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Term paper on the topic - Design of the technological process of shaft restoration


The explanatory note to the course project on the topic: "Design of the technological process of engine shaft restoration" contains 25 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, 12 sources, 1 appendix. The object of the study is the technological process of engine shaft restoration. The purpose of the work is to improve the technological process of restoring cylinder liners and technological equipment. As a result of the analysis of data on shaft defects, the main defects were identified and a technological process for restoration based on a typical one was developed. The main defects of the shafts are: wear of the seating surface for the gear wheel, wear of the keyway, wear of the seating surface for the rolling bearing. SHAFT, GEAR, MACHINE, OPERATION, ROUTE, MACHINING, FIXTURE, GRINDING, MOTOR, DEFECT, CYLINDER.

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.pdf
icon Востановление вала.frw
icon Гильза цилиндров.pdf
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icon 12.CDW
icon Реферат.pdf
icon Оглавление.pdf
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Additional information

Drawings content

icon Востановление вала.frw

Востановление вала.frw

icon 15.CDW


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