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Tool for milling slots at collets (+ specification)

  • Added: 12.06.2017
  • Size: 68 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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The main purpose of the milling fixture is to properly base the part and rigidly fix it. Processing is carried out on a horizontal cantilever-milling universal machine model 6P82; cutting tool is a slotted (cut) cutter made of fast-cutting steel P6M5, as per GOST 2679-73, D = 160, z = 128. Devices are installed on machines in a strictly defined position in relation to the cutting tool using guide keys, installations (dimensions) and installation templates. The main movement in the machine is the rotation of the spindle with a mill, the feed movement is the longitudinal supply of the table. The collet is installed in the fungal center and rests on the end face, while depriving the blank of 4 degrees of freedom: 2 movements and 2 rotations, as well as with a stop on the end face depriving 1 degree of freedom (movement).

Project's Content

icon Spetsifikatsia_1_2str.docx
icon Приспособление.cdw

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icon Spetsifikatsia_1_2str.docx

icon Приспособление.cdw
