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Course project on the topic "Cylindrical single-stage gearbox"


Exchange rate scope 1. Pick up the electric motor. 2. Perform kinematic calculation of the drive. 3. Perform power calculation of the drive. 4. Calculate closed spur gear. 5. Design calculations of gear box shafts. 6. Define the gear and wheel design dimensions. 7. Determine the design dimensions of the gearbox housing. 8. Select rolling bearings. 9. Perform the first stage of gearbox sketching on millimeter paper at scale 1:1. 10. Calculate rolling bearings. 11. Select and justify methods of lubrication of gear and bearings. 12. Select and calculate keys for connection of wheels with shafts. 13. Perform the second stage of gearbox sketching. 14. Draw the gearbox assembly drawing on A1 sheet. 15. Create a BOM.

Project's Content

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icon Содержание-ТС-206.doc

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1 Electric motor selection

2 Kinematic and power calculation of the drive

3 Gearbox Gear Calculation

4 Preliminary calculation of gear box shafts

5 Structural dimensions of gears

6 Structural dimensions of the gearbox housing and cover

7 Gearbox sketch layout

8 Serviceability check of bearings

9 Strength calculation of key joints

10 Refined shaft calculation

11 Selection of lubricant and gearbox assembly

12 List of sources used


The development of modern science and technology is inextricably linked to the creation of new machines that increase productivity and facilitate the work of people. Man-made machines can control production and other processes through certain pre-designed programs. The machines to be created must meet numerous requirements that are in conflict: for example, minimum dynamic loading must be combined with speed, sufficient reliability and durability must be provided with minimum dimensions and weight. Such a study of methods of ensuring the requirements of efficiency, quality and economy is distributed among general engineering and special educational disciplines.

Due to the increase in the productivity of machines and the speed of their individual organs, as well as due to the requirements for high quality of products, a person began to experience insurmountable difficulties in controlling machines, monitoring technological processes performed by machines and so on. Previously, non-technological designs can become quite technological, in the conditions of flexible automated equipment with numerical software, they require answers to many questions in their solution. Among a number of solutions, a certain place is given to those that can be obtained using the main methods of designing mechanisms and machines studied by students in the academic discipline "Machine Details."

The main goal of course design is to instill the skills to use common design methods and research mechanisms to create specific machines and devices of various purposes. The student must learn to perform calculations using both analytical and graphical methods of solving engineering problems at different stages of preparation of design documentation, while working with existing standards and normals, reference literature and acquiring skills in using them when choosing the design and dimensions of a part.

Drawings content

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