weight compounds called flame retardants.

Utilities and Equipment

5.1. Description of the water supply system and calculation of the second water flow rate in the system

Water supply of the building is provided from external water supply networks. The water supply is laid from cast iron pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, hot water supply is provided centrally.

Inside the building, hot and cold water supply networks are installed from steel galvanized pipes with a diameter of 1525mm.

5.3 Description of ventilation system.

The designed ventilation system is provided with natural motivation. The exhaust ventilation system shall provide normal ventilation of rooms at ambient temperature of 5 ° С and below. The exhaust ventilation system has channels, each of which serves the corresponding rooms.

Exhaust is carried out from kitchens, bathrooms and sanitary units through the grills of ventilation channels.

Ventilation of residential premises is carried out naturally through window and door openings and is called natural unorganized.

Calculation of scope of work

6.1.1 Selection of method of work execution

The mechanical method of soil development based on complex mechanization of the whole pit digging process was chosen.

Technological process of pit arrangement includes mechanical development of soil, its loading and displacement, as well as layout of slopes. Such a complex process is performed in a single flow using a system of interconnected machines operating in series.

6.1.4 Procedure of works execution

Excavation works include: cutting of the vegetal layer, vertical layout of the site, pit development, backfilling with soil compaction.

Vertical layout is performed to align the natural terrain of the site allocated for the construction of the building. It includes: excavating soil on some sections of the site and moving the filling and compacting it in the fill zone.

Site layout is carried out in a layer-by-layer manner, in which soil development is carried out in parallel strips, each previous strip overlapping by 0.3 meters.

The excavation of the pit begins with the removal and fixation on the ground with the flap signs of the main working axes. After that, at a distance of 3 meters from the edge of the future pit, we arrange a wasting in parallel with the main axes.

We use a wooden shoe.

To develop soil in the pit, we use an excavator of the grade E505. Part of the soil is sent to the dump truck for its further removal, and the other part is folded into a dump for further backfilling.

Excavation in the pit is carried out in the following order:

The excavator driver develops soil in the pit, monitors the steepness of the slopes, the depth of the excavation, the correct location and size of the dump.

The assistant driver together with the master during breaks in the excavator operation, the bottom of the pit is sighted.

3. Manual rework is performed by excavators based on the design elevation of the pit bottom, determined using a leveler relative to the ridge and the tool horizon.

6.1.5 Safety Design Solutions

1. Excavation works in the area of underground utilities (electric cable, gas pipeline) are allowed only with the written permission of the organization responsible for the operation of these utilities. A plan indicating their location and depth, signs indicating the location of underground communications shall be attached to the permit.

2. When approaching underground lines, earthworks shall be carried out under the supervision of the works manufacturer or foreman, and in the immediate vicinity of cables under voltage, under the supervision of electrical workers.

3. During operation, the excavator must be installed on a planned site to avoid spontaneous movement, fixed with inventory stops.

4. To pass workers into the pit, ladders with a width of at least 0.6 m with railings and stairs should be installed.

5. Soil loading on cars by excavator must be carried out from the rear or side of the car.

6. It is forbidden to install and move construction machines and cars, to place winches within the prism of collapse of the pit soil without attachments.

7. It is necessary to systematically check the technical condition of earth-moving and earth-moving vehicles.

Drawings content

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