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Steel Vertical Tank Design


Steel vertical tanks (PBC) are one of the most popular and common types of capacitive equipment. They are widely used in a wide variety of industries. In particular, they are used to store various substances in the liquid phase. These can be production products that are awaiting transportation, or vice versa, source materials.

Project's Content

icon 1 спецификация.cdw
icon Spetsifikatsia_PPR-250_2.spw
icon Клапан дыхательный (2).cdw
icon клапан дыхательный.cdw
icon Кран сифонный (2).cdw
icon кран сифонный.cdw
icon Люк-лаз (2).cdw
icon люк-лаз.cdw
icon МОЙ КУРСАК.docx
icon Патрубок приемо-раздаточный.cdw
icon Развертка.cdw
icon Резервуар.cdw

Additional information




Steel vertical tanks (PBC) are one of the most popular and common types of capacitive equipment. They are widely used in a wide variety of industries. In particular, they are used to store various substances in the liquid phase. These can be production products that are awaiting transportation, or vice versa, source materials.

It is difficult to name at least one branch of heavy industry where vertical cylindrical tanks would not be in demand. In the oil, oil and gas processing industries, as well as in petrochemicals, vertical reservoirs for oil products are most often used. They contain both crude oil and refinery products. Also in these tanks are stored intermediate products of cracking and reforming, chemical synthesis, and so on.

There are quite a wide variety of types and types of vertical tanks. They differ in a number of features, including wall thickness, bottom shape, the presence of additional nozzles and valves, and so on. The use of this vertical tank is limited by its technical characteristics and the scope recommended by the manufacturer. Vertical tanks are manufactured to perform specific tasks and store strictly defined types of liquids. However, the purpose of the vertical tanks may vary sufficiently wide when it comes to liquids with similar properties.

The main characteristic on which to rely when buying is the volume of the tank.

The description of the vertical tank must contain an indication of the main characteristics, as well as indications of the operating conditions.


As a result of the course project, we received a vertical steel tank with a volume of 2000. Alloy steel 09G2C was used as the material of the design. The tank is designed for the effect of wind, snow and other loads, optimal dimensions are chosen, and strength and stability tests are also performed. In addition, the tank is equipped with equipment that allows it to perform all the main technological functions.

List of sources used

1 PB 0338100 Rules for arrangement of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and oil products.

2 G.A. Nekhaev Design and calculation of steel cylindrical tanks and low pressure gas cylinders, Moscow, 2003

3 GOST 1990374 Hot-rolled sheet rolled stock. Sortament.

4 SNiP 2.01.0785 Loads and impacts.

5 SNiP 230199 Construction climatology.

6 Lapshin A.A., Kolesov A.I., Ageeva M.A. Design and calculation of vertical cylindrical tanks of low pressure - Nizhny Novgorod, NNGASU, 2009.

7 SNiP II2381 Steel structures.

8 GOST 1515069 Machines, instruments and other technical products.

9 Azsneftebaz [Electronic resource]: database contains information on equipment for car tanks. - Access mode: http://www.азснефтебаза.рф.

Drawings content

icon 1 спецификация.cdw

1 спецификация.cdw

icon Spetsifikatsia_PPR-250_2.spw


icon Клапан дыхательный (2).cdw

Клапан дыхательный (2).cdw

icon клапан дыхательный.cdw

клапан дыхательный.cdw

icon Кран сифонный (2).cdw

Кран сифонный (2).cdw

icon кран сифонный.cdw

кран сифонный.cdw

icon Люк-лаз (2).cdw

Люк-лаз (2).cdw

icon люк-лаз.cdw


icon Патрубок приемо-раздаточный.cdw

Патрубок приемо-раздаточный.cdw

icon Развертка.cdw


icon Резервуар.cdw
