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The project of the refrigeration system of the seafood workshop


Thesis: The project of the refrigeration system for the seafood workshop. The paper presents an explanatory note with all the necessary sections and calculations, as well as a graphic part consisting of 7 A1 format drawings.

Project's Content

icon 04.02Автоматика Ч2.dwg
icon 04.01Автоматика Ч1.dwg
icon Ulyana_-_VKR-21_1.docx
icon 03.01План конденсаторного отделения.dwg
icon 02.01План маш.отделения.dwg
icon 01.03Акс холодильника.dwg
icon 03.02Акс Конденсаторной.dwg
icon 02.02АКС маш.отд.dwg

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