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Stamping and forging of toothed bushing

  • Added: 07.04.2022
  • Size: 97 KB
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The development of a technological process consists in the selection of technological operations and the recording of their sequence corresponding to the production process. Operations of the technological process of hot volumetric stamping can be as follows:

  1. Cutting of the workpiece;
  2. Heating of the workpiece;
  3. Stamping in harvesting streams;
  4. Stamping in a rough creek;
  5. Stamping in a clear stream;
  6. Trimming the obloy;
  7. Punching the film (in the hole);
  8. Heat treatment;
  9. Quality control.

The set of operations in the manufacture of a given forging may be different.

So, for example, sometimes there is no stamping in the harvesting streams, punching the film (when there is no hole in the part), heat treatment.

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Chistovoy_ruchey_shtampa__MT-21_RGR_14 (1).cdw

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