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SMB-070 self-propellant mixer

  • Added: 06.12.2021
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 Introduction. 3

1 Rationale for the topic of the course project. 4

1.1 Purpose and scope. 4

1.2 Patent and technical analysis. 8

1.3 Description of the designed structure and its modifications. 10

1.4 Diagram of loading and unloading of the vehicle kneader . 15

1.5 Selection of prototype of the vehicle kneader . 17

2 Selection and calculation of basic parameters. 18

3 Calculation of hydraulic system of the aircraft kneader . 27

4 Calculation of the developed system . 35

4.1 Determination of the way and time of acceleration of the aircraft kneader . 35

4.2 Selection and calculation of hydro-pneumatic accumulator . 42

4.3 Calculation of braking energy used to charge the battery. 44

5 Project safety and environmental friendliness . 47

5.1 Calculation of stability of the vehicle kneader . 47

6. Recommendations for safe operation of the vehicle mixer. 50

7 Innovative strategy in the market of concrete mixers. 54

7.1 General description of MoAZ plant and its economic situation . 54

7.2 Brief History and Market Analysis of Vehicle Mixers. 55

7.3 Proposed Strategic Project. 57

7.4 Essence of innovation strategy . 58

7.5 Identification of design and operational advantages of the modernized vehicle mixer and selection of the basic option. 60

7.6 Determining the competitiveness of the new option. 61

7.7 Determination of annual operating capacity. 62

7.8 Determination of annual operating costs of the consumer . 64

7.9 Calculation of economic effect. 69

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1 Rationale of the course project theme

1.1 Purpose and Scope

1.2 Patent and Technical Analysis

1.3 Description of the designed structure and its modifications

1.4 Loading and unloading diagrams of the vehicle kneader

1.5 Selection of prototype of the vehicle kneader

2 Selection and calculation of basic parameters

3 Calculation of hydraulic system of the aircraft kneader

4 Calculation of the developed system

4.1 Determination of acceleration path and time of the aircraft kneader

4.2 Selection and calculation of hydro-pneumatic accumulator

4.3 Calculation of braking energy used to charge the battery

5 Project safety and environmental friendliness

5.1 Calculation of stability of the vehicle kneader

6. Recommendations for safe operation of the aircraft kneader

7 Innovative strategy in the market of concrete mixers

7.1 General description of MoAZ plant and its economic situation

7.2 Brief History and Market Analysis of Concrete Mixers

7.3 Proposed Strategic Project

7.4 Essence of Innovation Strategy

7.5 Identification of design and operational advantages of the retrofitted vehicle mixer and selection of the basic option

7.6 Determining the competitiveness of the new option

7.7 Determination of annual operating capacity

7.8 Determination of annual current consumer costs

7.9 Calculation of Economic Effect


Today, not a single construction site is without the services of a concrete mixer, since there is no other way to deliver concrete and construction mixtures to the object under construction. Not all plants have the opportunity to maintain a fleet of their own concrete mixers, so there are a large number of companies and individual entrepreneurs who provide concrete transportation services from the plant to the facility. Nowadays, auto-concrete mixers have so tightly and organically joined the technological process of construction that, it seems - they have always been. Now not a single little-significant object is without this device. However, less than half a century ago, the mixer on wheels was outlandish in our country.

Actually, the car mixer partly owes its birth to the appearance of a car. At the beginning of the last century, there were the first experiments on the delivery to construction facilities of a freshly prepared concrete mixture, not just in the car body, but in a special device that allows bringing this very mixture in the proper form, namely, preserving the required ductility and uniformity, which ultimately affects the strength of solidified concrete. Moreover, industrial construction methods have given impetus to the creation of automotive mixers that are able to prepare a concrete mixture during transportation from pre-detached components.

The Soviet designers who created the first concrete mixers relied on foreign experience. American machines had a great influence on domestic concrete transport equipment. Already at the beginning of the last century, the United States paid great attention to the issue of transporting concrete mixture without reducing its quality indicators.

Patent and technical analysis

The analysis of the existing designs of concrete mixers makes it possible to distinguish two main methods of driving a mixing drum:

- drive from a separate engine,

- drive from the main engine by taking a part of the power.

The main disadvantage of the drive from a separate engine is the increase in the costs of operation, maintenance and repair, since in this case the vehicle mixer has two engines. In addition, an important factor is an increase in the weight of the vehicle mixer by an amount equal to the weight of the additional engine, which is especially noticeable when the machine is in an empty state.

The advantages of the drive circuit from the main engine are its compactness compared to the version of the drive from the separate engine, the disadvantages, first of all, include a decrease in the dynamic performance of the car in the mode of mixing cement concrete mixture in the drum, since less power is transferred to the drive wheels. This disadvantage has the greatest effect during the acceleration of the vehicle, which leads to an increase in the time, acceleration path, and therefore an increase in the amount of fuel consumed.

On the basis of the above advantages and disadvantages of typical drive designs, one of the main directions of its modernization can be determined - the development and implementation of certain systems, design changes aimed at reducing energy costs, operating costs, and increasing the technical and economic indicators of vehicle kneaders.

An improvement in the dynamic characteristics of a typical vehicle mixer can be achieved using an energy recovery system, that is, a system that could store energy not used in the useful direction (for example, energy released during braking of an automobile) and give back previously stored energy during the period when it is most needed (for example, the acceleration period).

As an energy storage device, it is possible to use a hydraulic pneumatic accumulator (GPA) - a device that stores energy in the form of a liquid under a certain pressure. It is possible to charge the GAP by using part of the kinetic energy of the braking car, during the discharge of the GAP, the mixing drum will be driven during the acceleration period, which will allow using the engine power in full on the drive wheel drive, which means improving the dynamic performance of the car.

Options for the use of GPA on vehicle kneaders have not previously been worked out. At the same time, a large number of methods for using GPA as energy storage devices on other construction and road and, first of all, on earth-moving equipment were developed and patented.

Innovative strategy in the market of concrete mixers

7.1 General description of MoAZ plant and its economic situation.

Mogilev Automobile Plant named after S.M. Kirov is one of the oldest machine-building enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. The plant went into operation in 1935 as an automobile engine enterprise for the overhaul of cars and engines. In 1966, the company was renamed the Mogilev Automobile Plant for the production of automobile, construction, road and transport equipment.

At the moment, the Mogilev Automobile Plant is a legal entity and is part of the BelavtoMAZ association of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus.

The plant produces self-propelled scrapers, road trains for underground work, off-road dump trucks, frontal loaders, special. chassis, concrete mixers, garbage trucks, etc.

The main consumers of the products are mining, oil and gas, construction, road construction organizations, energy water construction organizations, large industrial enterprises of the CIS countries.

The plant is provided with qualified personnel, has significant capacity reserves.

The peculiarities of the production and economic activity of recent years are the significant expansion of the range of manufactured products and the transition to the small-scale nature of production based on the unification of parts and assemblies and the introduction of "flexible" technologies.

The main goals and objectives of promising strategic development are the production of new products, including "import substitution," improving the quality of products, and the introduction of new technologies.

7.3 Proposed Strategic Project.

The main and main task of each machine-building enterprise is to maximize profit. The increase in profit of the enterprise can be carried out mainly due to:

- increasing sales of products,

- reduction of production cost.

The cost reduction can be carried out due to the introduction of new less energy-intensive technologies for the manufacture of individual parts or assemblies, the replacement of purchased units with units of their own manufacture, but for the introduction of new technologies, huge capital investments are needed.

In this case, to increase profits, you need to increase the volume of sales of products. An increase in product sales can be achieved by creating new types of products or upgrading the old one. The easiest way to increase sales is to upgrade the product, which requires less capital investment than creating a new product or introducing new technologies and equipment.

This diploma project proposes an innovative strategy aimed at increasing the volume of sales of concrete mixers due to their modernization. The modernization of the vehicle mixer will consist in increasing its dynamic characteristics to the level of characteristics that the base car has without taking power to the drive of the mixing drum, due to structural changes in the hydraulic system. Thus, the strategy is to increase the volume of sales, the goal is to maximize the profit from the sale of concrete mixers, tactics - the modernization of the basic concrete mixer, which will increase the dynamic characteristics, reduce the cost of operating the machine.

The proposed innovative strategy aimed at increasing sales will require capital investments for the purchase of individual hydraulic equipment units. The price of the modernized vehicle mixer and the economic effect of modernization will be calculated below.

7.4 Essence of innovation strategy.

One of the ways to win markets and increase the volume of sales of concrete mixers, and, therefore, improve the financial condition of the enterprise, is to develop an innovative strategy. Industrialized countries, which have made innovation a priority for development, are leading the world in all indicators of economic development.

Innovation is the end result of the introduction of innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain economic, social, scientific, environmental or other type of effect.

Innovation is the formalized result of fundamental, applied, research, development or experimental work in any area of ​ ​ activity to increase its effectiveness. Innovations can take the form of: discoveries; inventions; patents; trademarks; rationalization proposals; documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process, etc.

Currently, three types of innovation are distinguished: product innovation, technology innovation, social innovation.

The first type is the process of updating the sales potential of the enterprise, ensuring its survival, increasing the amount of profit received, expanding market share, preserving the clientele, etc.

The second type is the process of updating production capacity, aimed at increasing labor productivity and saving energy, raw materials and other resources, which in turn makes it possible to increase the volume of profits.

The last type of innovation activity of the enterprise is a general process of systematic improvement of the humanitarian sphere of the enterprise. The application of such innovations increases opportunities in the labor market, mobilizes staff to achieve the goals set, and strengthens confidence in the social obligations of the enterprise to employees and society as a whole.

All innovative activities of the enterprise are based on the development of the concept of a new product.

The concept of a new product is understood as a scientifically sound and based on the practice of marketing activities detailed idea not only of the product itself, its consumer characteristics, life cycle, market potential, but also of external factors and conditions that largely determine the market success and failure of the new product.

The concept of the goods is based on the fact that the new goods should meet the needs that will be formed by the time the goods enter the market. It is important to comply with two conceptual conditions: to predict and actively form new needs; reduce the time between the idea and the release of a new product on the market. The main focus of the concept is not production issues (although they are very important), but demand forecasting.

A separate place in the concept is occupied by the positioning of the goods - a system for determining the place of a new goods on the market among other goods already located there, taking into account the nature of consumer perception of all competing goods. The purpose of positioning is to help potential buyers select this product from among its rival counterparts on any basis and give it preference when buying .

The existence of carefully designed and consistently implemented concepts allows for the development of forward-looking action strategies, aimed and effective use of research, production, marketing opportunities, as well as targeted operational activities.

7.5 Identification of design and operational advantages of the modernized vehicle mixer and selection of the basic option.

In accordance with the topic of the diploma project, an energy recovery system has been developed that allows increasing the dynamic parameters of the vehicle mixer. The system includes a set of hydraulic elements designed to convert kinetic energy of braking into energy of liquid under pressure, as well as to drive the mixing drum at the moment of acceleration, and automatic sensors designed to control the moments of beginning of charging and discharging of the hydraulic pneumatic accumulator.

The application of this system will allow:

- increase dynamic characteristics of the vehicle kneader;

- reduce the load on the brake pads of the car, and, therefore, increase their service life;

- Improve traffic safety by reducing time and overtaking;

- reduce fuel costs.

In order to determine the economic effect, the following options are used as the compared versions of the concrete mixers:

- as a new option - the car kneader under development on the basis of the car kneader SMB 070 produced by the Mogilev Automobile Plant, with the hydraulic drive of the mixing drum with the energy recovery system.

- as a basic option - the ABS-6 vehicle mixer on the MAZ 63035 chassis manufactured by the KOMZExport plant (KamenskShakhtinsky, Russia), with a mixing drum drive from an autonomous engine.

The basic version has dynamic characteristics achieved in the new version using the developed system.

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