Reconfiguration of overhead power lines

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Rearrangement of overhead power transmission line foundations
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Content of the text part
1 Information on topographic, engineering-geological, hydrogeological, meteorological and climatic conditions of the land plot provided for the location of the capital construction facility
2 Information on special natural and climatic conditions of the land plot provided for the location of a linear object (seismicity, frozen soils, hazardous geological processes, etc.)
3 Information on strength and deformation characteristics of soil at the base of linear object
4 Information on groundwater level, their chemical composition, aggressiveness to materials of products and structures of underground part of linear object
5 Structural and space-planning solutions
List of regulatory and technical documentation
Information on topographic, engineering, hydrogeological, meteorological and climatic conditions of the land plot provided for the location of the capital construction facility
Section "Technological and structural solutions of linear object. Artificial structures "as part of the design documentation for the object" VL6kV + KTPN6/0.4kV for power supply of the MKNS stables in the area of k.10 of the East Perevalny field "was developed on the basis of:
- tasks No. 1813 for design, approved by the First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of Kogalymneftegaz CCI R.E. Zamerlov in 2018;
- engineering survey materials performed by NIPI UGNTU LLC in August-November 2019.
LLC "Research and Design Institute of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University" has the right to carry out design work on the basis of membership in ASRO "Bashkir Society of Architects and Designers" (Registration number of a member in the register of SRO ASRO "BOAP" and the date of its registration in Unified Register No. SROPB0262 dated 07.11.2014), which is confirmed by members of the Register.
Administratively, the site of work is located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, in the Surgut district, Vostochny-Perevalnoye field.
The East Perevalnoe oil and gas field is located on the border of the Surgut district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the Nadym district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Tyumen Region of the Russian Federation, 70 km North-West of the Kholmogorskoye field and 235 km North of Surgut. The nearest settlements are: the city of Muravlenko, located northeast of the field, the city of Noyabrsk, located east of the field, the village of Russkinskaya, located southeast of the field. The anthropogenic impact on the natural and geological environment is associated with the construction and operation of linear and area structures, which is manifested in damage and destruction of the soil and plant layer, violation of the integrity of the relief. It is part of the Surgut oil and gas region of the Sredneobsk oil and gas region.
Geomorphologically, the area of work is located within the upper Neopleistocene lake-alluvial plain with elevation angles of not more than 1.5 degrees. The plain is characterized by a slight variation in heights, the absolute surface elevations vary from 60 to 70 m.
Quaternary deposits are represented by clay rocks, sands of various sizes of lake, lake-alluvial origin, organic, man-made soils.
The flat relief, the spread of water-resistant clay rocks, the excess of precipitation over evaporation led to the widespread development of swamps in the region. Most forests are swampy. Swamps are of the type of open top type. The average capacity of peat deposits ranges from 0.5 to 4.0 m.
Lakes and swamps are separated by narrow beds 2-5 to 10-90 m wide. The excess ridge over the lowlands is insignificant and amounts to 0.5-1.0 m.
The transport network is represented by a network inside hardened field roads, as well as field roads and winters used to deliver goods during the construction of various facilities and drilling exploration wells at the field.
Sources of man-made environmental impact within the field are represented by three classes: area (cluster sites, technological facilities, quarries, drilling sites), linear (roads, pipelines and power lines) and point (oil and water spills).
Among the factors of man-made influence on the natural environment, oil field development plays a leading role. The field is an industrial oil production facility. Almost all oilfield facilities during their construction and operation carry a potential threat of violation of the natural state of surface watercourses and reservoirs, which are the most vulnerable ecosystem.
The technological impact in the survey area is constantly increasing. During the construction process, the integrity of the surface layer of soils is violated, the destruction of vegetation soils, an increase in the power of the seasonal freezing layer, the creation of obstacles to runoff, a change in runoff volumes, the formation of overwetted areas and specific soils, the removal of alluvium from the territory of the floodplain and river bed. The area of the field is equipped with intramural dirt roads, communication is carried out by wheeled vehicles. The duration of the adverse period is 8.5 months.
In tectonic terms, the survey area is confined to the central part of the North Ural structure, the northwestern section of the West Siberian Plate, which is a young complex of the Earth's crust, consisting of a proterozoic-Paleozoic foundation and a sedimentary cover composed of terrigenous formations from Permskotriassic to Paleogene age and Mesozoic sediments.
In the geological structure of the survey area up to the investigated depth of 15.0 m, upper-quaternary lake-alluvial modern swamp deposits take part.
The upper-quaternary lake-alluvial deposits are represented by clay soils and fine sands.
Modern swamp deposits are represented by medium-lying and slightly decomposed peat.
Conditions of occurrence and propagation of lithological differences of soils are given on engineering-geological profiles and columns.
The area under investigation is not seismically hazardous. The seismicity of the survey area in accordance with the map of the total seismic zoning of OSR2015 and SP 14.13330.2018 is less than 6 points.
In accordance with SP 131.13330.2018, the territory of the survey site for the recommended climatic division of the territory of the Russian Federation for construction is located in the 1D district.
The geographical location of the territory determines its climatic characteristics. The most important factors in climate formation are the western transfer of air masses and the influence of the continent. The interaction of two opposite factors gives the circulation of the atmosphere over the territory under consideration a rapid change of cyclones and anticyclones, contributes to frequent weather changes and strong winds. In addition, fencing from the west by the Ural Mountains, the insecurity of the territory from the north and south has a significant impact on climate formation. Meridional circulation is carried out over the territory, as a result of which cold and warm air masses periodically change, which causes sharp transitions from heat to cold.
The climate of this area is sharply continental. Winter is harsh, cold and long. Summer is short, warm. Short transitional seasons - autumn and spring. Late spring and early autumn frosts, sharp temperature fluctuations during the year and even a day are observed.
The geographical location of the territory determines its climatic characteristics. The most important factors in climate formation are the western transfer of air masses and the influence of the continent. The interaction of two opposite factors gives the circulation of the atmosphere over the territory under consideration a rapid change of cyclones and anticyclones, contributes to frequent weather changes and strong winds. Due to the fencing from the west by the Ural Mountains and insecurity from the north and south, meridional circulation is carried out over the territory, as a result of which cold and warm air masses periodically change, which causes sharp transitions from heat to cold.
The average annual air temperature is minus 3.9 ° C, the average monthly air temperature of the coldest month of January is minus 23.3 ° C, and the hottest July is plus 17.2 ° C.
The wind regime throughout the year is developed depending on circulation factors and local conditions. Local conditions have a significant impact on the wind direction in individual points: irregularities in the relief, the direction of river valleys, and various obstacles. The predominant direction of winds during the warm period of the year is the northerly winds. The predominant direction of winds during the cold period of the year is the winds of the southwestern direction.
In the area of work, such dangerous meteorological phenomena as heavy precipitation, frosts, squally winds and thunderstorms are possible.
According to SP 131.13330.2018 (Figure 1, Table A.1), the climatic construction subdistrict for the survey area is I D.
According to SP 131.13330.2018, the survey area belongs to the normal humidity zone - 2.
According to SP 20.13330.2016, the area by weight of snow cover is V (2.5 kPa).
According to SP 20.13330.2016, the wind pressure area is I (0.23 kPa).
According to SP 14.13330.2018, the territory belongs to a seismically non-active zone.
The area of wind pressure surveys refers to the II district with a value of 500 Pa (map 2.5.1 of PUE7).
Ice wall thickness survey area shall refer to III area with value of 20 mm (map 2.5.2 of PUE7).
The survey area for the average annual duration of thunderstorms in hours belongs to the area with the duration of thunderstorms from 40 to 60 hours (map 2.5.3 of PUE7).
The estimated wind speed, possible once every 5 years (according to PUE7), at an altitude of 10 m is 24 m/s.
The hydrographic network of the district belongs to the AyNyatlongayagun river basin. Rivers are typical taiga with a small slope of the longitudinal profile. Slow flow and weak runoff caused a strong swampiness of floodplain areas. By the nature of the water regime, watercourses belong to the rivers of the spring-summer flood with floods in the warm season. There are numerous lakes on the area of the East Perevalny deposit.
Summer low water usually occurs in early to mid-July. Often precipitation causes quite high levels in the summer autumn period. At the end of September, levels tend to increase. During the summer fall, there are no cases of cessation of runoff on large and medium rivers.
Spring flood on small watercourses begins in the third decade of April.
Maximum flood levels, which are also the highest annual, are observed for 1-5 days in mid-May. On watercourses, the flow of which is regulated by lakes, they come 5-7 days later.
A large number of intramural lakes are located on the territory under consideration. Most of them are water-free, that is, they do not have a drain through an open river network. These are small lakes with an area of less than 1 km2. Dryless lakes account for up to 90% of the total, flowing 510%.
Unlike small lakes, medium and large intramural lakes, as a rule, are interconnected by streams and channels. Some of them operate only during the period of high water levels on the lakes, i.e. in the spring flood. In dry periods, these watercourses dry up.
The main source of lake power on swamp systems is snow reserves in the lake in combination with filtration feeding by swamp waters.
The abundance of precipitation, the general plain of the relief, the presence of flat watersheds cause a large swampiness of the territory (5080%). Due to the flat terrain of the inter-river regions, the total swampiness of the territory under consideration is closely dependent on the ratio of the elements of the water balance: precipitation and evaporation.
Swamps in their structure are a huge, complex, but unified in structure, system of swamp massifs occupying large areas of watershed spaces.
Basically, the marshes are covered with shrubs and sphagnum mosses, the most convex sections of the marshes are covered with pine forest.
Swamps mainly redistribute runoff, accumulate runoff in the spring period then, gradually, give it over the remaining time, runoff is carried out by dispersed filtration flow in the active horizon towards the greatest slope. Swamp waters feed on intramural lakes, streams, as well as marginal overwetted areas through which groundwater is redistributed to dry areas.
In the tops and on the mochazhins of the bedding complex in the spring, water stands above the surface of the swamp. The rise of the level is about 1020 cm. In multi-water years, in the event of the formation of a snow plug in narrow areas of the relief and the inability to drain meltwater, the rise of the level can be up to 90 cm or more.
Information on the special natural and climatic conditions of the land plot provided for the location of the linear object (seismicity, frozen soils, hazardous geological processes, etc.)
According to climatic conditions, the area is equated to the Far North.
Modern physical and geological processes taking place on the territory are represented by cryogenic phenomena, frosty bulging, waterlogging and the flooding process. The consequence of human economic activity is the emergence, resumption or strengthening of these processes in certain areas.
The construction of objects leads to violation of heat exchange conditions on the surface of soils and in soils, to deformation of the surface and destruction of the microrelief. Soil and vegetation cover is disturbed or destroyed, snow accumulation conditions, direction of groundwater runoff, redistribution of surface runoff change, soil density and humidity change.
The survey area is located in the zone of seasonal freezing of soils. The processes of seasonal freezing of rocks in the area of work are ubiquitous. Seasonal freezing begins with the transition of the average daily air temperature through 0 ° C to the area of negative values. Freezing earlier begins on mineral soils deprived of soil cover. The depth of freezing is mainly due to the lithological composition of the surface layer, its pre-winter humidity, as well as the mode of snow accumulation. On bare, raised surfaces, from where the snow is blown away by the wind, freezing goes faster, in watered downs - slower.
Standard depth of seasonal ground freezing is determined according to item 5.5.3
SP 22.13330.2016 and SP 25.13330.2012: for small sands - 2.70 m, loam - 2.20 m, peat - 1.0 m.
The area under investigation is not seismically hazardous. The seismicity of the survey area in accordance with the map of the total seismic zoning of OSR2015 and SP 14.13330.2018 is less than 6 points.
Information on strength and deformation characteristics of soil at the base of linear object
The determination of the physical and mechanical properties of undisturbed and disturbed addition soils was carried out by employees of the laboratory of the Center for Geocryology of Moscow State University LLC.
According to the nomenclature of soil according to GOST 251002011, their physical properties and requirements of GOST 205222012, 5 engineering-geological elements are identified in the section.
EGE-2g - Peat slightly decomposed is opened from the surface to a depth of 0.5-1.1 m. According to the degree of frosty puffiness, soils are excessive. Construction group of soil as per HESN200101, Table 11, No. 37a.
EGE-2b - Mid-decayed peat is opened from the surface and slightly decayed under peat. The thickness of the layer is 0.4-4.0 m. According to the degree of frosty puffiness, soils are excessive. Construction group of soil as per HESN200101, Table 11, No. 37a.
EGE-3 - Medium-density fine sand is found at a depth of 1.5-14.0 m. The thickness of the layer varies from 1.0 to 7.5 m. According to the degree of frost puffiness, soils belong to weakly pubescent. Construction group of soil as per HESN200101, Table 11, No. 29a.
EGE-4 - Soft-plastic loam opened at a depth of 7,011,5 m. The thickness of the layer is 2.5 - 4.7 m. The construction soil group according to HESN200101, Table 11, No. 35a.
EGE-5 - Refractory loam is opened at a depth of 0.2-10.4 m. The thickness of the layer is 1.0-11.3 m. According to the degree of frosty puffiness, soils belong to medium-peaked. Construction group of soil as per HESN200101, Table 11, No. 35b.
Private values of physical characteristics of soil are given in Section 0718UGNTU00000IGI.
Information on groundwater level, their chemical composition, aggressiveness to materials of products and structures of underground part of linear object
In hydrogeological terms, the studied territory belongs to the West Siberian artesian basin. Hydrogeological conditions of the region are characterized by the presence of groundwater of fluvioglacial, lake-alluvial deposits.
Hydrogeological conditions of the survey site are characterized by the presence of groundwater and swamp-type waters. Groundwater of the groundwater type is opened from depths of 1.514.0 m, swamp water levels are opened at depths of 0.0-0.1 m.
Water-containing rocks are peat and fine sands.
According to the results of chemical analysis, groundwater is very fresh hydrocarbonate-sodium.
On pH indicator - reaction of underground water not trawl (in size pH of V.E. Posokhov).
According to the general rigidity, the groundwater is very soft (according to O.A. Alekin).
In terms of bicarbonate alkalinity, groundwater with respect to W4, W6, W8 concrete is non-aggressive, according to SP 28.13330.2017 (Table B.3).
According to the hydrogen indicator, groundwater with respect to concrete of W4 -W6, W8 grade is non-aggressive, according to SP 28.13330.2017 (Table B.3).
In terms of the content of aggressive carbon dioxide, groundwater in relation to W4, W6, W8 concrete is non-aggressive, according to SP 28.13330.2017 (Table B.3).
In terms of chloride content, underground water is non-aggressive with respect to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures with the thickness of the protective layer of concrete of 20 mm and concrete grade W6W8, according to SP 28.13330.2017 (Table G.1).
Extent of aggressive impact of underground waters on metal designs sredneagressivny, according to the joint venture 28.13330.2017 (table X.3).
The distribution of groundwater horizons in depth and the lithological composition of water-containing sediments is shown on engineering and geological profiles.
According to the criteria for the typification of territories by flooding (Appendix I, SP 1110597, part 2), the area of work refers to:
- to flooded areas under natural conditions (I-A).
The main reason for the possible rise in the level of groundwater should be considered the infiltration of intense atmospheric precipitation in the spring-autumn period, insufficiently organized surface runoff and man-made leaks from underground water-carrying communications.
Filtration coefficient for fine sands is determined from laboratory data and is 2.95 m/day. For loam, the filtration coefficient is 0.0120.059 mt, for peat 0.02 mt (according to previous surveys).
Hydrogeological conditions and composition of groundwater can change as a result of vertical planning of the area and development of the territory. The degree of mineralization and the chemical composition of groundwater can vary significantly due to the ingress of industrial and wastewater into them. As a result, previously non-aggressive waters can become aggressive after the development of the territory, which should be taken into account when designing.
List of measures to protect building structures and foundations from destruction
Protection of building structures against corrosion is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 28.13330.2012. Preparation of steel structures surfaces before painting shall include blunting of sharp edges, removal of burrs, welding splashes, cleaning of oxides and fat contaminants.
Surfaces of metal structures in contact with the soil shall have the 2nd degree of purification from oxides as per GOST 9.4022004 and the 1st degree of degreasing.
Metal structures, welds located in the open air, shall be protected by the coating system: the first layer - primer (layer thickness - at least 100 μm), the second layer - enamel (layer thickness - at least 60 μm).
Anticorrosion protection of the side surface of metal piles is performed to a height of 0.3 m above the ground surface and to a depth of sand soil by application of two layers of organosilicon enamel.
The internal cavity of metal piles, to prevent corrosion inside the pile, after clogging, is filled with a dry cement sand mixture of 1:8 composition on a M100 cement binder.
Perform works according to the instructions of SP 45.13330.2017, SP 70.13330.2012, SNiP 12032001, SNiP 12042002, Federal Law No. 123FZ; MDS 531.2001.
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