Stand for installation and removal of heavy-duty vehicle wheel tyre

- Added: 12.06.2015
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Additional information
Regulations. Patent Information Research Reference
Performance benchmarking matrix
Analysis of selected analogues and justification of prototype
Development of functional and physical diagram of technical proposal
Technical Quotation Description
Calculations confirming the operability and reliability of the structure
List of sources used
This course work involves familiarization with the methodology for analyzing the novelty and effectiveness of the created technical proposals and includes a patent-information search in the collections of the scientific library, as well as Internet resources that allow you to conduct a patent search. The result of this work is the possibility of consolidating general and practical skills in the search for new technical solutions.
The analysis involves finding and proposing specific tools for upgrading and improving the technical characteristics of the device. The engineering analysis process consists of a number of sequential research and design operations, which are carried out in the following order:
definition of physical principles of action;
assessment of advantages and disadvantages, identification of dominant factors (most influencing the possibility of equipment functioning);
determination of operability of selected variants of devices.
The performance of the course work, the purpose of which is to improve the installation for painting cars, can be conditionally divided into three streams:
The unit shall have a high performance indicator;
the plant must be universal, since the possibility of using it will reduce the cash costs of the equipment;
must be minimal labor during repair, since productivity depends on them.
After performing the patent search, select one of the devices as a prototype and based on it we will design advanced equipment. Changes in the installation device should increase the level of bus assembly work.
The design process is carried out in the following sequence:
study of the product drawing and structure of the process operation, diagrams, characteristics and structural features of the installation;
analysis of operating conditions;
analysis of existing structures used for similar type of works;
selection of the optimal design option;
clarification and processing of the selected design version, drawing up diagrams, performing calculations of equipment elements for improved elements, which make it possible to prove the acceptability of the selected design and the principle of operation of this equipment. Graphic design of the installation.
Regulations, Patent Information Research Certificate
Patent information research is carried out on issues of abstract journals of the Russian Agency, patents and trademarks. Retrospective studies are 72 years old. A study of the information contained in these bulletins reveals countries and organizations engaged in the study of methods and methods of installing and dismantling heavy vehicle tyres.
The search regulations are a program that defines the area of research on patent and other scientific and technical information funds. To determine the subject of research, it is necessary to specify the task, that is, to substantiate the elements, parameters, properties and other characteristics that need to be improved.
The topic of this course work involves the design of a stand for mounting and dismantling the wheel tire of a heavy-duty car and a suspension for grasping the wheel. Therefore, the subject of the study in this case will be:
the device as a whole (general layout, schematic diagram);
method of process implementation;
scope of possible application.
Technical Quotation Description
The stand for mounting and dismantling the wheel tire of a heavy-duty vehicle can be improved by partially mechanizing it. In view of the fact that the stand for mounting and dismantling the tyre of a heavy-duty vehicle wheel and the suspension for catching the wheel will be used in car repair enterprises, reducing the time spent on this operation is necessary to increase productivity.
Mechanization of this process can be carried out by installing a reduction gear on the bench, which in operation can accelerate the removal process, as well as the installation of the wheel tire. Since the force applied in this operation is large, the performance of this operation by one person can slow down the total time of work.
Instead of turning the nuts in turn, the gearbox allows you to do this at the same time. Direct removal and installation of the tyre is performed by an additional set of tools supplied together with the bench.
When calculating the gearbox, it is necessary to calculate the gears taking into account that the tightening force of the nut should not exceed the required force.
As a result of the course work, an introduction was made to the methodology for analyzing the novelty and effectiveness of technical assumptions created, it included the following sections: the regulations of research on scientific and technical literature and patent information funds, the results of research on three indicators, the purpose, description of analogues selected for analysis, the justification of the prototype, recommendations for its improvement.
During the project, the engineering task was solved to improve the installation for installation and dismantling of truck wheels, which made it possible to consolidate theoretical skills in finding new technical solutions and ways to reduce material costs for the manufacture and operation of developed technological equipment. The engineering analysis involved the development of specific recommendations and proposals for the application, modification or rejection of the options under consideration, as well as their justification.
A calculation was made, during which we made sure that the developed installation complies with the accepted standards.
List of literature
Evzovich V.E., Raibman P.G. Automobile tires, discs and rims.
SP 16.13330.2011 (SNiP II2381). Steel structures.
GOST R 526272006. Bolts, screws and studs. Mechanical properties and test methods.
GOST 91502002. Metric thread. Profile. View Text
GOST 87242002. Metric thread. Diameters and steps.
GOST 247052004. Metric thread. Basic dimensions.
Gulyaev V.A. Equipment of trade and catering enterprises: full course: Textbook/V.A. Gulyaev. - M., 2002. - 543 s.
Anuryev V.I. "Handbook of the Designer of Mechanical Engineering," in three volumes; T1, T2, T3. M.: Engineering, 1980
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