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Thermal and dynamic calculation of the ship's ICE grade 6 CHN 21/19

  • Added: 12.01.2017
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In this project, the thermal and dynamic calculation of the ship's diesel engine 6 CHN 21/29 is carried out. Calculation of filling, compression, combustion and expansion process is performed. The engine indicator and effective parameters were determined, as well as an approximate calculation for the strength of the main ICE parts. The course design contains 45 sheets of explanatory note, specification for the engine, 4 sheets of the graphic part of the format (2xA1; 2xA2), namely: cross section of the diesel engine (VO), graphs to engine calculations (a1), fuel system diagram (A2), cooling system diagram (A2). Input for course design: Engine power, Ne (kW) = 980 Engine speed, n (rpm) = 900 Pressurization pressure, pk (MPa) = 0.28 Compression ratio, E = 14.8

Project's Content

icon sis_topliva_v14.cdw
icon Skhema_sistemy_okhlazhdenia_dizelya.cdw
icon Specification.DOC
icon Specif_1.xls
icon графики.cdw
icon Дизель 6 ЧН 21 29.cdw
icon Дизель 6 ЧН 21 29.cdw.bak
icon кп пз final 97.doc

Additional information


Assignment to CP

Kinematic and schematic diagrams of four-stroke ICE

Diesel Design Description

Thermal calculation of the working cycle of the ship's ICE

Source Data

Calculation of filling process

Compressing Process Calculation

Calculation of combustion process

Calculation of the expansion process

Engine indicators and performance

Calculation of air compressor parameters

Calculation of gas turbine parameters

Building an Indicator Chart

Plotting in p-V Coordinates

Plotting in the coordinates p-¼

Pie diagram of gas distribution phases

4. Dynamic calculation of KSM

4.1 Dynamic KSM model

4.2 Calculation of forces operating in KSM

4.3 Calculation of incoming and total moments on the main necks. shaft

4.4 Uneven rotation of elbows. shaft. Flywheel Calculation

4.5. Calculation and construction of vector diagrams of loads on journals and bearings

5. Approximate calculation of the strength of the main elements of the engine structure

5.1. Calculation of connecting rod

5.1.1. Calculation of piston head of connecting rod

5.1.2. Calculation of connecting rod rod

5.1.3 Calculation of connecting rod crank head

5.1.4. Calculation of connecting rod bolts

5.2. Crankshaft calculation by Register formulas

List of literature

Drawings content

icon sis_topliva_v14.cdw


icon Skhema_sistemy_okhlazhdenia_dizelya.cdw


icon графики.cdw


icon Дизель 6 ЧН 21 29.cdw

Дизель 6 ЧН 21 29.cdw