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Project of hydraulic impactor based on T-170 - drawing

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Diploma with note, drawings and specifications

Project's Content

icon Г.ударник Т-170.cdw
icon Классификация рыхлителей.cdw
icon Кронштейн.cdw
icon ОБЩИЙ ВИД.cdw
icon Рыхлители патентный обзор.cdw
icon Рыхлительное оборудованиеT-170.cdw
icon Схема гидравлическая1.cdw
icon Технология изготовления фланца.cdw
icon Технология изготовления фланца1.cdw
icon Экономика.cdw
icon БЖД готовый.doc
icon Пояснительная записка готовая.doc
icon Расчёт экономической эффективности готовый.doc
icon Технологический раздел готовый.doc
icon ЭКОНОМИКА.docx
icon Спец. кронштейн.cdw
icon Спецификация 1.cdw
icon Спецификация 2.cdw
icon Спецификация к рых обор-ю.cdw
icon Экспликация.doc

Additional information


In our time, one of the most effective methods of destroying frozen soils is the mechanical method using mounted tractor rippers. The productivity of loosening units depends to a large extent on the psychophysiological characteristics of the operator, his experience and qualifications, and the subjective assessment of the working process, the slow reaction of a person to rapidly changing situations do not allow to fully use the power and traction qualities of the machine.

The total spontaneous change in the loosening depth, resulting from elastic deformations of the suspension of running equipment and hydraulic system elements, inhomogeneity of the developed soil and changing terrain, can reach 1 m, this leads not only to significant dynamic loads in the transmission elements of the base machine and working equipment, which degrades the technical and economic characteristics of the loosener, but also leads to the formation of an uneven surface making it difficult to clean loose ground. All this reduces the efficiency of loosening frozen soils.

The ever-increasing development of frozen soils in our country requires the use of high-performance and economical methods of earthworks.

Currently, various methods for the development of frozen soils are used. However, the use of methods such as steam thawing, needle thawing, filtration drainage, thawing of eternal frozen soils by sprinkling, with the help of steam, heated water and electricity, followed by the development of soil by bulldozers, excavators and staplers make the process of developing frozen soils very difficult and expensive. The use of the drilling and blasting method, chain and rotary excavators is also impractical and economically disadvantageous due to their low productivity and high cost of soil being developed.

The most effective method of destroying frozen soils is horizontal layer-by-layer loosening by mounted tractor looseners, since the separation of soil chips from the massif in the direction of the open surface is the least energy-intensive method.

The soil loosened by them has a uniform composition and is evenly distributed along the site, this allows you to use high-performance machines such as bulldozers, loaders, staplers in a kit with a loosener for cleaning the ground.

The most economically profitable use of rippers in large areas, the use of rippers reduces the cost of work compared to drilling and blasting by 2-3 times, and sometimes by 510 times/14/.

The purpose of the work is to modernize the ripping equipment to the T170 tractor to increase the productivity of its work and the possibility of its application on category VI soils. To do this, it is necessary to select the main parameters of the ripping equipment, select the percussion device and calculate it, develop the structure of the ripper frame, perform traction calculation, and conclude about the work performed.

In our country, rippers began to appear in the early sixties, when traction-class tractors of 100150 kN were created.

Rippers are installed on tractors with a power plant from 20 to 700 kW. In some cases, dual tractors are used. The obvious tendency to increase the power of basic tractor machines is explained by the fact that it is necessary to expand the field of application of rippers and increase their productivity in the development of frozen soils and rocks.

Rationale for the project theme

1.1 Purpose and scope of the designed article

Of the total volume of earthworks carried out at construction, some have to be carried out under conditions of negative temperatures, when the strength of frozen soil is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the strength of non-frozen soil.

Due to the fact that about half of the territory of Russia is occupied by permafrost soils, and on a significant part of the country the upper part of the soil freezes from 0.8 to 3 m., 800 million m of 3 frozen soil are annually developed in Russia. Proper planning of construction work can significantly reduce the labor burden of unproductive earthworks. However, many years of experience suggests that approximately 1015% of the total volume of earthworks is carried out in a frozen state and takes on about half of the costs of the entire annual volume of earthworks.

To facilitate the development of soil in winter conditions, the following measures are practiced: protecting soils from freezing (insulation, preliminary autumn surface tillage of soil, chemical treatment), thawing of soil before development (steam heating, electric heating, flame heating, etc.), tillage of frozen soil in various ways to facilitate its excavation (mechanical, explosion, thermal, electric combined).

The least energy-intensive and most versatile ways to develop frozen soil are mechanical.

The active action loosener developed in this work is designed for horizontal layer-by-layer loosening of soil of category VI (loam) using the basic tractor T170, which allows increasing the productivity of work on the development of frozen soils.

Drawings content

icon Г.ударник Т-170.cdw

Г.ударник Т-170.cdw

icon Классификация рыхлителей.cdw

Классификация рыхлителей.cdw

icon Кронштейн.cdw


icon ОБЩИЙ ВИД.cdw


icon Рыхлители патентный обзор.cdw

Рыхлители патентный обзор.cdw

icon Рыхлительное оборудованиеT-170.cdw

Рыхлительное оборудованиеT-170.cdw

icon Схема гидравлическая1.cdw

Схема гидравлическая1.cdw

icon Технология изготовления фланца.cdw

Технология изготовления фланца.cdw

icon Экономика.cdw


icon Спец. кронштейн.cdw

Спец. кронштейн.cdw

icon Спецификация 1.cdw

Спецификация 1.cdw

icon Спецификация 2.cdw

Спецификация 2.cdw

icon Спецификация к рых обор-ю.cdw

Спецификация к рых обор-ю.cdw
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