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Roll and Pack Machine - Drawings

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Roller-packing machine with replaceable loading tool of grab type based on TT-4 tractor with detailed calculation of grab grip, position of gravity centers and drawings

Project's Content

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icon курсовой проект.docx
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icon Титульник.doc
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Additional information



1 Terms of Reference

2 Arrangement of forest machine

2.2 Calculation of machine process forces

2.2.1 Lifting of wood gripping by manipulator gripper

2.2.2 Rotation of wood roll-and-pack machine

2.2.3 Calculation of the center of gravity of the machine

2.2.4 Calculation of loads on propeller support elements

2.2.5 Calculation of forest machine stability

3 Calculation of gripper

3.1 Power calculation of gripper

3.1 Power calculation of gripper

3.2 Strength calculation of gripping device

3.2.1 Calculation of grip hinge axis

3.2.2 Thrust calculation

3.2.3 Claw calculation

3.2.4 Calculation of grip cross-arm

3.3 Calculation of grip welds

4 Calculation of main parameters of hydraulic motor

4.1 Determination of hydraulic motor working volume

4.2 Engine hourly flow rate

4.3 Determination of rotor torque

Conclusion. List of literature used


The increase in productivity in forestry is largely due to the increased level of use and improvement of existing ones, as well as the creation of new technologies. Caterpillar timber tractors equipped with various equipment have been widely used in many countries with a developed logging industry. This was facilitated by such advantages of tractors, high cross-country ability,. The use of special machines and differentials allows you to create machines whose cross-country capability is close to caterpillar machines.

Tracked tractors created on the basis of the LD19 are comfortable, high-performance. However, they have complex units and systems and make a high requirement for proper technical and productive operation, the choice of rational operating conditions for them.

This course design considers the structures and characteristics of existing loading machines, and developed a machine that meets the conditions of the task as much as possible.

Drawings content

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Лист 1.cdw

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