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Single bucket excavator EO 2621


In Ukrainian. There is a note and a hydraulic diagram

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Additional information



1. Vibrator type - analogue

2. Textor Opis - analogue

3. Rozrakhunok forces rizannya i copannya ґruntu bucket

3.1 Viznachennya of a glibina r_zannya to a _runt ladle teeth

3.2 Rozrakhunok of rizannya and copannya forces ґruntu

4. Roserachunok zubiv ladle for a minute

5. Roserachunok optimal hour of robot teeth of the excavator

List of vikoristanoї literaturi


Ekskavatori z g_dravl_chny drive nazivayutsya excavators _z zhorstka p_dv_ska of robochy body. Pidviska to the Zhorstoy volume, it is possible to f nazivaєtsya ksuvati all the elements of the roadblock in the expanse. In g_dravl_chny excavators priv_d robochy, running і rotary obladnannya that _nshy agregat_v vikonu¾tsya behind a dopomoga g_drotsil_ndr_v і g_dromotor_v.

Konstruktivnok_nematichna the scheme robochy obladnannya g_dravl_chny ekskavator_v to a zabezpech є a zhorstka transfer zusil at budyaky rus_ a ladle, shcho stvoryu є osobliv_ umov for the yogi the robot - tochn_st that mozhliv_st zm_n shvidkost_ that to a napryamk to Rukh, nedosyazhny at rope systems keruvannya. Zavdyaki tsyy zabezpechu¾tsya bezposerednya d_ya to the drive on vikonavch_ body of the excavator without zastosuvannya folding mekhan_chny transm_s_y z couplings, galma, reducers, transmissions, yak_ vimagayut folding keruvannya. Vs_ ts_ element zam_nyuyutsya pipelines, yak_ give v_d nasos_v a robocha to a r_din at vikonavch_ roboch_ tsil_ndr, rods yaky d_yut through prost_ vazh_ln_ a system on roboch_ body. Skladne to a silova keruvannya mekhan_chny transfers at tsyy zam_nyu¾tsya a lung keruvannyam valve cores. However, in these mechanisms, in the yaky necessary viscounuvati brought to the ruins of the leading wheels and zirochok of the running possessed, rotary platforms she is lean, chastkovo zber_gayutsya zubchast_ transfers і, Alya k_lk_st §kh a neznachna і in ostann_kh models ekskavator_v zmenshu¾tsya for a rakhunok zastosuvannya motorkol_s, visokomomentny dvigun_v і other Shche odn і є yu _z relevers g_dravl_chny ekskavator_v є mozhliv_st-place zb_lshennya zusil on ladle teeth, yak_ in serednyy in 3...4 strike perevishchuyut tsy a pokaznik for mekhan_chny ekskavator_v of taka ї Masya і potuzhnost_.

G_dravl_chn_ ekskavatori, por_vnyano z mekhan_chny, mayut znachno to a b_lsh k_lk_st zm_nny a robosneeze organ_v - to dvokh desyatk_v. By the new working organs of the є straight and horn shovels and grapher.

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